Get involved
There are many ways you can get involved. You could become a Student Representative for your department or a council member of the SRC. In addition, there are the many clubs and societies for you to join – from the English Literature Society to Network Gaming, Amnesty to Student Theatre. You could even join one of the range of award-winning student media – whether you want to host a radio show, write for a magazine, edit a newspaper or direct a television programme, there will be something for you to get involved with.
Student media
The SRC supports four award winning Student Media groups: Glasgow University Guardian, Glasgow University Magazine (GUM), Subcity Radio and Glasgow University Student TV. You don’t need any previous experience and the start of the year is the best time to join. Taking part in Student Media will provide you with invaluable experience and a new bunch of friends. To find out more, go to
Volunteering opportunities
Through Student Volunteer Support Service the SRC provides a whole host of personal development volunteering opportunities. Whether you’re interested in working with homeless people or the elderly, working with children and young people or student volunteers abroad there are opportunities for you.