UCU Strike Funds Allocation
The university recently announced how the funds withheld from staff salaries during the UCU strike are going to be used and this article explains where the money has been allocated.

After the recent strike the University confirmed that the money withheld from staff who participated in the strike would be used to benefit students.
A total of £775,000 has become available and last week the Student Experience Committee, which is co-chaired by SRC President, Kate Powell decided how best to spend the funds.
Here’s what been decided:
- The £50 General Council Fee, which students were, previously required to pay in order to graduate has been abolished from this summer onwards and all those who have already paid the fee will be contacted about receiving their refund in the coming week. However, if you no longer have an active student email account or have not received an email by Tuesday 29th May you are advised to contact mycampus-fees@glasgow.ac.ukwith the Email Subject Header “General Council Fee Refund: Your Student ID and Your Full Name”, and include the details of your graduation and payment date within the body of the email.
- Additional funds will be allocated to student mental health services, with the aim of reducing waiting times and to expand existing training programmes.
- Part of the money will go towards the Student Hardship Fund, which assists students who are experiencing financial difficulty.
- A portion of money will go towards supporting clubs and societies that have needs that cannot be met from existing budgets.These include staffing costs for buildings that are not normally open or which are required out-of-hours; the provision of additional storage facilities for equipment; and support for the use of off-campus facilities by GUSA-affiliated sports clubs. Funds will be provided to assist with these issues
- A number of scholarships to support students from Low-Income Countries (LICs) or asylum seekers will be created.
We are pleased with how the funds have been allocated and look forward to seeing how they help students.