A new Council and a new Executive…
The 2014/2015 SRC Sabbatical officers and Council take office for the year ahead.

Today marks the start of new ventures for many students at Glasgow Uni. With graduations in full swing we wave goodbye and offer our congratulations to those who have worked tirelessly over the past few years to get their degree. Here at the SRC we have our own annual milestone as we get to welcome a new Council and a new Executive team.
We’re all really excited for the year ahead and about what we want to achieve throughout the year. We’ve all come into this role with ideas and enthusiasm so we’re expecting big things for ourselves and our new council members.
One of our major priorities for the year ahead will be engagement with students, both here on Gilmorehill and our campuses further afield such as Dumfries and Singapore. We plan on being out and about on campus a lot; chatting to students, and gathering feedback on what you feel are the main issues on campus at the moment. Although we’d love to, we know it may be a little difficult to speak to all of you individually (there are 26,000 of you and only 4 of us!) but if you do see us please do come and have a chat ( at the end of this post you will find other ways to get in touch as well). Whether it’s about an issue you want to raise or if you just fancy a chat, stop us and say hello!
We were elected by you and sit on a wide variety of committees between us so that the student voice is always heard. It’s really important we have as much information as possible as to how you feel and as much evidence as possible to inform our input The SRCs opinion is highly regarded within the University and we participate in committees at the highest level relating to virtually all areas of the University’s work; from the Western Infirmary Development Site to MyCampus. Any comments you provide us with will assist us in making informed contributions on the many student related matters we discuss with the Uni over the year.
We’re looking forward to working with you, with University staff and Senior Management on improving the experience of the University’s current and future students.
If you would like to contact any of us individually then our e-mail addresses are:
Breffni O’ Connor – president@src.gla.ac.uk
Caelum Davies – vp-education@src.gla.ac.uk
Liam King – vp-support@src.gla.ac.uk
Gintare Masiulyte – vp-activities@src.gla.ac.uk
And if you wanna keep up to date on what we’re doing on a day to day basis then follow us on Twitter:
Breffni @GUSRC_President
But our office door is always open if one of us is in, so please do pop into the John McIntyre Building if you want to speak face to face, we always love the company!