Autumn 2013 Manifestos
Here are the manifestos for the accepted candidates in the Autumn Elections 2013.

If you’re unsatisfied with the promises and rhetoric contained in each candidates’ wonderful prose, you’ll luckily have the chance to grill them in person at one of the two Heckling/Hustings Meetings.
Choose a candidate below to see the manifesto:
Ilian Mitev
Before University I was the President of my school’s Student Body representing 3000+ international students in numerous committees, liaising with the school authorities.
Last year, I was a Present Student Member in the GUU Board of Management taking on the task of diversifying and caring for the membership. As such I ran the International Fair and Adopt-A-Fresher, which were aimed at diversifying the Union. I also took the initiative of setting up the Union’s Sexual Health strategy.
This year, I am the Honorary Secretary of the Dialectic Society, helping voice the diverse opinions on campus. I also have been helping with the organisation of the Welfare Week Debate and will be helping run this year’s GU International Women’s Week.
With diversity comes a need for equality and Glasgow University has a very age diverse population. To address that I promise:
- To work closely with the Mature Student groups on campus, making sure they are adequately equipped and advertised.
- To promote alcohol-free events on campus responsive to the needs of underage students.
- To promote the inclusion of these two groups on campus.
Please vote Ilian #1 SRC Age Equality Officer!
Julia Fyfe
Hi, I’m Julia Fyfe a 5th year Statistics student and I’m running for the position of Age Equality Officer. I have sat on the SRC Council for the last two years as School Representative and College Convenor and would like to be able to take skills I have gained from Council and apply these to the role of Age Equality Officer. Having also been a SRC Freshers Helper for the last 3 years I have a vast range of knowledge about the SRC and what we can provide to every student on campus. Having spent the last year on a work placement in industry I have the ability to effectively communicate with people of all ages.
My overall goal if elected would be to make sure all students are fairly represented on the council and gain the most out of their university experience. I would aim to
- Interact with the Mature Students Association to increase communication and inform the Council of their points of view
- Communicate with Students under the age of 18, some of whom may struggle with some aspects of starting university
- Provide support to students with children in conjunction with the nursery
Thank you for your consideration.
Kay Foulkes
I’m Kay, a first year mature student studying Law and French, and I am seeking your vote for the position of Age Equality Officer.
I bring almost a decade as an Immigration and Human Rights Lawyer for the Home Office, where I was also a representative for a national equalities network and a local Equality and Diversity Adviser. I am back at university looking to get a relevant qualification to go with my extensive experience.
Additionally I am a member of the Mature Students Association, something that has not always been the case with the Age Equality Officer. However in this post I will be there to represent students of all ages and bring experience of working closely with young people as a Scout Leader.
In the role I will work closely with students and student organisations to address the issues important to them, in particular those who are under 18 or over 21 who might not feel fully represented by other groups within the university.
So please, vote for me if you want students of all ages to have an effective and experienced voice representing them within the SRC for whom equalities is far from a new field.
Atanas Miroslavov
Howdy! My name is Atanas, I come from Bulgaria and I’m (you guessed it!) a fresher at the University of Glasgow. I’m doing Computing Science (partly because computers are both a job and a hobby of mine). However, I also enjoy all kinds of sport.
I’ve been a Class Representative since the beginning of high school and although I’m just 19 years old, I have already participated in quite a few charitable and social projects organised by my hometown’s district of the Rotary International club. This includes giving food to the indigent, organising cultural exhibitions, fun competitions and international meetings.
I have also won several web development contests – which taught me how important social links and competitions are. And I believe the University could offer more of that than it does right now.
I think first year students should be given more opportunities to put their skills to practice, as well as to meet other like-minded people. If elected, I will focus primarily on organising more events for freshers. They could be (but are not limited to) competitions, parties or meet-and-greets with other students.
I know that together, we could make the experience for freshers a bit fresher.
Daisy Mckay
I’m a first year studying politics, philosophy and ESH. I have great speaking and organisation skills. I am creative, approachable, friendly and determined!
- I am new to Glasgow! But a few things I did at school were:
- Led a group that promoted sustainability and multi-culturalism
- I participated in student voice focus groups
My Views
- University should be a fun experience
- We should always have a good relationship with the university, and the community
- We should maximise our learning
- We should feel safe and comfortable
- Costs should be low
Why I want to be elected
- I think student voice is so important! I want to ensure that university is the best experience, in all aspects.
- The SRC appeals to me because they are such an important safety net for students and the work that the SRC does to protect us from landlords and the recent water charges is such a valuable asset.
If elected
- I will do my best to represent you
- I want to continue to uphold this valuable service to students!
- I would also like to work on getting university accommodation costs down, and think that all flats should have a cleaner.
Cameron Mackay
My name is Cameron Mackay; I’m from St Andrews, Fife and studying Geography in 1st year. Having recently started university, I would love to take this chance to draw on previous experience or organisation and teamwork to really get to know and work closely with students and staff in the university.
