Sabb Blog 2018/19 #2 – VP Education
Throughout the academic year, your GUSRC sabbatical officers will provide an update on the work they’ve been carrying out to make your experience at the University of Glasgow even better. Our second blog for 2018/19 comes from your VP Education Emma Hardy

Hi everyone! I’m Emma and I’m the Vice President Education in the Students’ Representative Council. Hopefully the semester is going well for all and you’re not swimming in too many essays and assignments. The rest of the exec (the President and two other VPs) and I have had a hectic few months since we started in July-here’s an update on some of the things I’ve been working on to try and make your time at Glasgow even better.
Class Reps
This year we’ve been trying to make the class representative role even better by making sure everyone understands how the system works and increasing the support the SRC gives. Myself along with SRC staff held a session for university staff over the summer to gauge their understanding of what the role entails, to take them through the class rep training so that they know how our representative structure works, and to help them work even better with class reps. On the student facing side, we’ve got our Class Rep Mixer coming up on 21st November from 2-4 in the Williams Room (level 1 of the McIntyre Building on University Avenue). Anyone who’s a class rep is welcome to come along-it’s a great chance to meet class reps from other courses and chat about how you’re finding the role! There will also be some food to tuck into also!
Academic Reps
Part of my role as VP Education is line managing our Academic Representatives on council-all 26 of them! They’ve all got personal projects that they’re working on alongside pushing the SRC’s main campaigns and initiatives, including thinking about how to create a better community of learning in the College of Arts, making sure the names of your SRC School and College Representatives are featured on every course Moodle within Science and Engineering and creating a better postgraduate community this year, through running more social events in the Gilchrist. These are just a few projects your representatives are working on, and with a group as enthusiastic as this I’m sure we’ll have loads of SRC Wins this year! Remember if you have anything to tell your academic representatives or what to find out what they’ve been up to, you can find their contact details on our Representation pages.
We’ve also been working really hard to plan this years’ Student Teaching Awards! The STAs are a really great chance for you to recognise those who have made your experience at Glasgow even better and give something back to them. This year we’ve got 11 categories for you to nominate in, ranging from Best College Teacher to Best Support Staff or Best Student Representative to Best Use of Technology in Learning. If you nominate someone and your nominee is shortlisted, you could get the chance to come along the ceremony on 21st March! Nominations open 12th November-keep an eye on our social media or visit for more information.
You’re always welcome to get in touch with me via email at if you want to know more about anything I’ve mentioned here or if you’re interested in finding out more about the SRC in general. You can also follow me on Twitter @GUSRC_VPED to see what I get up to day to day. You can also come along to our Ask the SRC session in the Library on 12th November 1-3pm if you’d like to get to know your representatives or give us any feedback!