Spring 2016 Manifestos
Here are the manifestos for the accepted candidates in the Spring 2016 Elections

If you’re unsatisfied with the promises and rhetoric contained in each candidates’ wonderful prose, you’ll luckily have the chance to grill them in person at the hustings meetings:
- Non Sabb Heckling – 6pm on the 29th February in the Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
- Sabb Heckling – 6pm 1st March in Room 201, John McIntyre Building
The voting takes place between 9am Wednesday 2nd March and 5pm Thursday 3rd March. Vote online at glasgow.ac.uk/vote.
Election Results will be announced around 6.30pm in Room 201, John McIntyre Building.
Choose a candidate below to see the manifesto:
Pritasha Kariappa
My name is Pritasha Kariappa and I’m a 3rd year undergraduate studying Digital Media & Information Studies. I’m a sociable, organised and approachable person and believe this role is perfect for me!
Having been a Fresher’s helper this year, it’s given me the chance to be involved in SRC organised events such as Fresher’s week, Children in Need & the Refresher’s fair.
My aims:
• Help clubs and societies be more interactive by using suggestion boxes, hosting joint events and aiding the overall student experience
• Work to organise a variety of different fundraising events throughout the year
• Help increase awareness of the RAG community in order to allow more students to get involved
• Work and communicate effectively with the VP to ensure that all activities are executed in a creative and enjoyable manner
Previously a PR Convenor for GUPDC, my ability to promote events is one I pride myself on. I believe my enthusiasm as well as my outgoing nature will enable me to interact with students on a personal level, allowing me to give them a voice through which ideas can be shared throughout the University network.
David Robertson
I’m David Robertson, a second year Electronic & Software Engineering student.
For many of us, club/society activities form a central part of our student experience. They provide opportunities to make life-long friends and do things that we might not otherwise have a chance to do. At Glasgow we are lucky to have a wide range of clubs, societies, and charity groups (there is something for everyone), and I want to do everything I can to help them flourish.
This year, I have been involved with the management of two societies -GULGBTQ+ (as Publicity Officer) and Glasgow Marrow (as General Member, then Communications Coordinator). These roles have given me an insight into how university societies are run and what the SRC can do to support them.
I aim to:
- Provide a digital collaboration toolkit to help enable committees to more effectively run their clubs/societies.
- Encourage all societies to get involved in charitable causes.
- Promote the work of student charity groups by providing assistance with publicity and other resources.
- Promote collaboration between societies as a means of multiplying their impact.
- Campaign with the VPSA to increase the amount of funding available for societies.
- Provide support and advice for new societies.
Lauren ‘Shoogle’ McDougall
I’m Lauren “Shoogle” McDougall, a mature student studying Scottish Literature, and I’d like you to re-elect me as your SRC Disability Equality Officer.
This year I’ve worked hard as DEO on:
• My Freshers’ Week meet-and-greet pilot, which ensured disabled students and mature students weren’t excluded from FW, and formed social connections and support networks which are essential for success at university.
• Rolling out the Disabled Students’ Network.
• Holding the Disability Service accountable when they let us down.
• Speaking up for disabled students in the new campus plan.
Re-elect me and I will:
• Expand the meet-and-greet so that all disabled students are able to get the most from their FW.
• Further develop the DSN to create wider social and peer-to-peer support for disabled students.
• Press the Disability Service on their dyslexia diagnosis policy and linking-up with DSA-funded mental health support.
• Promote all the welfare, advice and support services available on and off-campus to make sure everyone is supported to stay happy and healthy at GU.
• Guarantee that disabled students’ needs are at the heart of our new campus.
Disabled students’ voices need to be heard. Choose an experienced, passionate and knowledgeable disabled student’s voice: vote Lauren “Shoogle” McDougall #1 for DEO.
Chris Holdsworth
Hello I am Chris, a third year Earth Science student.
Should you elect me as your environmental officer my focus will be upon uniting the University community on a shared mission to effectively combat the environmental challenges we face.
I will achieve this by:
• Bringing students closer to staff and local community to work together on tackling the issues of climate change and sustainability.
• Establishing an environmental development network whereby staff of all disciplines combine their environmental research to create a hub of expertise. This would enable students to work with staff to develop and apply their research to pressing environmental issues.
• Greatly improve the communication of environmental issues by the University.
• Continuing the work done by previous officers to unite the student environmental bodies.
• Progressing the dialogue on the university’s recent divestment from fossil fuels.
Having worked for Glasgow University’s Environmental and Sustainability Team last year, I have experience of University environmental practice and procedure. This, coupled with my knowledge of environmental issues from my academic studies, equips me ideally for this role.
It frustrates me to see how frequently environmental issues are not truly addressed on campus, but with my skillset and experience, I intend to change this.
Hannah Kay
Hi everyone! I’m Hannah, a proud Glaswegian and third year Geography and Politics student running to be your next SRC Environmental Officer.
Environmental sustainability and development are at the heart of my academic and personal interests. Having first got involved with campaigning at the age of 9, I’ve done everything from community litter picks to coordinating toilet twinning projects! I also had the privilege of going to Malawi last summer which reaffirmed my commitment to being eco-friendly in a world disproportionality affected by climate change.
Serving as the SRC School Representative for Geographical and Earth Sciences has given me insight into how both the University and the SRC operate, knowledge which I would use to promote the environmental agenda. Furthermore, I recognise the importance of being elected onto the SRC council and remaining committed throughout the year.
If elected, I aim to:
– Encourage the establishment of a more environmentally friendly GU Freshers’ week, following conversations with local residents.
– Advocate for Glasgow to raise its profile in regard to the People and Planet University League
– Use social media as a platform to introduce and promote new environmental campaigns and opportunities with both a local and global perspective
Isabella Nilsen
I am a second year Politics student, and believe that since climate change is closely related to other issues of social justice, it needs to be tackled in a broader way than how it often is today.
I am currently the Events Coordinator for Glasgow University Climate Action society, and have helped organise actions, screenings and workshops on various topics related to climate change, and was also involved in the fossil fuels divestment campaign. I also work for People and Planet, a UK-wide network for environmental and social justice activists.