If elected I would take every opportunity to develop projects that would benefit other first years; drawing from my own ideas and also listening to what is needed. These could include developing a ‘MyGlasgow’ app or looking into ways to get all students as involved as possible with the university. I would also be really keen to organise and work with charity and fundraising events or schemes involving students all around the university with the aim of benefitting and involving the local Glasgow community and creating lots of fantastic opportunities for all university personnel in the process.
I’d be really happy interacting with students form every discipline across the university to resolve any issues that may arise and look into ways of preventing them in future. Although the position is focused on first year, I would do all that I could for the whole of the university in general.
Craig Fowler
Better services,
Better value for money,
Great representation,
Your voice heard loud and clear.
First year students,
Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
The University of Glasgow is a great University and one which I am proud to be a part of it is already a fantastic University to study and socialise especially for First years. But there is room for improvement which is what I am here to fight for.
A contract with First Year students.
If elected I pledge to:
Serve First year students with rigour charisma and represent them at all levels of the SRC possible.
To not in any ways use the position for personal gain or advantage of any kind whatsoever.
Listen to all complains of students and promote their interests not self-interests in the SRC
To promote a better campus bus service
To endeavour to improve the experience of all students living in halls
To try and cut down costs on items such as textbooks
To be accessible and hold regular surgeries and drop in sessions
I would love to add more detail to this manifesto but there is a 200 word limit on manifestos. A more detailed one will be available.
Jakub Csabay
Dear schoolmates, my name is Jakub Csabay. I´m a first year student studying Politics, CEES and French and Wolfson Hall resident.
I appreciate the work SRC does for us, especially services like the minibus, fresher’s week, second-hand bookshop or student media, as well as covering our free time by its patronage over clubs/societies. However, in many of these I still find space for improvement, which could make our lives easier, more comfortable and enjoyable.
Firstly, I would like to fix the gaps SRC minibus service has, which all of us have experienced.
Secondly, I would like to propose free bike-rent for students as SRC/GUSA project.
Thirdly, I would like to propose SRC Residence Representative positions as I believe these would have most direct contact with us and therefore would effectively cover welfare issues.
Last but not least, I´m ready to represent you in any issue of concern.
So, if you have any questions/ideas/concerns, please feel free to contact me at
The first step is always the most important one. For us, it´s our first year. Let´s make it easier, more comfortable and enjoyable. And if I fail to help you, you know who not to vote for next time.
Unamarie Darragh
Hey all! My name is Una Marie Darragh and I’m studying Theatre Studies, English Language and Lit.
Originally from Northern Ireland but for now living in Murano.
Having been a junior assistant with a Speech and Drama group, I have the ability to lead responsibly whilst taking on board other people’s opinions.
If elected I will do all I can to help make your entire First year just as amazing as Fresher’s week was!
If elected I would try and raise the problems occurring with the SRC busses, make printing more accessible, listen to any problems you may be having and do my best to represent the First Years!
Aoife Deery
Hi, my name is Aoife and I’m a 4th year Public Policy student. I’m running for General Representative because I’m a reliable, practical and approachable person who can be trusted to put forward and communicate the views and issues of students. I have a quite a bit of experience with the SRC having been a freshers’ helper for the past two years, a class rep in second year and am currently involved in RAG organisation. I hope to work closely with the exec, school reps and conveners and support them in achieving the best results in any issue that arises.
I interpret the role of general rep as more of a support to the student body rather than a leader with their own agenda, so I feel it’s more important to be a medium for student issues and listen properly to them. In order to do this, I propose establishing a weekly general rep surgery where concerns can be voiced and brought forward to the SRC, making it more accessible.
Thanks for reading and I hope you take the time to vote on the 24th!
Maisie Peebles
My name is Maisie Peebles and I am a second year Law with Spanish Student. I am also a great tea and human rights lover!
I am committed to the SRC, and extremely enthusiastic about getting as involved as possible in the best student body. Through my involvement in uni life I believe I have gained valuable experience that would be perfect for a general representative. This year I represented the SRC in Fresher’s week and had a blast working hard and throwing myself into the many challenges it brought. As a Helper I did a variety of fun and different jobs – quite like the role of a general rep. I am also involved in the GUAmnesty International Committee, as Fundraiser I listen to all the members’ ideas for the charity and create unique and exciting events around their suggestions.
As a dedicated and passionate person I will do my utmost to listen to and represent the most important views on campus; those of the students. I won’t be afraid to take things on whilst of course having an incredible time!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my manifesto and please vote for an aMaising Rep!
Mhairi Harris
Hello, my name is Mhairi Harris and I am currently a second year Psychology student. I feel that I would make a great General Representative as I have been heavily involved in many different aspects of student life. I am currently a member of the Hockey Club and the Politics Society, so have had the opportunity to meet many different people and take part in numerous activities. Additionally, I have experience of being a Class Representative for English Language. I believe I have the skills and experience to make a great general representative and would be delighted to be given the opportunity of achieving my two main aims:
-Close the gap between the SRC and the student body: I feel that many students are not involved as they are not quite sure what the SRC does. To tackle this I would PR more after the initial weeks of University. Fresher’s week is hectic – too many flyers are given and people don’t have time to see everything so a PR campaign after this period would be more effective.
