Spring Elections 2019: Nominations are now open!
Election nominations are now open! Keep reading to find out more!

Nominations for elections are now open.
Running for a position is a good way to have your voice heard and a chance for you to help to improve your campus for yourself and your fellow peers.
We spoke to former Councillors about why they decided to run and they spoke of a number of reasons including –
The chance to:
- Actively get involved on campus and to learn more about how it works
- Meet new friends
- Learn more about the structure of the university
- Network and build up your CV/ add something to your HEAR (Higher Education Achievement) transcript.
- And most importantly… get invited and events and eat all the food and well and truly live that boujee life #justkidding.
All jokes aside, if you’re interested in running then make sure you check out the candidate packs (and how to put yourself forward for a position) here.