If elected,
• I will strive to increase the co-operation between the SRC, environmental groups and other activist groups on campus, and push for the creation of an activist space/hub to facilitate this
• I will push for decision-making on environmental issues to be made more transparent, including the measuring of the university’s ecological footprint. This includes getting the university to re-join People & Planet’s University League, the only table of UK universities ranked by environmental and ethical performance, and meeting regularly with the Carbon Management Committee
• I will push for that the money which the university has decided to divest from fossil fuels is re-invested into ethical and environmentally sustainable industries
Thais Ramdani
Hello! My name is Thais Ramdani, I am a third year psychology student running to be your next Gender Equality Officer.
I want to assist with the University’s work on gender equality, including the representation and rights of transgender and non-binary students, following the new Athena SWAN guidelines.
I have been involved with the SRC for two years: twice a Freshers’ Helper and an active member of the PR team. Furthermore, as the women’s officer of GULGBTQ+, I have been able to work on both women’s and transgender/non-binary issues. If elected, I will:
• Assist GULGTBQ+ with getting schools and colleges to take part in the Pronoun Pledge.
• Ensure that staff are aware of the services available for students who would wish to change their name and pronouns.
• Continue to work towards a bigger International Women’s Week, encouraging societies to take part and organise events.
• Modify the Equality and Diversity training taken by staff and Freshers’ Helper to more accurately include transgender/non-binary information.
Gender is not binary; it is a spectrum. And it is time we treat it as such. Thank you for reading and I hope you will vote for me as your Gender Equality Officer.
Hussein El-Ajouz
Hello, my name is Hussein El-Ajouz, and I am in my second year studying Business Management & Psychology. I am running for the position of the International Students Officer because I feel very connected to the large international student population of our university. I myself come from an international background. Being Lebanese and having lived abroad for most of my life, I know what kind of issues international students face and how to potentially improve their university experience.
Why vote me?
- I am approachable and have an extensive network of international friends, which makes me a natural candidate for this position.
- Involved in campus life, i.e. through being an active member of several societies such as the Marketing Society, Entrepreneurship Society and NomYap
- I have excellent communication and leadership skills, which I have enhanced through taking part in several skill-development programs
- Currently President of the Middle Eastern Society
- Work with the SRC to provide international students with the best possible experience across campus
- Help international freshers integrate at university
- Get students involved in several projects and activities
- Bring students’ comments and concerns forward to the council
Thao Ha
Hi, I’m Thao, an Economics student, who is aspiring to become your International Students Officer for 2016/2017.
Having a multicultural background (I’m Vietnamese Czech) and also being a German Class Representative, I believe that I have an insight of both International and EU community and I’m able to recognize their needs, therefore, could objectively improve the International Student experience through the SRC.
I am also actively engaging in different societies including being the Secretary of the Vietnamese Society, where I’m in charge of managing and working with sensitive information as well as co-organizing networking events.
My aims and objectives:
• Work with GUISOC and hand-in-hand encourage internationality.
• Provide extra support at the beginning and the end of the year to deal with issues such as visas, fees, and accommodation.
• Ensure that there is an effective communication between students and staff-emails only when needed to emphasize the importance (e.g. no Tier 4 emails to EU and home students).
• Initiate the start of a voluntary support programme mainly for international freshers to help them familiarize themselves with the new environment even before they arrive.
I am approachable and willing to help to improve our UofG experience as much as possible.
Thank you!
Zak Hussain
Hi, I’m Zak, a second year Aeronautical Engineering student running for Mental Health Equality Officer. Having battled with depression and anxiety for the past 3 years, I know first-hand the challenges that those with mental health disorders face in their university, home and personal life. I have been subjected to significant stigma as well as having undergone different treatment options and therapies. It frustrates me that in this day and age, many treat mental illness as something to be ashamed or embarrassed about and having such an illness makes you “crazy” or a “freak”. As Mental Health Equality Officer I will:
• Ensure new and current students are aware of the support available both on and off campus
• Raise awareness to directly tackle the stigma surrounding mental health disorders and educating people on the symptoms and impacts they have on people’s lives
• Fight for an increase in funding in the university’s mental health budget as the current psychiatric service is far too oversubscribed
I am a diligent and hard worker and will ensure that my time on the council will be used to make a noticeable difference.
Kirsten Muat
Hi, I’m Kirsten and I’m a first year Politics and Philosophy student. I’ve sat on council for the past year, working on my manifesto promises. During this last year I’ve gained experience and insight into how the SRC and university operate that I’ll use to represent you to the full.
If elected, I’ll:
• Push for a quiet space on campus that those suffering can use to get a break from the noise and pressures of everyday life.
• Promote the services that already available such as pastoral care, night line, and support groups. There’s a wealth of support out there for people suffering from mental illness but it’s not well known. Only by advertising these services will they be used to the full.
• Work to promote awareness of mental illness and to get rid of the stigma and make it easier for others to spot those who are suffering from mental illnesses.
• Where possible bring in a peer support programme. These are already in some schools and they’re proven to be a great success and source of support.
Vote Kirsten Muat for your Mental Health Equality Officer!
Elliot Porter
My name is Elliot Porter and I’m standing for Re-election as Mental Health Equality Officer.
This year has seen the University make a concerted effort to improve Mental Health service provision. I will build on that progress by:
– capitalising on improvements in CAPS,
– increasing the MHEO’ campaigning role,
– lobby for preventative policies within the Uni.
The Counselling Service:
- Lobby the University to centrally fund the Peer Support Program.
- Continue to pressure for additional staff funds for the Counselling Service.
- Take advantage of the relationships I’ve forged with Mental Health Charities across the UK: bringing in their speakers and joining their nationwide campaign efforts.
- Assist Student Societies’ campaigning efforts, and provide contact with nationwide Mental Health campaigns.
- Promote discussion of mental illness, via discussion events and public information efforts, to reduce misconceptions around mental illness, and to make students more comfortable discussing their own experiences.
Preventative Policy:
- Provide Self-Care advice packages to all incoming students, particularly those in halls, on how to manage the significant change in lifestyle.
- Guidelines for all student societies on proper use of Content Warnings, and how to foster discussion and dissent whilst maintaining a Safe Space.
Bob Rooney
Reelect #BobForTheTopJob #Bob2016
In my short tenure as postgraduate convener in the College of MVLS I have already secured big commitments from the university for postgraduate students in MVLS.