-Communicate more with the students and speak on behalf of them to the SRC.
So Please, VOTE MHAIRI HARRIS #1 General Representative !
Nicky McComb
Hello, I’m Nicky, a fourth year medic, taking a year away from medicine to study for an Intercalated Degree in Medical Humanities. A year away from placements means I’ve got some more free time, which I’d like to use productively, hence why I’m running to be your General Representative!
I was an SRC Freshers’ Helper in 2012; this let me learn a lot about the services and help which the SRC provides. I have been involved with the SRC Publicity Team over the past 2 years as well, as such I feel that I have a good awareness of the events which the SRC can offer and would love to get more involved in it.
It’s important that students remain informed about changes going on at the university, and have a voice. If elected, I would help contribute to the strong stance that the SRC has on this. I feel it’s important to represent students and their views fully. I believe I’m approachable, which in my opinion is very important for a representative role in a student body. I would aim to help further increase the SRC’s presence on campus and help to make changes to improve every student’s experience.
Owen Mooney
I’m Owen, I’m a second year economics student, and I would love to be one of your general reps. I sit on GUU debates committee, was a GUU freshers’ helper, and also helped to run the campus referendum on independence last year, so I am good at organising events, as well as being open and engaging. I will actively engage with students and respond to your needs, as well as using the SRC as a campaigning organisation to improve your experience at university.
If elected I will: – campaign to end the use of zero-hours contracts by the university. These contracts provide flexibility only for university management and deprive workers of a stable income and the ability to plan ahead financially. Our university should not be treating its staff like this, and I will campaign with trade unions and student societies to end the disgraceful use of these contracts.
- engage proactively with student societies. Student societies are the best and most enjoyable parts of university, and the SRC should seek to actively help and promote them. I will contact societies to offer support and resources to help them to attract new members and publicise their events.
Paul Smith
Hi, I’m Paul Smith, third year Earth Science student. I hope you will consider me to be your next General Representative on the SRC council.
Last year I was deputy class representative. For the past 2 years I have been a fresher’s helper for the SRC and this year I was awarded ‘Best male SRC freshers helper of the week’. I really want to help out and get stuck in, like I did during freshers’ week. This time not just for freshers but for all students. One of the best ways I can achieve this is to get on the SRC council as a General Representative.
If elected, I would keep promoting the SRC and all it’s services. I will work closely with the other council members and sabbatical officers on solving issues and work on related projects, that will be beneficial to students. I’m the kind of person you can approach anytime you see me walking on campus to raise any university issues you might be experiencing. I will be your voice on the council.
Thank you for your consideration and good luck to everyone participating in the election.
Noemi Llamas-Gomez
My name is Noemi Llamas-Gomez, and I am standing for Postgraduate Convenor (Arts). I am a second year PhD student in Hispanic Studies at the SMLC, but you will probably know me as the girl who serves (decent) coffee at the Gilchrist.
I have now been seven years at Glasgow as a student and one as a member of the Hospitality Services, so I have a thorough knowledge of the behind-the-scenes of the university. I used to sit in the Women’s Basketball Club committee as an undergrad, so I have always been involved in improving the students’ experience. I believe that combining work and study at this level has provided me with the necessary experience to represent the College of Arts postgraduates, a very particular community within university.
I want to be an active voice within the Gilchrist, and bring all your suggestions and concerns on board. A more developed booking system for the booths, as well as better food choices, and an upgrade on hot drinks are my top priorities. I also want to raise awareness of the Gilchrist amongst Arts PGRs – it is our space too, and we have a unique chance to use it.
Dave Walker
Hi! I’m Dave and I’m hoping to secure your vote for the position of Postgraduate Convenor for the College of MVLS.
My experience that makes me suited to the role include (but are not limited to) two years as a Council Member, during one of which I occupied a seat on Senate, being heavily involved in aspects of quality assurance at the University (principally as a student reviewer for a Periodic Subject Review and Enhancement-Led Institutional Review), training Class Representatives and Freshers’ Helping for 3 years.
If elected, I want to look at the feedback and representation structure in MVLS. I have spoken with the current “Head Rep” and we’ve discussed the need for a more cohesive structure and I believe my experience with the SRC will facilitate this process.
More generally, I am desperate to crack the Class Representative structure before I finish my Masters, and I am change the mentality towards representation at the most basic yet crucial level across the University.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to email me at – otherwise, thank you for reading and please consider making me your #1 vote for Postgraduate MVLS Convenor.
Vaishnavi Shankar
Hi, I’m Vaishnavi, a MVLS PG student, ready to listen to YOUR concerns.
Being a representative of a student body has always been part of my college life, so be assured that by choosing me, you’ll be picking one of the more experienced students, well aware of the quirks and perks of getting points across and things done. I’ve moved from Executive Officer to the post of Secretary in my last University’s Student Council, and during each stage, I brought new changes to the system, ensuring students got what they wanted. And in almost all cases, they did!
Though this will be my first year at the SRC Council, I am confident that I can represent the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences and be the voice for your thoughts to be heard by the SRC and by extension, the rest of the University. And through me, that voice will be turned into action. If elected, I will ensure that issues raised by students will be informed to and dealt with at the right hierarchy, so that the end result is always favourable to the students.
