The Guide 2019/20
The 2019/20 Guide, produced by the SRC. It contains almost everything you need to know about being a student in Glasgow.

“The Guide” is produced annually by the SRC. It contains almost everything you need to know about being a student in Glasgow. All new students should receive a hard copy, for convenience we’ve produced a downloadable version, which you can access here.
This book is commissioned by Glasgow University Students’ Representative Council, the SRC, as a way of introducing you to everything you might encounter in your first year as a student. It contains information and advice on everything from choosing courses to the best live music venues; from where to pick up fruit and veg to where to look for your first post-halls at. It might seem like a lot of information and it might be a little overwhelming, but the Guide has been written, designed and edited by a team of current and former students of the University, informed by advice from the student organisations and University, with the intention of making your first year easier.
It might seem like a lot of information and it might be a little overwhelming, but the Guide has been written, designed and edited by a team of current and former students of the University, informed by advice from the student organisations and University, with the intention of making your first year easier. If it’s not useful, you won’t find it in The Guide.
Expect to catch quite a few mentions of the SRC in the following pages – not because we commissioned this book, but because the SRC is an integral part of the University of Glasgow. Our work includes running a free anonymous advice centre, a second hand bookshop, a volunteering service, a jobshop, a postgraduate social club and of course, providing representation for all 27,000 students at the University on campus, local, national and international levels.
The book is divided into four sections: Campus Life, Academic Life, Glasgow Life and Life Support, each covering different aspects of what it means to be a student at the UofG. Check the contents on the next page for details.
If you’re super-keen, feel free to blast through the 140ish pages ahead in your first few weeks; there’s plenty of tips to pick up that you might find useful to know as soon as possible, so crack on. If you’re already tired just finishing this page, hang on to The Guide, you never know when you might find yourself in a tricky situation and want some honest advice from those who have been there and lived it already. Have fun!