I have:
• Pushed through a review of the credits system by the graduate school,
• Vastly improved communication between all postgraduate students and the SRC via surveymonkey & PG Drop in sessions
• Secured over £600 worth of funding for a PG ceilidh in MVLS to bring the Institutes together which will be held on the 1st of April
• Collaborated with the graduate school to design an online one-stop shop for PGR students that will include course notes, news and an opportunity for intra-college networking.
In addition, I am putting a great deal of emphasis on championing the student experience across MVLS by representing students who endure tough working conditions on placements. Furthermore, my contributions in the Researcher Development Committee are pushing forward PGR perspectives to improve the overall professional development training across the university. These plans mentioned above are in place to improve YOUR experience as a postgraduate student at the University of Glasgow. A vote for Bob is a vote for tangible change at both college and university level.
Una Marie Darragh
Hi, I’m Una Marie Darragh, and I’ve spent the past year working hard for students as your Vice President (Student Support). During this period I have learned that, at this crucial time of change, students need an SRC President who is experienced, competent and an effective voice on campus.
The SRC needs a President who will ensure that the needs of current student are not forgotten amidst future grand plans for redeveloping campus and will fight against unprecedented cuts to welfare services. I believe I am the best candidate to deliver these goals.
My experience
In my year working as your VPSS, I have
- Successfully lobbied residential services to ensure that much-needed free condoms and safe-sex supplies are provided in halls of residence receptions.
- “Secret-shopped” letting agencies to expose those exploiting students and charging illegal fees.
- Launched the Disabled Students’ Network to improve representation, feedback and support as well as a unique social network for disabled students.
- Worked with elected welfare officers to expand the reach and inclusivity of Freshers’ Week for mature students, disabled students and local students.
- Began the process of improving the university’s provision for student parents, a group for whom there is little support.
- Successfully implemented the Safe Taxi Scheme to ensure students can always get home safely if they find themselves stuck without money
- Worked with Counselling and Psychological Services, highlighted and resolved problems and will continue, if elected, to work with them to fight cuts and secure funding increases.
- Ran and co-ordinated the SRC’s largest and most varied Welfare Week.
As your President, I will:
- Continue the work that has started with the university and external agencies to eradicate sexual violence on campus.
- Ensure that the promise of a first-rate campus in ten years doesn’t neglect the needs of current students
- Push the university to change their current policy on student dept. Despite a tokenistic raising of the threshold to £25, students owing more than this are still barred from progressing or graduating. This is not what a supportive university looks like and it needs to change.
- Provide increased SRC transparency. I will make sure we regularly publish what your executive and representatives are doing. I will provide accessible bulletins after council meetings.
- Fight to retain a rector elected by students, for students who will chair the University Court against the Government’s proposals that could dilute that crucial student voice.
- Establish a campaigns forum to produce a more dynamic, more active SRC working alongside societies, clubs and the other student bodies.
- Work with our Vice President (Education) to push for better assessment and feedback university-wide.
- Consult postgraduate students and seriously improve PG representation and engagement.
- Work with GUSA, GUU and QMU to engage and support our diverse student body, starting with Freshers’ Week and continuing throughout the year.
I believe these are aims that can be realised during my term. For a President with experience and the skills and strength to make these changes: vote Una Marie Darragh #1 for SRC President.
Ellen Morton
Hi, I’m Ellen and I’m a second year Gaelic and Sociology student. Since first year I have been a member of the Glasgow University Marxist Society and have participated in socialist politics on and off campus. I’m standing for President to give students the opportunity to elect a representative that will turn the SRC into a democratic, campaigning organisation that stands up for our interests as students.
In recent years the SRC has avoided being overtly political. At a time when government policy is rolling back education and job opportunities, this is unacceptable. The SRC can be a strong voice for students that builds links with the broader student and anti-cuts movements to fight for a socialist alternative to capitalist austerity.
With me as your SRC President, we can fight for a better future.
The capitalist system of landlordism has failed to supply affordable, high-quality student accommodation. The logic of the profit motive means poor conditions and high rents for the majority of students.
The SRC can campaign to change this. As President I will support the campaign for rent controls on private rented accommodation. I will lobby the University to improve the quality of student halls and reduce rents to cover maintenance costs. Halls should be an affordable option for students who want to move out of home and meet new people, not a cash-cow for the University.
These policies will help prevent students being exploited by landlords. Ultimately, I believe the only long-term, sustainable and fair solution to the housing crisis is for tenants and communities to democratically control their accommodation themselves.
Fees and Education cuts
An SRC under my Presidency will be vocal and firm in its opposition to tuition fees, and support for free, universal education. While Scottish and EU students do not have to pay tuition fees, it is a scandal that rest of UK and international students are charged thousands in fees, accruing enormous debts. The SRC can be a voice in the student movement to campaign for free tuition.
As SRC President I will also stand in opposition to cuts to Further Education colleges, which have borne the brunt of education cuts by the Scottish Government. FE colleges are often a more accessible route into education and training for people from lower-income backgrounds. These opportunities must be protected.
Rights for Staff
The workers that are vital to the functioning of our University are too often not given fair employment terms by management. Low paid and precarious work is not acceptable. As SRC President I will fight for a living wage and fair employment contracts for all University employees.
An SRC that fights for us
The SRC must be a democratic instrument for representing the interests of students. A more open and accountable SRC can help build a more open and accountable University. If you want an SRC, which stands up for you, your lecturers and all the exploited in society, then vote for me in the Presidential election.
Vote Ellen Morton #1!
Ameer Ibrahim
Hello, my name is Ameer and I am running to become your next SRC President.
I am currently your Vice President (Student Activities). I have been on SRC Council for the last two years and have gained an extensive range of knowledge and experience through my role and achievements to date which include:
- Coordination and organisation of multiple events throughout the year on campus.
- Successful coordination of Freshers’ Week last September and Refreshers’ in January.
- Created the first ever SRC Volunteer Week.
- Fundraising for multiple charities.
- Allocation of over £6000 to clubs and societies over the last year.
- Supported societies to host events, and have worked to challenge room booking charges on campus that have been incurred.
- Promotion of Movember campaign.
As a member of the SRC Executive this year I have been a consistently visible and accessible representative to the wider student community, and vocal on issues that matter to students.
Campus Development
The University is spending upwards of £1 billion on the campus development; intermittent consultations throughout the year do not provide consistent student feedback. Student input is needed more consistently – I would work to create a student campus development committee.