Got an issue? Always ready to listen and act!
Ariel Xu
Hello, I’m Yingjia(Ariel) Xu, a postgraduate student of MSc Educational studies, standing for PG Convenor for Social Sciences. I had a four-year work experience in Student Committee. During my undergraduate time, I once organized several groups for listening to worries and anxiety from rural area students, and cooperated with school to help them blended in campus environment which made a big progress, so I know how to be the voice from students. Moreover, I’m willing to do meaningful things, so I had a blood donation without payment for helping those in needs.
If elected, I will strive to ensure the students’ rights and SRC services are well publicised and work effectively. I will regularly collaborate with postgraduate community in working groups to discuss raised issues from students. I will also inspire students’ initiatives to contact with Council and update any issues affecting postgraduates within SRC meetings, for example, their relevant academic problems or life and most-concerned personal career development issues. I would commit to liaising between the Social and Sciences of University Committees with the SRC and both official staffs across the University and at national level through attending all student council and University Senate meetings.
Just trustingly vote Ariel!
Muhammad Humzah
Your Voice + Your Idea + Our Achievements = Our Goal of Promise
If elected as the new Social Science PG Convenor of the Student Union I can guarantee that I will do everything in my power to ensure that Students have a Student Union they can be proud of, a key part of the social aspect of Student life, a place that represents the diverse community that we are proud to have. My vision is to serve the student to the best I can.
I will try my level best to provide all the students the level of satisfaction they need when they come to a student convenor with their problems and would be there to provide the change that you want. I will be the voice that represents every student; I shall continue to build on the relationship between the SU (Student Union) and the University. It would be my duty to ensure that our students receive the best opportunities that they deserve whilst I feel that the SU can benefit tremendously from the continued support of the University.
Vote for a vision vote for a change.
Adaeze Christian Anyaegbunam
My name is Adaeze Christiana Anyaegbunam, PhD, studying Financial Risk Management. I’m a nominee candidate for Postgraduate Taught Convenor because I believe I have got practical experience and spectacular ideas for the year ahead.
Why me?
Throughout my international academic studies in both USA and South Africa, I have held several positions ranging from Vice President of International Student Africa Community in Ohio, USA and House Committee member in-charge of student welfare and infrastructure maintenance, South Africa. With these commitments in the past years, I have worked tirelessly to set exemplary trademarks for student council and my predecessors to live up to. I demonstrated absolute active membership by organizing and planning high profile meetings with the school president to discuss immediate issues affecting students and proffer immediate worthwhile solutions for them. For instance, I have had to organize and hold meetings to rectify exam timetable clashes for postgraduate students during my studies. This is why I believe I can make a crucial impact in this role.
If given the opportunity to represent you:
STUDY FACILITIES: Will work to improve lecture rooms availability for each course MSc taught course. More lecture times flexibility and more dynamics course selection opportunities and process.
Alisa Deans
I’m Ailsa, and I’m studying the MRes in Human Geography. I was a student here throughout my undergraduate degree, so I know both the city and the university well. Having sat on Council in 2013-2013 as a School Representative, I have a working knowledge of the important role the SRC plays in university life.
I understand that not everyone has had the benefit of spending the past four years here, and are perhaps unsure as to what the SRC actually does! I will therefore work closely with the postgraduate community to engage with the SRC. As postgrads, we face different challenges and have different concerns to the wider student, and there are a lot of international students in our midst whose views I will be sure to seek out.
We’re lucky enough to have a dedicated postgraduate space in the Gilchrist Postgraduate Club, and I intend to promote its use, and to establish a dialogue with my fellow postgrads to work on ideas to develop it further. I am approachable and friendly, and will make myself available for students to communicate with me any concerns or queries they may have.
Vote Ailsa #1 for Postgraduate Taught Convenor!
Jumai Abioye
With just a year at this awesome University, it is easy to feel like a face in the crowd. But it doesn’t have to be so. This is our Alma matter also.
I am Abioye Jumai Adeola, a Postgraduate Taught student studying M Sc in Biotechnology at the School of Life Sciences. I have observed that over the past few elections, the seat of the Postgraduate Taught Convenor has been left cold. This implies that we have been underrepresented.
I understand the haziness a lot of us feel while trying to acclimatize and all you can see is the clock ticking away. I’ve also heard a lot of us talk about the lack of access to required information and opportunities.
If elected as the Postgraduate Taught Convenor, I would work with the Principal Officers, the SRC leadership, the students and everyone needed to ensure that the programme is brought to an academic, social and professional equilibrium. I would also work to ensure proper representation of postgraduate taught students with issues and work towards improved access to opportunities, information and advice both generic and specific to us.
Thank you.
Kristi Hwang
I am an American student from California, currently studying for her Masters in International Finance degree (MFin). My current involvements are: Student Class Representative (MFin rep), Postgraduate Business Club Treasurer/Finance Officer, European Alliance for Human Rights in N.K (EAHRNK).
