SRC Annual Report 2013/14
Welcome to GUSRC’s Annual Report for 2013/14. Thanks for taking the time to read this and find out more about how we’ve continued to deliver high quality services and represent the students of University of Glasgow.

As the result of an independent review the previous year, the 2013/14 session saw the implementation of a revised governance structure. Key to this were the changes to the roles and remits of GUSRC’s four sabbatical officers, including the creation of the new position of Vice President (Student Activities) and replacement of the Vice President (Media and Communications) function with a staff role.
The realignment of these roles has enabled us to focus on annual activities such as Freshers’ Week, Welfare Week and the Student Teaching Awards, as well as increasing activity in developing areas which are gaining higher priority, such as Graduate Attributes and Postgraduate representation.
This year saw the launch of GUSRC’s new website The upgraded functionality and modern appearance have transformed the way in which the website can be used as a valuable way of conveying important information to students.
Throughout the year, we led and supported a number of campaigns which brought to us by individual students or affiliated clubs. Most recently Council agreed to support a motion calling for University fossil fuel divestment which we are currently championing at Court.
GUSRC continues to be proud of its work with University in policy development. 2013/14 saw the development of three policies written or heavily shaped and driven by GUSRC: the Student Mental Health Policy outlines what should happen in the event that a mental health condition is affecting a student’s ability to study; the University’s new Exam Feedback Policy should promote a consistent level of feedback to students across the University; and the Lecture Recording Policy will enable and encourage staff to use Lecture Recording facilities to support students’ learning. The 2014 ELIR review of the University once again acknowledged the strength of the constructive partnership between GUSRC and the University which enables both to work together to success on policies such as these.
Over recent years GUSRC has focused on representing students at a University and national level. However, in 2014, GUSRC became the representative for students of the Universitas 21 network on the U21 Student Experience Cluster. This role allows GUSRC to consider the experience of students beyond the UK, and champion the growth of student mobility and other international opportunities for students.
Another memorable event in 2014 was the Rectorial Election. Students said goodbye to the Rt. Honourable Charles Kennedy MP after his six year period as a highly effective and committed Rector. GUSRC worked hard to encourage engagement with the elections for a new Rector including the organisation of what was a lively electoral hustings. The range of candidates made it an exciting contest with the winner, Edward Snowden, attracting media interest from around the world.
These are only some of the highlights from 2013/14. Please read on to find out more about what happened over the year and how GUSRC has continued to be a central part of the University of Glasgow.
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