Home Students
An estimated 40% of students at the University of Glasgow are Home Students. I would like to see more support available from the University.
Currently 1st Year’s who live in student accommodation receive gym membership – I would lobby the University and work with GUSA to extend this support to home students to subsidised membership being available to widen participation.
Higher Education Governance Bill
The Higher Education Governance Bill currently stands to largely compromise the democracy within Higher Education Institutions across Scotland – I will continue to represent students across the University and ensure views are being heard up to the national level.
Will work with the SRC Advice Centre to ensure students know where to locate support to challenge rogue landlords who offer low-standard accommodation, and stand for fairer rents.
Students need to be aware of support services that are available – I would promote further information sessions and tours of facilities during Freshers’ Week and throughout the year.
Further support for International Students, Mature Students and Postgraduates is needed across the board.
Quiet spaces on campus is also something there is lack of on campus, this would also be of particular benefit around exam periods.
Mental health stigma is something that must continue to be eradicated – raising awareness is something that must continue to be promoted.
Awareness and support around sexual assault should be promoted with more information and bystander training sessions being made available.
SRC Council being more visible on campus with drop-in services in the library, halls, and the Unions, and communication via social media will enhance council member’s profiles as representatives.
The SRC must continue to improve communication between council and the wider student population.
To have your views and voices heard – Vote Ameer Ibrahim SRC President!
Christabel Chittick
September 2016 will be the beginning of my fourth and final year at Glasgow University for my degree in Business Management and Psychology.
Erasmus in the Netherlands has given me a detailed insight into a different university system, which will help me to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of GU’s Business School.
I am applying for Business School Representative as I am passionate about helping other students get the most out of their university experience. I am a good communicator, and this is something I have been recognised for in previous work that I have done. Whilst working as a manager in a language school, communication with students, suppliers and teachers was vital.
If elected I will work hard to:
– Maintain a structured feedback channel through class reps and feedback forms from all students which will be regularly discussed and taken to higher levels.
– Organise employability events and help improve current annual events for all students including first and second year students.
– Build on current events and groups offering entrepreneurial opportunities.
Vote for Christabel! I want to listen to all students, help take action and make the Business School a better place for all students.
Julia Kamenova
Hi, I’m Julia, a second year Accounting and Finance student, and I am running for the Business School Representative position. It is vital to represent our School in the best way possible and I am certain I have all the skills required for this role.
I’ve had an extensive experience as a class representative and was on my high school’s student council for three years, so I am highly capable of expressing the views of my fellow students. Organising the Accounting e-Mentoring programme and being an active member of the Fencing Club, GUTIC and the Photography Society has helped me develop communication, leadership, teamwork and planning skills and exposed me to a wide variety of ASBS students from different courses and their views and opinions.
Some of the things that I will work on, if elected:
• having more lectures recorded;
• improving the quality of the feedback on assignments;
• organising additional study spaces for the ASBS students during exam times;
• more career-related events.
I will make sure that all students get sufficient information about the current events in the School and I will maintain a close connection to the class representatives.
Thank you for reading!
Rafael Crespo Molina
Hi, I’m Rafael! Together we will improve our life at university. I’m an 18-year-old Molecular Biology student from Spain, and I currently live in Cairncross House.
• Why vote for me? At my Secondary School I’ve been student representative on the Governing Board for 3 years and class representative for 2 years. This helps me to understand what students need and how representative bodies function. Also, the activities I do outside school (sports, scouting, student exchanges) have provided me with strong leadership and team working skills, which I will put into practice as School of Chemistry Rep.
• What will I do? I firmly believe in the importance of making your voice be heard in the right places, at the right times, to ensure we make the most of being Chemistry student. My first goal in this sense is to get the lectures recorded, since this will help us to better understand the subject and achieve the grades we want. Besides, I will ask our lecturers to provide us with short summaries of formulae and key points, as some of them have already done.
If this sounds good for you, just vote for Rafael!
Nina Hristozova
Dear all,
My name is Nina and I am a second year Computing Science student.
In the beginning of last semester I applied for class representative for Maths Level 2, because I thought that it would be a good experience to get to know other students’ opinion about the classes and how lecturers approach any arising problems.
I had to learn how to reformulate the negative feedback in a nice way in front of the lecturers so that the actual concern would not be lost and people would not get offended.
In the middle of the first semester I joined the class representatives for Computer Science Level 2, as well. The difference between the two Schools was that students from Maths were giving significantly more feedback that those from Computer Science. Some things concerned everyone but only a few people brought it up.
As a School Representative I would make sure that all Levels know that they can raise any concerns to their class reps and who those reps are. Furthermore, the class representatives can always rely on me and ask for advice. We, as student and school representatives, are always here to support you.
Anwar Abushaala
Alright guys, I am a 4th year MEng Civil Engineering student and I am asking you to vote for me this year! A few things on my agenda are:
– Support class reps in improving the student experience within the engineering school
– Create a culture shift where engineering students have more influence on the university’s decisions.
– With so much engineering going about on our campus, I want students to get the opportunity to sit down with those working on the district heating scheme, new social hub and the western infirmary campus.
– Convey the importance of the SRC to student engineers
– Effectively represent engineering students at council
My experience has included:
– Setting up the active EWB branch at Glasgow Uni
– Student rep for the Uni at the local Institution of Civil Engineers branch
– Class rep
Joshua MccAhill
My name is Josh, I am a 3rd year Earth Science student. Should you elect me as school representative my aims would be:
• To improve the school’s involvement in University issues related to geosciences
• Make effective changes to improve student satisfaction within the school
I would achieve these goals by:
1. Supporting student led initiatives in environmental issues
As Geographers and Earth Scientists we have a solid academic understanding of environmental and climate issues. I believe this is an undervalued resource, and we are capable of assisting the University in becoming a leader in environmental development.
2. Making marking more transparent
I believe a few, simple changes would allow for greater transparency in the marking process. I would like to see staff notify students with how much they have marked and how likely/unlikely it is marking deadlines will be met.
3. Constantly liaising with class representatives from across year groups and subjects.
This would allow me to ensure class concerns are effectively dealt with at honours and non-honours levels.
Whilst at university, I have studied both Geography and Earth Sciences. If elected I will work with students from both subjects to ensure both are happy and fairly represented.