Currently there has been an influx of postgraduate students from abroad, studying here in Glasgow. Due to this, our postgraduate community is a fairly populous one and the international scope of the students make keen on University involvement. Our school has an evolving outlook on the future of Taught Postgraduates, examples being Gilchrist and PGT library study area. But I would like to drive even more motivation towards focusing a good chunk on clubs & societies specifically tailored for the multiplying Postgraduate community.
Coming from a wide range of backgrounds in Humanities combined with Business will allow me to effectively voice the blend of various PGT colleges within the entire community. Secondly, I propose a better mode of communicating where concerns from the students are actually recognised and action for immediate improvement will take place. As PGT Convenor, I will integrate myself proactively as a good representation of my fellow classmates and a proper reflection on the University’s Postgraduate community.
Susie Lui
Name: Xiaolei Liu (Susie)
Services Just For U
Welcome To Hear U Voices
U Voice is The Most Important
Hey, everybody! My name is Xiaolei liu, 22 years old, a postgraduate student in Accounting from Beijing, I was a student rep and international student officer and organised a successful basketball tournament in Plymouth. With those experiences I would like to continue at University of Glasgow helping students through my passion and enthusiasm. I am an outgoing happy person and, I believe, fairly easy going, so..
。◕‿◕。 If elected, I will
♥ ♡ Show my best to help, listen Heart to Heart! ♡ ♥
Mando Bhebhe
In my time at the university I’ve been active in several campaigns and societies, among them Politics Society, Law Society and recently, Amnesty International. My activity has been aimed at promoting a climate of equality and cooperation among all sectors of our university community. The Race Equality Officer role seems an appropriate progression for me, as I am passionate about creating an environment where all students are on an equal footing regardless of ethnic or background.
I’m in my 4th year of Law and feel that if elected, I’d be able to use the skills and ideas I have learnt to proactively represent any race related issues that may arise on Campus.
If elected, I will:
- Raise the visibility of the role to ensure that there is a face and a place to take issues to
- Hold and publicise a fortnightly surgery where students can raise concerns
- Work with societies and students of all racial and cultural backgrounds to promote integration
- Speak up against any instances of racial discrimination
- Support societies such as Amnesty and the Scottish Refugee Council in their work on Campus
Hope I have your vote!
Peter Adolphus
My name is Peter Ngeri Adolphus, a post graduate student of the University of Glasgow. I am a Nigerian, and I was admitted in the 2013-2014 academic session to study Economic Development at the College of Social Science.
Currently, I am a member of the Glasgow University Trade and Investment Club (GUTIC). It is important to mention that I progressed from Glasgow International College (GIC) where I studied Business, Law, and Social Science (Pre-Masters). While there, I served as a student representative in the College Management Board throughout the period I was there. I was also an executive committee member of the Students Forum. Apart from that, I worked closely with Rev. Francis Alao, who was the Racial Justice Offer for Scotland until recently. With these experiences, I am confident that I can discharge the responsibility of a Race Equality Officer in a manner that my performance will not fall short of students’ expectation.
Given the diverse nature of students’ population within University of Glasgow, there is always the tendency for students to often times misinterpret actions of others. As a Race Equality Officer, part of my duties will be to promote good relations and practices towards different minority groups.
Amy Connor
“Hello everyone”, I’m Amy; I am currently in my 4th year studying Chemistry, and I am running for the position of the Chemistry School Representative. I have been a class representative in previous years and so I have experience in a similar position and I understand the importance of the SRC and believe I would make a great School Representative. I am very passionate about my school and my subject, and I am keen to make positive changes wherever possible. I believe the student voice is extremely important in order to create positive change.
If elected I will aim to:
- Be approachable, and always be readily available to students who wish to voice their comments and concerns.
- Work with staff and class representatives within the school and other representatives throughout the SRC.
- Approach each year group directly, to guarantee I get the most extensive range of views and opinions.
- Provide detailed feedback of all issues raised to the council.
Jameel Rahman
Hello fellow students, my name is Jameel and I will be running for the class representative of the school of chemistry. I am from Glasgow and my main degree is the MSci in Chemistry and Mathematics.
During my final year at secondary school, I was part of the student executive body where I had to communicate with everyone in my year so that we could achieve our primary object – to improve school life for students!
Time management is a key skill which a class representative should acquire. This is clearly demonstrated with my participation in the universities’ tennis club. In addition, I also take part in the GUU speaker training.
If you elect me then I promise if you vote for me then I will get lecture notes uploaded instantly after lectures on moodle so if you miss anything then this will not affect your revision timetable; I promise that past papers shall become available on moodle; I promise that I will act upon each issue raised so that we can improve students satisfaction with the course of chemistry(and make you realize you made a good choice!) and help the University to rise in the world Universities ranking table.
Alexander Morgan
Hello voters!
I’m Alexander Morgan, a Level 2 Computing Science student. I’m standing for School Representative for the School of Computing Science.
I’ve been a class representative for CS1Q as well as French and English Language, so I’m familiar with the work for this role. I first came in contact with the SRC when I was an SRC Fresher’s helper in September 2012. My relationship with the SRC reached new heights this August when I was hired to work for the SRC. Since then, I’ve built working relationships with the four Sabbatical officers as well as a number of the other current council members.
