
Postgraduate Convenor Social Sciences
Remy He My name is Runming he and I study management of international finance in the postgraduate program. I came to the city of Glasgow in September 2015, through the year 2016 to 2017, I studied in Glasgow international college as a student and also as a student Rep. I participated and organised a variety […]

Postgraduate Convenor Science and Engineering
Geoff Wang Hi! My name is Yanfei Wang. l am pursuing for the master degree in science and engineering college now, so l want to be a science and engineering college convenor. l graduated from Glasgow international college in July this year. When l studied in Glasgow international college, l am a student representative, so […]

School Representative Social and Political Sciences
James Richardson Hey, I’m James Richardson, 2nd year Politics and Economic & Social History student, Mancunian, and your current Social & Political Sciences Rep. I’ve enjoyed it so much I’m running for a second term. Hopefully I’ll get your votes. Over the past year I’ve been getting to grips with the complex (and often very […]

School Representative Mathematics and Statistics
Liam Bergin Hi, I’m Liam Bergin, a third year studying Mathematics. I’m running to be your Maths and Stats rep for 2016-17. I am currently the Level 3 class rep and have enjoyed raising and discussing student’s issues at the Staff-Student committee meetings. This experience has made me very passionate about representing the students of […]

School Representative Geographical and Earth Sciences
Joshua MccAhill Hello My name is Josh, I am a 3rd year Earth Science student. Should you elect me as school representative my aims would be: • To improve the school’s involvement in University issues related to geosciences • Make effective changes to improve student satisfaction within the school I would achieve these goals by: […]