Ryan O’Fee
Hi, I’m Ryan, currently a first year studying history and politics, and I’m hoping to be your next student representative for the School of Humanities. As I have a huge passion for my own Humanities subject I would be an extremely enthusiastic representative, and would fight fiercely to improve student experience in all subjects within the School.
My experience on SRC council this year as First Year Rep means that I am familiar with how the SRC functions and would be able to quickly embrace this new role. As First Year Rep I have worked to increase student participation whenidentifying issues within the university, which I would carry through to my new duties by working closely with all class reps in the school as well as making myself available to any individual student. I will take particular interest in how students feel about assessment within the school, especially in later years. I would also attempt to increase the practice of recording lectures, and make the recordings more accessible.
To increase student support I would look into introducing a student Peer support system within Humanities, which has successfully been done in the Vet school.
I hope I have your vote!
Hannah Todd
My name is Hannah Todd and I’m a third year History and Sociology undergraduate student. As Humanities School Representative I would have knowledge of both the Arts and Social Science Schools, for joint honours students, I could bring forward their concerns and liaise with the Social and Political Science reps, and other class representatives.
In this time of development for the university, I want to make sure that the members of the School have a say in any changes that may impact on their university careers at this localized level. In line with this- following the SRC’s implementation of pop-up Study spaces- I will aim to reinforce that during exam periods these spaces remain functioning, especially if level two remains uncompleted. Furthermore, I would aim to strengthen the link between Class Representatives and School Representatives, to really gain insight into any problems students may be having with specific courses. Class Facebook groups seem to be areas of insight into any problems students may have, therefore I will make sure class representatives also bring any queries mentioned via social media to the Councils attention.
Thank you for reading my manifesto! It would be great if you could vote for me!
Liam Bergin
Hi, I’m Liam Bergin, a third year studying Mathematics. I’m running to be your Maths and Stats rep for 2016-17.
I am currently the Level 3 class rep and have enjoyed raising and discussing student’s issues at the Staff-Student committee meetings. This experience has made me very passionate about representing the students of the school, especially with the proposed changes to the building in the upcoming year. I am really keen to engage with students and student reps to help develop an excellent environment for all the members of the school.
This year I have participated in the Level 1 & 2 helproom, it is run jointly by the SRC and MacSoc. I have found it a brilliant experience and I look forward to liaising with MacSoc to ensure that the helproom continues to run next year as a great resource for first and second year students.
As class rep I will work to represent you at both school and university teaching committee meetings. I will liaise with the class reps to discuss important issues and ensure that everyone’s opinions are heard and represented, especially at a localized level.
Haseeb Hamid
My name is Haseeb Hamid, I’m a 3rd third year medical student and would love to be your School of Medicine Representative.
My experience as a Class Representative for 2 years was an extremely positive one: I was able to focus on issues that were important to classmates and liaise with staff to help implement solutions and constructive changes for students and their learning experience. I have also represented thousands of students across the country as part of FOSIS Scotland and been involved in numerous societies across campus, giving me exposure to working with and representing a diverse range of students. Within these roles, I have gained a real and practical understanding about student needs at various levels as well as having developed skills in teamwork, communication, leadership and public speaking.
As your representative, I endeavour to:
- Ensure student feedback and concerns are listened to and acted upon
- Increase the level of support and understanding for students facing difficulties
- Provide a friendly and approachable face for students to contact about any concerns
I hope you can put your trust in me to be a hard-working, trustworthy and passionate voice for students within the School of Medicine.
Shutong Luan
My name is shutong and the position that I am applying for is the Representative of School of Psychology. I am currently a first year undergraduate student studying psychology. I managed to achieve an A5 grade for my psychology 1A module. Also, I joined the psychology society in the University of Glasgow for further contribution in this field. As I understand that the role of school representative is primarily academic, I will be actively communicating with the students studying psychology in order to maximize their potential in achieving excellent academic performances. Furthermore, I used to be the vice-president of Chinese Orchestra in my junior college back in Singapore. Thus, I have developed essential skills in liaising with both the teachers-in-charge and my fellow members. In this regard, I will be able to liaise regularly with Class Representatives, College Convenor, as well as the fellow students to ensure good communication at all levels. More importantly, I will be responsible for representing the views and concerns of students by consistently collecting students’ perspectives of the course, with the aid of various surveys. I will be attending all full meetings of Council to maintain a good working relationship with all committee members.
James Richardson
Hey, I’m James Richardson, 2nd year Politics and Economic & Social History student, Mancunian, and your current Social & Political Sciences Rep. I’ve enjoyed it so much I’m running for a second term. Hopefully I’ll get your votes.
Over the past year I’ve been getting to grips with the complex (and often very longwinded) processes you have to go through to get changes made within the School, and feel another year would allow me to properly make change. We were promised recording of all lectures – lecturers are still refusing. Turnaround times for essays are still far too long. And there is anxiety in our School that the new expansion of the University westwards will not benefit us.
The most recent NSS results have highlighted this to uni management, but it’s going to take time to get the solutions implemented.
On the wider SRC sense, I’ve been very active in arguing the case that university employees are paid a proper living wage, and not shunted onto unethical ‘self-employment contracts’ which in reality are no such thing. I’d love the opportunity to continue to be annoying to uni management.
Vote James Richardson #1. If anything because I’m annoying for uni management.
Dylan Beck
I’m Dylan, a third year sociology student. Throughout my time at Glasgow, I have been an active member of the student community, having worked with the SRC and on the committees of GULGBTQ+ and Amnesty International. Outwith campus, I’m proud to have taken part in organising an alternative Free Pride event last summer.
I should be your next Sexual Orientation Equality Officer as I possess the skills and qualities required to excel in this role. Having moved to Glasgow from a country where anti-homosexuality laws are similar to those of Russia, I fully appreciate the experience Scotland and our university have to offer, and want to ensure that every student has sufficient support to help them celebrate who they are. If elected, I will:
• Build strong working relationships with LGBTQ+, oSTEM, Queer Law and other relevant societies, reaching out to students and addressing the problems they face
• Work with other student bodies to repeat the success of this year’s LGBT History Month
• Join other welfare officers in tackling intersectional issues
• Push for changes to improve the LGBTQIA students’ experience, including more extensive equality & diversity training and a space on campus
Jenny Benson
Hi there!
My name’s Jenny Benson and I’m a Junior Honours French & Business Management student.
