
Social & Political Sciences Representative
Patrick Aasen Heya, my name is Patrick and I’m a first-year politics and sociology student. As 1st year rep, I have been actively involved in the SRC since last autumn. Before I came to university, I had the chance to participate in a range of management and teamwork trainings which took me all over Europe. […]

Mathematics & Statistics Representative
Razeen Rohan I joined UofG as a direct second year entrant last September to pursue joint honours on Maths and Stats. Having started my social enterprise that focuses on building sustainable business models for people from the lower socio-economic demographic back in Bangladesh at the age of 16, I was able to gain invaluable experiences. […]

Veterinary Medicine Representative
Antonia da Fonesca Ioannou Hello! My name is Antonia and I am a third year vet student. After being involved in the SRC and in the Learning & Teaching Committee, I’ve learnt a lot about how the university is run and organized. Last year, I arranged for some veterinary resources to be available the main […]

Modern Languages & Cultures Representative
Paula Campbell Hello! I’m Paula Campbell, a Junior Honors French and German student. Having studied languages in SMLC since 1st year I understand how SMLC and its degree programmes function. In 1st and 2nd year I also studied within other schools so can appreciate the demand of studying across different faculties. Outside of class time, […]

Culture & Creative Arts Representative
Leo Cerosky Hiya! My name’s Léo Cerosky and I’m standing to be your representative for the School of Culture and Creative Arts for 2018/19! I’m originally from France and Germany and a first year student here at U of G. I study Theatre, Politics, and History of Art, for which I’m a class rep. During these […]