
School Representative – Modern Languages and Culture
Erin Ross Hello, I’m Erin and I’d love to represent you during my final year studying French and English Literature. My diverse academic background means I’m familiar with many aspects of your SMLC experience, from Level 1 German to Honours options, dissertations and the all-important Year Abroad. I’ve experienced the unique challenges of a beginners […]

School Representative – Business
Mihaela Dimitrova Hi all! First of all, here’s a bit of info about me – my name is Mihaela and I am a 2nd year Business (obviously) student. You may know me as one of your, quite enthusiastic, Business and Management 2B reps. Having been a class rep (and tasted the power!) I’ve seen how […]

School Representative – Mathematics and Statistics
Scott Dallas I’m Scott Dallas, a third year mathematics students. I’m running to be your maths and stats rep for the 2015-2016 academic year. I’m the current representative. In my time, I have worked in partnership with the maths and stats society to set-up a student run help room for 2nd and 1st years, represented […]

School Representative – Geographical and Earth Science
Sarah Bacom Hi there, I’m Sarah, a second year Geography and Sociology student and I would love to be your next Geographical and Earth Sciences School Rep! Over the past two years, I have gained a multitude of experience that has prepared me for this role. During first and second year, I have held a […]

Charities, Clubs and Societies Officer
Mhairi Harris Hello! I am Mhairi Harris and I will be running for the position of Charities, Club’s and Societies! You may remember me from last year when I held a General Representative position and thanks to last year, I now feel ready to take up a more challenging role. I have wanted this position […]