SRC Annual Report 2009/10
This year presented new challenges as we were decanted for a period while work was being completed on the roof of our home, the John McIntyre building. We had originally anticipated that we would be decanted for two years whilst the the building was completely refurbished, eventually allowing us to increase the quality of customer service provided at our front desk area and providing additional new space for student volunteers and clubs and societies. Sadly, like many others, we were affected by external financial forces and the plans have been put on hold, possibly for a few years. Nevertheless, the roof has been repaired and we are due to return to the John McIntyre building in time for the start of the next academic session.
This is the third report since we developed our first strategic plan and once again we use it as an opportunity to report on the progress of the aims which it outlines. We hope you take time to have a look through it, and we enthusiastically welcome feedback and comment on its contents. During the coming year we will be developing a new three year strategic plan and it is important that we get as much input as possible in order to ensure that GUSRC remains a relevant organisation which provides value for money and plays a significant role on improving the student experience at Glasgow.
Despite the accommodation issue, GUSRC has continued to develop its services and representation functions. A new record of 641 course representatives were trained this year. Freshers’ Week was a great success with over 3400 passes being sold – GUSRC was particularly praised for holding events which weren’t focused around alcohol and targeted less traditional members of the student population (eg international students). We’ve also expanded the minibus service to include morning provision, and the number of volunteers we supported has increased to 636, a figure which doesn’t include the hundreds of participants in the student media.
We engaged widely with students to inform our responses on the University restructuring and strategic plan proposals, an outcome of which has been the revision of our own structure in order to match the University’s. The strength of our partnership with the University was particularly highlighted in some encouragingly positive feedback from the external ELIR (Enhancement-Led Institutional Review) Report. We continue to represent students on over 50 University committees and working groups and the fruit of just some of this work is highlighted in the following pages.
All in all, it has been another exciting year for GUSRC as wework hard to represent the interests of students inside and outside the University. This report will guide you through some of the ways in which GUSRC has directly or indirectly contributed to an enhanced student experience at Glasgow.
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