I’m very involved in student life; with the SRC through freshers helping and I’ve been a general representative since October 2015, and I’m a co-president of the French society.
I feel I’ve shown I’m passionate about student wellbeing through the amount of work I’ve put in the gen rep position: running a drop-in/bake sales, speaking at an event for future language assistants, taking photos and being involved in events during SRC weeks and attending every council meeting and every event run by council that I can.
The Arts Convenor position is more specific which means I can work on issues with a clearer idea on the results and here’s some things I’d like to do if elected:
– Work with school/class reps so that more information about any news related to Arts degrees is being given to students.
– Support school/class reps in running events, such as the language assistant training.
– Work with professors to make sure students are receiving sufficient feedback.
I am very approachable and always keen to hear and implement great ideas so vote for JENNY BENSON #1!
Imran Hafeez
The college of Science and Engineering at the University of Glasgow is a world renowned college the holds host to ground breaking research and a wide array of intellectual individuals. As such, this college needs the best representation for issues involving the University.
My name is Imran Hafeez and I have been on council for a year as the School of Engineering representative. Before this appointment I was thoroughly involved with the Biomedical Engineering society and was also departmental representative for my first year at university. I have always looked to engage with students and improve the student experience around campus, socially and academically. During my time on council I have been involved in the redevelopment of the campus and have also worked on improving the facilities of the School of Engineering buildings.
If elected, I will represent the college in the new redevelopment program being undertaken by the university. I feel that more can be done to facilitate students in this college with more learning spaces. I will also look into improving the social experience, working with the variety of societies within the college to host more events together.
Alex Pancheva
Hello everyone! My name is Alex Pancheva, current 3rd year Software Engineering student and SRC School of Computing Science Rep, and I would like to become your next SRC College of Science & Engineering Convenor.
Over the past year, I have had the chance to work with staff members to ensure that student feedback is taken into consideration when changes are made to course structure and assessments. In addition, by being a Freshers’ helper and a council member, I have familiarised myself with the work of the SRC and I would love to continue representing students to the best of my ability.
If elected, I will:
• Work in partnership with the school reps to ensure that any arising issues are resolved
• Provide the student viewpoint at various faculty meetings
• Organise regular drop-in sessions to identify any issues within the college
• Encourage school reps to work together and exchange ideas
• Look into beneficial learning and teaching practices used by other colleges that could be implemented across Science & Engineering
Thank you for your consideration!
Jan Vlcek
When you are deciding who to vote for, what can be a better index than the work they have already done?
My name is Jan, I am a third year Business and Psychology student and last year I have been one of the most active members of the SRC. As the Business School Representative, I introduced a new Council handover document, organized a class rep meeting that was replicated in all other schools and raised the profile of student representation within the Business School. Let me do the same at the next level!
My additional qualifications include having been the president of the Chess Society and winning awards for diplomacy in MUN conferences in Oxford and Harvard
I have an array of plans but the most important one is to bring the SRC back to students. Did you know that the SRC can help you find a job, find a flat or sort out issues with landlords? I want to make students aware of the huge range of services that the SRC has through an accessible information campaign, so that everybody knows where to find help when they need it!
Vote Jan Vlcek to bring the SRC back to students!
Salim Al Wasity
Hi! I am Salim Al-Wasity. I am a PhD student in the College of Science and Engineering. I am running to become your SRC Vice President Education because I believe that I have enough experience, skills and motivation to succeed in improving the level of students’ education, experience and support at University.
About me:
Since the start of my PhD at the University of Glasgow, I have been involved in different research activities aimed at making people aware of what we researchers do behind our closed doors laboratories. This involvement polished my communication and team-working skills which I believe to be essential for the role I am running for.
I am very friendly, approachable and easy to talk to. I enjoy listening to students and help people in general while understanding the importance of privacy and confidentiality in all occasions.
- I am currently the postgraduate convenor- College of Science and Engineering.
- Member of University Senate Committee which plays a key role in teaching, research policy and programs of study.
- Also, I was elected by the council members to sit on the Deans of Graduate Studies Committee which is one of the most important committees for dealing with Postgraduate issues like PGR terms and conditions.
- I have experience in academic quality enhancement and aware of students needs since I worked as a Quality Assurance manager for two years.
- I worked as an academic lecturer for around 6 years before I got my PhD scholarship in the UK.
Such experience has supported my understanding of how the university is working and how the SRC can be actively engaging with many aspects of university and student life.
My objectives:
- Enhance Research Quality: I will work towards facilitating the integration between local and/or global industry sectors and supervisors. Moreover I will motivate supervisors to match their unfunded projects with local or international needs, especially within the poor countries.
- Supervisors Evaluation: I want to develop fixed criteria for students to evaluate the quality of supervision and the overall contribution of the supervisor. This evaluation would help to improve the research quality, and hence the university’s position in national and international ranks. This would also contribute to optimize the way the university resources are used in terms of money, time, student’s power etc.
- Strengthen the link between students and SRC members: Establishing a tighter relationship with class representatives would help to support students and solve their problems quickly and effectively.
- Organize workshops and conferences: These initiatives within (and between) universities would encourage students to share their experiences and expertise as well as to establish new collaborations between them. The possibility to work with other departments such as IT-library would also improve students in IT skills and academic writing for example.
I will try to do my best to maintain and improve the already high level of education and student support at the University. And with my previous experience and motivation, I am sure I will be able to meet and go beyond your expectations.
Kate Powell
My pledges in this manifesto for Vice President are realistic and can be delivered. For the last two years I have been the Undergraduate Arts Convenor. My experience in this role means I understand the realities of representing student voices and how to challenge the University in decisions that affect students adversely. I have a proven track record and have delivered on my previous manifesto pledges.
As the campus starts to grow and change, my main priority as your VP will be ensuring that the learning environment for current students is not compromised by new developments. I’m excited about the future of our University and the prospects for new students in the years ahead. Equally I’m passionate about maintaining the highest standards of learning and teaching for us in the University today.
The right changes for the difference we need:
- Feedback across the colleges should be consistent. I would work to create a moodle portal where summative feedback will be accessible throughout the course of your degree.
- Transitions between years can mark significant leaps in expectations. I will liaise with staff to provide clear information on course requirements and on future postgraduate opportunities.