If elected, my knowledge and deeper understanding of the workings of the SRC will allow me to ensure that the voice of Computing Science is heard—the good, the bad and the ugly! I will work closely with the college convenor, the university staff and the other School Representatives in order to fairly represent students in the School of Computing Science.
Vote Alexander Morgan for a better School of Computing Science!
Thank you.
Oscar Schafer
As a second year School of Computing Science student I am looking to do a combined honours programme of Computing Science and Economics. On top of my studies I hold a long time involvement in both student television and Model United Nations.
My pledge and manifesto focus on two key points: staff feedback, and transitions. Firstly, I would like to implement a staff feedback system where student on a frequent, regular basis provide their lecturer/tutor with feedback. The aim is to improve both the teaching and learning experience. Secondly, I want to improve transitions – both into University and between years. Personally, I entered the course with limited knowledge of computer science and my experience was positive. I am however aware that this is not the case for everyone. I believe all students should feel they are reasonable challenged and learning every year, including the first two years, regardless of previous experience! We can tackle part of the problem by broadening options within courses and promoting fast route entry.
I am confident that my wide experience of subjects and my experience through student groups will suit the role of School of Computing Science representative excellently.
Georgia Charalambous
Hello, my name is Georgia and I’m a 3rd year English Language student. I would make the perfect candidate for a school representative. First of all, the experience of being a class rep in English Literature last year provided essential skills to move on a school level representation. I’ve also been involved with the University life while working on different volunteering opportunities such as being a teacher of Greek for Language4Water student society. I am super-friendly and easy to approach. I have already talked to some of you asking about the overall student experience and what could be done to improve it. I can definitely tell that most of the feedback I gathered concerns university’s issues with organisation. I believe in student voice and its potential to make a change. If elected, I’ll do my best to ensure that your views are being addressed in the most constructive way.
My final point: Vote for Georgia
Naomi Duffy-Welsh
Hello there!
My name is Naomi, or Duffy as my friends sometimes call me. I’m a fourth year English Literature student and I think I would be an excellent school of critical studies representative for several reasons.
I am a compassionate and reliable person and am genuinely interested in making improvements within the school of critical studies. I have previously been a class representative for English Literature, so feel I know how important communication channels are between students and staff to solve teaching related problems and bring about positive changes.
If elected, I promise to ensure that any problems or opinions brought to me by students of the school are heard by the student council and addressed with the utmost importance.
I will attempt to improve communications between the SRC and students of critical studies by making use of the student voice to address and debate prominent issues.
Most importantly I will work towards securing a private study space within the university campus for students of critical studies, in attempt to ease the stress of competing for desk space in the main library, which is particularly prominent around the spring examination period.
Katherine Raison
Hi voters!
I’m Katherine Raison, a second year Film & Television Student. I also take Music and Theatre Studies at Level Two meaning all of my subjects are in the School of Culture and Creative Arts. This gives me a great advantage as I am familiar with most subjects in the School I would like to represent. I also take part in extra-curricular student activities such as the GU Big Band and last year’s STaG production of The Taming of the Shrew so I have a good overview of what the university has to offer.
Being a Freshers Helper with the Student Representative Council this year has given me an insight into how passionate and hard working everyone is involved with the SRC. I would now like to be a part of this responsive group by representing my school on council.
I aim to:
- Liaise with both class reps and college convenors to ensure the views and concerns of the School of Culture and Creative Arts are heard.
- Be someone students can easily approach with issues or concerns in order to represent their views effectively to the SRC.
- Help students get the most out of their degree.
Thank you!
Sarah Long
Hi there, my name is Sarah Long, I am a second year student studying Primary Education and running for School of Education representative. I first became involved in the SRC through being a fresher’s helper this year and want to continue to be involved as well as help students. I want to bring Education students together socially as well as be their representative for academic worries. I plan to do this through my aims:
To have better-located school placements, to avoid as much as possible students being placed hours away from home/halls;
To get more feedback about the course while it is in progress and voice the opinions of students so the problems can be ironed out whilst the students can reap the benefits;
Be an open person that Education students can approach any time about their worries;
Improve communications between course convenors and students;
Establish a social society for Education students to encourage involvement in the student unions and to get to know one another outside their individual courses.
Thanks for reading!
Alexandru Malaescu
Hi. I’m Alexandru Malaescu and as a third year student in Electronic and Software Engineering, I will be running for the post of School of Engineering Representative.
Whilst in Glasgow, I have managed to get on the Engineering Excellence List in all years and I have studied abroad at another top engineering university, in the US. Also, this year, I’m a Student Representative for 3rd year Computing Science, a role that I enjoy having.
As an engineering student, I don’t think there is enough communication between the students and the academic staff and most students’ views don’t get past the Class Representatives, a thing that I want to change.
Apart from that, if elected, I plan on talking about improving the tutorial system across the School, giving all students 24-hours access to the labs and adding more course options for engineers. I believe that my experience and international outlook will help me represent you as a student in the School of Engineering, so VOTE FOR ME!
