Autumn 2014 Manifestos
Here are the manifestos for the accepted candidates in the Autumn Elections 2014.
If you’re unsatisfied with the promises and rhetoric contained in each candidates’ wonderful prose, you’ll luckily have the chance to grill them in person at the hustings meeting, 6pm on Wednesday 22nd October in Room 201 of the John McIntyre Building.
Voting is open at from 9am to 5pm on Thursday 23rd October. Election Results will be announced around 6.30pm in Room 201, John McIntyre Building.
Choose a candidate below to see the manifesto:
Elliot Napier
Hi, I’m Elliot Napier. I’m a mature student studying History and Central and East European Studies. Here’s why I’d like you to elect me your Age Equality Officer.
Before university I was a welfare representative on the national committee of my employer’s LGBT association. I was also selected to represent our members at a European congress and was able to raise my constituents’ problems at a transnational level and share best practice with others from across the world. All of this brought me a wealth of experience in speaking out for others, dealing with diverse welfare needs and challenging unfair treatment.
If you elect me your Age Equality Officer, I will:
• lobby for larger nursery provision at the new campus at the Western Infirmary
• promote events where under-18s can participate on an equal footing with over-18s
• promote better information for prospective mature applicants on entry qualifications and what support is available
• be available for students at regular campus surgeries
• engage with all students, the Mature Students Association, Gilchrist PG Club and other societies to tackle all age-equality issues
Vote for an experienced voice, ready to speak up for all. Vote Elliot Napier #1 for Age Equality Officer.
Mia Averianova

I strongly believe that even a small amount of effort can lead to colossal achievements. With conviction and passion I say that I am ready to put all the effort needed in order to make our university life truly exceptional. At present, being a first year Business student, I am striving toward the progress and development of the Glasgow University student community.
First year can be overwhelming and intimidating. I did experience it myself during my first two weeks. However, just because we might be confused and restrained, the “voice” of every first year student should never be neglected. I am convinced that new students bring fresh ideas into the community and I would love these ideas to be heard.
Since it is our first year at the university and, for many, first year in Glasgow, I am curious what first year students have to say about their life in the Student Halls of Residence and outside of them. I anticipate that knowing different points of view will be helpful for current as well as prospective students.
With this in mind, I sincerely say that I would be honoured to contribute to the community as the First year representative.
Fred Lindahl
Hello! My name is Fred Lindahl and I come from Stockholm, Sweden! I am currently studying Economics, History and Politics, living in Murano halls.
In upper secondary school I was House Captain and along with former students of the school I assisted in establishing an alumni network for the school. These experiences have taught me the politics and practice of student/administration liaisons and its importance for ensuring student influence over academic and social life.
If elected, I will work towards improving recycling opportunities on campus and in student halls and engage in talks with the university about improved lecture conditions. In addition, I will make sure that all your concerns and issues will be discussed and considered at council level!
Let the Swede proceed!
Tom Smits
Changing my location every four years definitely has it benefits. However, it also brings drawbacks, one is having to cope with the seasonal changes and to shop accordingly. But I like to look at it from the positive side. Having lived in varied countries like Belgium, Thailand and the Philippines, I’ve been fortunate to observe and learn from the diverse cultures that are present in the world today. My horizons are broader and I can relate the experience of one person to that of another in a way that society makes more sense to me. Alongside my leadership experience throughout my school career, this position would be perfectly suited for someone with the practice I’ve gratefully gained. I hope to encourage and give all first years a voice by being approachable and making them feel listened too. First years may feel they don’t have the right to voice their opinions since they have just walked in. But they do as this is a new life experience for them and it’s partly our job to voice their opinion and it would be a pleasure if I could make their experience just a little more enjoyable by them being truly listened too.
Morag Deans
I’m Morag, a third year MSc Theoretical Physics student returning from an exchange year in Singapore, and I want you to elect me as your Gender Equality Officer. You may know me through discourse on the FemSoc and IEFS Facebook pages and my committment to the Gender in Society infographic project.
Studying towards a STEM career means I have witnessed institutional sexism first-hand; from casual micro-aggressions of being talked over to being told directly that I won’t “make it”. Too much emphasis is placed on attracting women to STEM careers and not enough on the quality of treatment they receive once on that path. Because of these experiences I have three main goals:
- To campaign for gender awareness training for lecturers at Glasgow University.
- To be approachable and help students feel safe with raising gender issues in a confidential manner, and, where appropriate, work in tandem with other SRC Officers on those which fall within multiple aspects of an individual’s identity.
- To make the heart of Glasgow University one which we can be proud of; open and welcoming to everyone.