- Support for students who feel isolated and disengaged is limited at a College Level. I will implement a Student Support Network where student volunteers can introduce them to all the academic and social aspects of life at GU.
- Timetabling for examinations is released weeks before they begin. This is problematic for students making plans during vacations. I will lobby the Registry Office to release exam timetables earlier.
- Study Space on campus is inadequate. I want to build on the work of my predecessor to increase the use of alternative study spaces.
- Class Representatives deserve feedback from their meetings with staff. I plan to ensure all staff follow up on course developments.
My experience
My record includes pushing for student representation on staff committees, promoting the work of the SRC and fulfilling my manifesto promises.
I have:
- represented the SRC at Senate for two years
- publicised the work of the SRC as part of the PR team on social media
- led inductions
- held student consultations and workshops
- consulted on the master plan, L&T Hub and co-lead a workstream.
- criticised campus developments
- presented plans and ideas at meetings
- sat on the College Learning and Teaching Committee for two years and sat on the University Learning and Teaching Committee this year
- line managed and supported School Representatives and help them facilitate meetings
I want to add to the offer the SRC provides by developing communication to and from students and by using the power of student voices to make significant change.
The role of Vice President Education is vital to student representation on academic committees. As VP I will challenge the University to provide the best possible teaching, the best learning environment and to strive to improve the quality of the student experience.
Mhairi Harris
Hello! I am Mhairi Harris and I hope to be your next Vice President of Student Activities.
I would like to make clear I do not intend to make false promises. My main focus is to be there for students and to represent YOU. My manifesto points have been determined by feedback from students as well as observations made throughout my years at Glasgow University. This list is not exclusive and I will actively seek and welcome suggestions throughout the year.
–Raising and Giving. This year, I have helped create the Raising and Giving committee. It has already been a great success and activities have included fundraising for Children in Need and Worldwide Cancer Research. I want to continue its success starting with Fresher’s Week with a stall at the Fresher’s Fair to get more students engaged.
-Building the SRC experience. I love the SRC and think it is a fantastic student body to get involved with. However, getting involved with the SRC can be a scary proposition especially if you are new to the university. I want to help new council members feel more aware of what opportunities they have and how they can achieve their goals starting with council training.
-Fresher’s Week. Continue to run a great Fresher’s Week and work hard with the other student bodies to raise awareness of what’s going on. The numbers of passes decreased last year so I want to ensure people aren’t missing out on this important experience.
–Society Funding. Even though the number of societies affiliated with the SRC has increased dramatically, funding for grants has remained the same! I will press the university for answers and also increase the transparency surrounding how grant applications are awarded.
–Sport and society Wednesdays. Wednesday afternoons should be devoted to sport and other society activities, yet students are still having to choose between lectures and extra curriculars. This should not be the case and I will continue to raise awareness for lecture recording Wednesdays.
–Home students. I have had the delight in helping create the Home Student Network. This society has been missing for many years and I want to continue its expansion. There is a huge gap in home student representation and I want to actively seek ways to enhance their student experience.
- 2 years on SRC Council and currently Charities, Clubs and Societies’ Officer.
- Involvement within university life: Regular member of Women’s Hockey Club, Muay Thai and Home Student Network.
- As CCS officer I have regularly worked with the current VP of Student Activities, helping my understanding of the position’s requirements and making me a qualified person for the job.
- This year I have dedicated a large proportion of my time towards charity fundraising (I am that devoted I even sat in a tub of custard) and we have already almost beaten last year’s total!
- I have never been afraid to speak up, nor will this change.
Vote Mhairi #1 Vice President Student Activities.
Galina Misheva
Fellow students,
The world, as we know it, is changing fast. The race to the top for employment, and the pressure to close our eyes when it comes to inequality in the name of self-advancement are becoming more pervasive as we speak. The words of James Reid, one of the most notable rectors of this university, on alienation have never been truer: ‘Reject the values and the false morality that underlies these attitudes. A rat race is for rats. We’re not rats. We’re human beings’.
With university fees reaching new heights, and grants and funding being cut every minute, with The Higher Education Scotland Governance Bill of 2015 representing yet another way of curtailing student democracy, the SRC has never been so important and meaningful as an institution in providing support and making sure that students do, in fact, possess equal opportunities.
I’m currently doing a masters degree in Human Rights, and have been in the events team of Subcity Radio for the last three years, with past events experience. I’m running for VP Student Activities due to several reasons. With budget cuts for almost all societies, it is more important than ever to make sure no one gets excluded and equal opportunities are offered to all. I will lobby the university for a debate on funding and its allocation for clubs and societies and will create more opportunities for financial gain and more scope for action for societies. Where changes are not possible, I will listen to you and offer other ways of improvement, better communication between clubs and societies and the SRC, and more coordination. I will also lobby for more study spaces, as the library is no longer able to accommodate all students.
In a political climate that is nothing but divisive and unequal, and in a world where the phrase: ‘Your degree is not enough’ is a motto used by big firms, it is important to make the best of the numerous extracurricular activities available to you. I will make an online calendar which will feature the events of all clubs and societies and update them regularly, so that getting involved in something you never thought of doing before is one click away. This will allow you to meet new people, test out different ideas, gain more skills, and feel involved.
If elected, I will create a comprehensive database with information on charities that are looking for volunteers. The SRC has a number of volunteering opportunities already, but I intend to link them with the volunteering opportunities available throughout Glasgow. This would not just look great on your CV, but will help direct your abilities where they are most needed. I will also work with the Internship Hub to offer more choices for degrees that do not get sufficient internship opportunities and set up more free workshops for those who want to learn new (or improve their current) skills.
Your vote counts.
Make the SRC your main representative, because you are the leading force behind it.
Farhan Riaz Ahmed
Hello! I am Farhan, a 3rd year Accountancy and Finance student. By running for the position of VP Student Activities, my role is not to dictate what your priorities should be, but for you to tell me what your priorities are and how I can help you toward those goals.
My involvement with the SRC started in my first year as a class representative. This year I was an SRC Fresher’s Helper which gave me an insight into the logistics of helping students’ during their enrolment and organising events. I have been a board member of various societies which has given me an understanding of the difficulties and the assistance that societies need. Being actively involved with volunteering opportunities for charities like Macmillan Cancer Research has given me experience to raise money and will help me during RAG events. This experience has encouraged me to promote multiculturalism and diversity and be your next VPSA.