Alexandru-Marian Malaescu | 1104610
Hugh Roberts
Hello, I’m Hugh and I’m a fourth year history student, hoping to be your School of Humanities Representative for the forthcoming academic year. In my time at Glasgow, I have developed a good working relationship with many members of staff within the School, and I have the necessary experience to represent students at every level and of every subject within the School. Furthermore I have been an SRC Freshers’ Helper for the past two years, have worked as part of the SRC Publicity Team and have been involved in a number of other SRC events during my time at the University, so I understand how important the SRC can be.
If elected, my goal is to ensure that every student gets all they can out of their time at University. I intend to work with the School to promote graduate attributes and prospects, making sure all students are able to leave Glasgow with more than just a degree at the end of their time here. I will be an active and approachable representative, using social media and Student Voice to ensure anyone can reach me with issues and concerns.
Thank you for your time!
Lesley Fraser
My name is Lesley and I am a 2nd year Classics and Celtic student. I am an active member of the Alexandrians Society as well as being their Treasurer. I am standing for the position of School of Humanities Representative on the SRC Council.
Relevant Experience
In my first year I was the class rep and have also been a class rep on previously at another University. In addition to my class rep experience I have also significant work experience within a trade union environment which has enabled me to develop a number of key skills that can be transferred to the role of School Rep.
Aims of Role
If elected I will aim to that the voice of the students within the School of Humanities are heard in respect of academic issues. I will work closely with class reps to ensure that any issues that they raise are progressed.
I will work to improve and maintain the communications links between the students in Humanities, Staff Student Liaison Committees and Arts Convenor.
I will provide support to the Class reps within Humanities when needed to ensure that any localised issues they raise are dealt with.
Jacob Eves
Hello there, I’m Jacob, a Second year law student. Over the last year I’ve gained a great sense if pride in our Law School. I understand how essential it is to get good representation of our law school in the SRC and I believe I’m the man for the job. I want to be able to regularly liaise with students or class reps. and hear everyone’s views and concerns, establish good links with the school staff to help with any issues and most of all to do my utmost best for our Law School. Thanks!
John Henton
Further to my commitments as a first year student of Law and Politics, I would love to have the added responsibility of being your School of Law Representative. I hope that, through the rest of my manifesto, I can demonstrate to you that I have the qualities needed for this important role.
As a member of both the Law and Politics societies and by being involved with Amnesty International I think my committed nature is apparent. I would definitely bring this attitude to any work required of me as your representative. My activities outside university also display my suitability to the role. For example, my candidacy in the 2011 Scottish Youth Parliament Elections highlights my desire to represent others.
If elected I would maintain a good relationship with Class Representatives while endeavouring that all your concerns were put to the Staff Student Liaison Committee. I would also enhance our School’s role in the debate over Scottish Independence given the subject’s relevance to Constitutional Law. Regular surgeries would be held where you could raise any issues with me personally. Frequent consultations would also be carried out so that you can be directly involved in the management and direction of your course.
Lee Marsden
Hi, I’m Lee, a third year Law/Politics student who enjoys jazz music and debating.
In second year I served as the class representative for politics, and was elected President of the Model United Nations society. As class representative I fostered a strong working relationship between staff and pupils, whilst protecting students’ interests. Both of these positions have allowed me to develop the skills necessary for effectively representing the law school in the SRC.
If elected as your School of Law Representative I will:
- Foster increased cooperation between the Social Science schools. The School of Law does not benefit from being a pariah in the Social Science department; more cooperation between Social Science schools and the School of Law can only improve every student’s learning experience.
- Work to raise awareness of mental health issues within the law school. As your representative I will fight for improved and quicker access to counselling on campus, as well as combating the stigma attached to talking about our mental health.
- Defend the interests of the School of Law by articulating our needs, concerns and views to the SRC.
- Hold regular surgeries to ensure every student has a voice, and access to the benefits of representation.
Simone Farrer
I’m in my second year studying Law, and hope I’ll fit the bill for School of Law Representative! I’ll leave it to you to decide.
I enjoyed being elected as representative for several groups in my education and social life – I’m well-versed in putting forward students’ views to people who can help. These roles also involved organising fundraisers and communicating with both group members and those in charge. I lived in halls, so am familiar with problems which can arise. I hope to be part of resolving issues the SRC can help with.
Law is very demanding – anything which can be improved to make this time easier is surely beneficial. Those who know me know I’m approachable and friendly; for those of you who don’t, ask those who do, or if you see me please speak to me! I plan to work closely with yourselves, our class representatives and our College Convenor to ensure everyone is involved and heard. I’ll hold regular consultation sessions, and be readily contactable by email and the Student Voice network.
I’ll listen to and represent your views effectively to the SRC, and follow your idea or problem through until I find a solution.
Caitlin Rottger
Hello! I’m Caitlin Rottger. I’m a 2nd year German and Spanish student and I really REALLY want to be your next Modern Languages and Cultures Representative.