For these, I urge you to elect me as your Gender Equality Officer.
Mark Bellingham

Hi my name is Mark Bellingham. I’m a postgraduate student in Sustainable Energy, I have also previously studied as an undergraduate in Civil Engineering. Having been at the university for 5 years now, I feel that I understand the wide range of emotions that students have throughout their studies and therefore I believe that I have what it takes to be one of your General Reps.
If elected the main points on my agenda will be:
- I believe that students should have a better platform through which to air their views to their General Reps, therefore I am proposing an improved form of weekly drop-in sessions for students to air their views.
- Better communication between students and their Advisors.
- Work on Committees and groups to best represent students.
The role of a General Rep is to best serve the students needs. Therefore I will strive to do the best I can to uphold that role and to work with students for the benefit of students.
Thank you for reading this manifesto and I hope I’ve convinced you to VOTE MARK #1 FOR GENERAL REP on the 23rd.
Eilidh Campbell
Hi! I’m Eilidh, a fourth year Law student and, as an admirer of everything the SRC does, I would love to contribute as general rep and inflict change where necessary to benefit our university.
Two years as an enthusiastic freshers’ helper with the added responsibility of team leader has given me greater insight into the services provided by the SRC. I was class rep for my year but would love the opportunity to represent a much wider spectrum of students and staff. As a member of GSDC and the Cecilian society, I appreciate the high demands of large societies on campus and as former Fundraising Convenor for Cecilians, I possess the organisational and team-working skills required of a general rep. I am friendly, approachable and always keen to help.
If elected, I would:
- strive to maximise representation by holding regular drop-in sessions for individuals to raise concerns
- be available to attend society meetings whenever requested to allow full society discussions regarding particular issues raised
- promote the services of the SRC and encourage students to voice opinions, ensuring everyone has the best possible experience at Glasgow
Thank you for reading – please VOTE EILIDH on 23rd October.
Georgia Charalambous
My name is Georgia and I am a fourth year English Language student. I have chosen to stand as a General Representative candidate as I have a variety of interests and experience and would like to work in different areas of student life.
Most importantly, I would like to work towards improving the SRC transparency of different practices and especially the recruitment processes for both voluntary and paid positions. I propose the anonymisation of applications, a system already in use by the Edinburgh University Council, which would result in a more objective and non-biased approach to recruitment.
Anonymising applications will have a plethora of advantages:
- Improve transparency of the SRC recruitment practices
- Enhance trustworthiness
- Increase student participation and engagement
- Decrease complaints and requests for feedback
Thank you for reading and I look forward to working with you!
Craig Fowler
Hello, I am Craig Fowler a second year Politics student at the University of Glasgow. I am nineteen and form Yorkshire. I will be running for the position of general representative in the upcoming SRC Autumn elections.
I am active in a number of Campus based societies and clubs including the dialectic society, politics society and GURFC. As well the previously mentioned interests I enjoy helping people which is why I have volunteered for the SRCs nightlight Programme and also why I am running for election.
If elected I pledge that I will be open, accessible and accountable and work for the needs of all students. To achieve this I pledge to be accessible by E mail as well as holding surgeries were people can come and discuss issues with me face to face.
I will also work to defend and improve the rights of students on campus and improve the (already good) services that the SRC offers.
Charlie Freitag

my name is Charlie. I’m in Psychology 2 and I would love to represent everyone of you at the SRC as a general rep!
By now, I have been Class Rep for four of my courses at University, including Psychology and Sociology this year. As a Class Rep, I have always been very active to help students with their issues around their course and university life. Last year, for example, I helped making more international students aware of their right to bring a dictionary to the exams. Now I would like to bring my commitment to my fellow students to the next level and represent the whole student body.
As a General Rep, I would like to be just as active in making the student experience as good as possible. I plan to work closely together with other SRC reps and committees to get all lecture recorded, improve essay feedback and stop overflow lectures, as well as making information on regulations more understandable and easily accessible. In addition, I will listen to what students feel could be improved and mediate between the student body and university staff.
Thais Ramdani
Hello! My name is Thais Ramdani and I’m a second year Psychology student. I got involved with the SRC at the start of the year being a Freshers’ Helper and loved it so much that I am now running for General Representative!
I give my all in all that I’m getting invested in; during Freshers’ Week, I got given the Helper of the Week award for my work. I would love to be able to keep on helping students by listening to any issues you might have and finding solutions for them. My plan is to hold regular surgeries to be able to hear what each of you has to say. I am also comfortable with public speaking, and will not hesitate to raise your questions in council.