- Cooperate effectively with GUU, QMU, and GUSA to organise a successful Freshers’ Week through effective utilisation of resources and marketing via social media. Brainstorming ideas with student unions for new events to prevent repetition of same events every year.
- Maintain a balance between alcoholic and non-alcoholic events not just during Freshers’ Week but throughout the year.
- Enforcing the idea of a community within society, thus forging closer links with various clubs and societies. Additionally, to improve communication between different clubs and societies to encourage joint initiatives.
- To create a booklet for students to inform them how to obtain affiliation and funding for a new society. To organise information sessions which enlighten committee members of societies how to can gain grant funding.
- Increase the recognition of student attributes in the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR), i.e. attributes acquired by students through participating in extracurricular activities. Inform students about the benefits of volunteering to enhance their CV leading to better job opportunities.
- To communicate with relevant authorities regarding the ‘Prevent’ policy to ensure that students’ rights are safeguarded and avoid an atmosphere that isolates students already stereotyped in the society.
- During the extension of the campus, to ensure that SRC is involved in the decision making process, especially regarding space for social/recreational activities. Thus, try to resolve the problem of booking rooms for societies.
- Get involved with external organisations to attain sponsorship for on-campus events.
- Running RAG events throughout the year and getting more clubs and societies involved in the events. To support other voluntary opportunities like Movember, and encourage student to run their own fundraising campaigns.
- Continue the success of Dogs on Campus to help student relieve stress and anxiety because “You can always find hope in a dog’s eyes”.
- Publicise and work alongside the university’s student media to improve promotion of events during Media Week and other events throughout the year. Also to get funds from sponsors because without sufficient funds student media cannot work effectively.
- To support and review the work of other representatives and officers to resolve issues as they arise.
Iain French
Hi, I’m Iain a third year politics and public policy student, and I want to be your next VP Student Support! Since coming to GU I have been heavily involved in societies – most notably being President and Vice President of GULGBTQ+ – and involved in setting up the Home Student Network and the Public Policy society. For the last year I have served as Sexual Orientation Equality Officer, all these experiences have led me to wanting to become your next VPSS. I have always had student welfare and experience at the forefront throughout these roles, and will continue to develop policy and run campaigns with this as the key factor.
My time on council and the LGBTQ+ society has given me experience of running campaigns, working across campus, and dealing with senior management. One example of this is the current LGBTQ+ History month celebrations which I have coordinated with the LGBTQ+ society; and promoting GNT across campus and pushing for these in the unions and some university buildings – as VP of the LGBTQ+ society I was part of the team who ensured the first GNT in the GUU. These experiences are invaluable for a sabbatical position. I have also worked closely with the current VPSS, and know the current projects being developed that can be taken on – such as preventing sexual violence on campus, and improving lighting on campus at night.
If elected I will focus on:
- Improving accessibility of SRC weeks for disabled students; home students; LGBTQ+ students; student carers; and international students. Running events in accessible rooms, at accessible times for travelling, and with accessible promotion for those not familiar with them. These are some of the groups that don’t engage as much with the SRC and our events, so working to make our events more accessible to them is key to increasing involvement.
- Keeping student voice at the core during the campus redevelopment: making sure adequate rooms are being allocated to clubs and societies; gender neutral facilities; family friendly zones; prayer zones, and some quiet study areas.
- Encouraging and facilitating the welfare officers to work together on joint projects or issues where there is intersectionality. This would enable events to be more accessible and projects be stronger.
- Improving transparency of council members. Council is elected by the students and I feel we need to keep students updated as to what we are doing and how they can get involved.
- Improving council training: training is given after freshers’ week as that is when we have a full council after the autumn elections. I feel that initial training should come before this, and then full training be more role specific.
- Push for welfare supplies to be available in accessible locations across campus and halls of residence – and for these to be well advertised.
I have a lot of other ideas of things I would work on if elected, and think that my passion, experience and drive would make me perfect for this role. VOTE IAIN #1 VPSS!
Erin Ross
Hi! I’m Erin and I’d love to represent you as Vice President for Student Support.
As school rep for Modern Languages and Cultures I’ve actively improved welfare by engaging with students, staff and societies and launching peer support projects. Leading a Freshers’ team and sitting on council this year have given me a strong understanding of the SRC as an organisation, our services and our responsibilities to the welfare of the entire student community.
As secretary of GU Amnesty International, I stand for human rights on campus and beyond. I will empower students to campaign for the issues you care about by backing grassroots movements like Let’s Talk and LGBTQ+ Soc’s Pronoun Pledge and pushing the university for democratic change.
I fight and will fight for priority focus on eliminating sexual violence on campus. We need:
- concrete guidance on how to report it and whom to report to
- training in consent, bystander intervention and personal safety
- survivor support that is self-directed and easy to seek
A third of all students experience mental ill health. Early intervention is vital. I will:
- ensure provision for suicide prevention training
- provide self-care information and stress relief activities to combat sub-clinical mental health issues
- work with CAPS and academic reps to roll out peer support programmes to all schools
Student body board members, Freshers’ Helpers, society execs, SRC reps and all staff in advisory roles are key points of contact with students. They need:
- equality and diversity training which is far more LGBTQ+-inclusive
- mental health first aid training
- inductions to support services so students can be pointed in the right direction
This campus could be miles more inclusive and Freshers’ Week is an important starting-point. We need a dedicated team to focus on events aimed at non-traditional students. For the rest of the year I will:
- sustain and develop the new Disabled Students’ Network
- grow the Home Students’ Network by setting up a welfare forum
- work across campus to improve international student integration and service visibility
I will work with our team of Welfare Officers to tackle issues with a cohesive and intersectional approach which has space for wider student input.
I will work with reps and students studying at our Dumfries campus, online and abroad to ensure their support needs are being met. The university website needs to better signpost support services to students and I will fight to implement this.
Between the four student bodies, we have the engagement, resources and sway to make a huge impact across campus. I’m committed to improving cross-campus relations with regular meetings and collaborative campaigns. I’ll also build relationships with support organisations in the community.
The campus redevelopment needs to be designed around students’ needs. This means:
- full accessibility, family-friendly study space, reflective space and dedicated society space
- wider consultation with the student body and specific needs groups
If you want a Vice President who’s open, driven and people-focused, vote Erin Ross for Student Support this election.