I am an extremely lively and enthusiastic person who loves to talk to people, whether that be to help with something or just for general chit-chat. I also always fully commit to everything I do. Not only am I a member of the trampoline committee; I am also a trained coach and competition judge. My commitment to helping to run the club meant that I won the “Keen Bean” Award at the end of last year. This year, however, I would like to become even more involved with the university. This September I was a SRC Freshers’ Helper and I recently joining Hares and Hounds and the Athletics Club.
If elected, I will:
- Live up to my “Keen Bean” Award and fully commit to representing your views
- Regularly meet with students and class representatives to discuss any issues
- Provide more support for students going on their year abroad
- Make myself known within the Modern Languages Department to both staff and students
- Be a friendly face ☺
Emily Clinton
Having worked so hard to get to university, it is no surprise that as a Modern Languages student, you want to get the most out of your time at university. As someone who grew up in France and Switzerland and who is studying French for the next five years, I can relate to the passion that Modern Languages students have for languages that they are studying. I am running for the position of Representative of the School of Modern Languages and Cultures in this autumn’s GUSRC elections as I want to guarantee the satisfaction of all Modern Languages students. If elected, I would provide Modern Languages students with a way of expressing their views and concerns in a comfortable, secure manner by liaising with your class representatives to address any problems or queries which may arise concerning the study of Modern Languages. Voting for Emily Clinton as the Representative of the School of Modern Languages and Cultures will ensure that the time you spend studying in the School is as enjoyable and worthwhile as possible. Your vote in GUSRC elections counts towards your education, so vote for someone who will represent thousands of students at the University of Glasgow.
Frankie O’Donnell
Hi, I’m Frankie and I’m a Senior Honours Spanish and French student. I spent my year abroad teaching in Madrid and also spent three months studying translation near Paris.
I have a lot of relevant experience that I can bring to the role as a School Representative. I have been a class rep in first year; have experience in dealing with issues raised by fellow students and representing their views to a wider audience. I was also on various committees and councils throughout my time at school. I’ve also studied five languages within SMLC, so I know how different the departments can be.
If elected, I aim to:
- Provide more support to students both on and preparing for their year or third term abroad.
- Introduce weekly drop-in sessions for advice (be it for year abroad, exams, other issues)
- Actively encourage more communication between the societies within the SMLC.
- Try and put into action more support measures to ease the transition from year abroad back into University life, especially for students studying a joint language degree with a non-SMLC subject.
- Engage with students to find out what issues are most important to you and to do my best to resolve them.
Abdul Aslam-Pervez
Hi, my name is Abdulwahab
I’m studying at the school of medicine.
I’m a charismatic individual that aspires to bring about positive change. I have been working with the SRC on numerous of occasions orchestrating charitable events, promoting multiculturalism and diversity.
Over the past couple of years I have come to appreciate the significance of how, now more than ever with the pressure of the economy, the effectiveness of NHS has come into question.
Is it at the brink of collapsing? Are our jobs secured? Privitisation of NHS?
That is the question on everyone’s mind.
It is vital we have correct representation on the council to ensure our interests and investments are adequately looked after.
With an independent Scotland becoming an increasing possibility, there is uncertainty amongst students about the prospects of their degree.
It is important to have an individual like myself who is well informed about the current climate and the risk we are potentially facing.
I firmly believe when in office:
- I will effectively represent MVLS student body across the university.
- Ensure our educational establishment is looking after our future.
- Orchestrating regular sessions to ensure your views are brought forward to the board of MVLS.
Anna Vincett
Hi I’m Anna, a fourth year Microbiology student.
I’m running for the position of Undergraduate MVLS Convenor. The College of Medicine, Veterinary and Life Sciences at Glasgow Univeristy has an excellent reputation, world class research facilities and a fantastic network of students, and we deserve to be thoughtfully represented.
In accordance with the fundamental principles of a student voice, it is vital that MVLS students feel their concerns are being put forward and properly addressed;
If elected, I will hold frequent meetings with all school and class representatives so we can work together to address the everyday issues and concerns of MVLS students. I’m very friendly and approachable and I’d like to bring about the changes in the college you would like to see.
Let’s leave here with more than a degree; there are some incredible events and projects provided by the science-based societies and I will also do more to promote and encourage student involvement in these clubs.
Like many budding university romances, my own relationship with the SRC blossumed during Freshers’ Week, where I was a freshers’ helper. The SRC is an invaluable orginisation and it would be a privilege to be a part of the council.
Douglas Borland
Hi I’m Douglas and I’m a 4th year anatomy student. I’ve been a class rep for three years now and currently train class reps for the SRC. I was a third year representative on the Anatomy Society last year too. I regularly attend School of Life Science Education Committees where I’ve provided feedback gathered on certain issues, such as the closure of the Millport research base. If elected I will aim to:
Life Sciences:
- Try to allow more guidance on project work and allocations, and monitor the effects of the biomolecular summer projects.
- Ensure animal biologists still have appropriate field work provision.
Keep an eye on the plans for course mergers and sharing.
Medical School:
Campaign against any further plans to shorten library opening hours.
Veterinary School:
Provide better channels for communication between the SRC and the vet school.
Across all Schools, I intend to strengthen the links between the SRC, staff, and students, and represent students to the best of my ability. I’d love the opportunity to represent you!