Furthermore, as a General Representative, I will give my full support to current officers. I am already in contact with some of them from Freshers’ Week and this will allow me to easily assist them in their campaigns. I will also help with the greater spread of gender neutral toilets around campus and greater advertisement of clubs and societies.
Thank you for reading and VOTE THAIS RAMDANI #1 for General Representative!
Bram Reitsma
Hey, my name is Bram, I’m a third year Economics and Statistics Student, and I’m running to become a General Representative on the SRC council!
I’ve been a Freshers’ Helper for the SRC for the past two years, and was a deputy team leader this year. Through this experience, I feel that I have gained a clear understanding of what the SRC does, and how it is incredibly beneficial to students. If elected, I will try to work closely with the other council members, and to try to support them in their various fields as best I can. I also hope to further engage with students, to ensure students are more aware of the work the SRC does and the services it has on offer for them.
More generally, I want to look into more informal ways to increase awareness of the SRC among the rest of the student body.
Furthermore, I hope to try and make it easier for students interested in the work the SRC does to have access to material which shows the SRC’s progress on various matters, for example, by visibly publicising the minutes from its meetings.
Thank you for reading!
James Richardson
Hi, my name is James Richardson; I’m a second year Politics and E.S.H student and hopefully this year one of your General Reps!
The past year I’ve been a QMU Fresher’s Helper and organised the events for the Politics Society. Through these roles I’ve picked up quite a few skills I feel would make me a decent representative in putting across your concerns and demands for change from the University management. I’ve also noticed this year that as a student body we are becoming more demanding of our University and want faster change (the University finally committing to divesting in fossil fuels has been a great example of this). If you want something from our University and aren’t getting it, I want to be able to argue your case.
As your Rep I will push forward on these areas.
- More accessible Student Reps. Properly advertising surgeries to voice concerns
- Continue the push for recorded lectures, being ill and not being able to attend should not hinder your education.
- Demand transparency on university finances. Do you know how much our Principle is being paid?
So I hope you’re on board, and please vote James Richardson on the 23rd October!
Oscar Schafer
Oscar Schafer is a third year Computing Science/Economics student, who served as the School of Computing Science Representative on Council last year.
We’re “supposed” to mention our suitability for the position. So you’ve probably heard the buzzwords: Leadership. Help. Involved. Experience. You get what I mean, there’s a lot of repetition. I have nothing against them – they’re all good. They help you vote – which is something you should. But I’m gonna cut it short.
Why would I want to do this for another year? It’s simple – it’s fun. That’s me being sincere. If in addition to that I can then lend a hand, Making sure that our campus improves while it grows, well then, that’s grand. And yes, I’m not even inclined to lie, This will land on my CV, to that I can testify. However, if that was its sole purpose and my only intent, The coming year would result in both you and me being discontent.
So do me a favour, vote for someone who enjoys the role, And maybe next year, you won’t have to use MyCampus to enroll.*
*Now, on the other hand, that’s a lie. MyCampus can’t be phased out in 10 months, unfortunately.
Julia Bambach
Hi! My name is Julia, a second year Law and Business student, and I want to be your International Students Officer!
Originally from Germany, I am one of the international students from over 120 countries who are studying at the University of Glasgow. I love learning more about different cultures and this has led me to join several societies which celebrate diversity on campus such as the German Society, African Caribbean Society and Japanese Society.
Additionally, I am multilingual as in addition to speaking German and English, I am fluent in Japanese as when I was 15 I spent an exchange year living in Japan. Learning the Chinese language is my current goal.
If elected, I will:
Represent international students and bring to the table the issues that are relevant to them and their particular circumstances
Work together with the many international societies to enable a productive cultural & social exchange between local and international students
Focus on improving the student experience in Glasgow for international students by giving advice and listening to suggestions
Our strong international community is one of the features that make our university special – let’s keep it that way!
Betty Bockova

Hello there, Alzbeta Bockova here. I’m a fourth year Psychology student running for International student officer.
Originally, I’m from the Czech Republic but I’ve also lived in England, France, Greece and Italy. This experience gave me a lot. I had the possibility to learn not just the languages but what is more important also the culture.
I believe there is nothing better about GU, than its international environment, where we all mutually learn from each other. The reason I have decided to candidate for this position is, that I believe the only way to go forward is together- as a one nation! There is no place for discrimination, racism or xenophobia! Thus, I want to actively strive and persevere in achieving this goal.
What is my resolution?
▪ Equality: Break the barrier between International, EU and home country students.
▪ Work together with the SRC to optimally represent international students, their interests and demands
▪ Endeavour to create a suitable environment where international relationships could flourish even more
▪ Try to represent not only the masses but also consider individual cases. Their interests and provide solutions for their issues, resolving them for the benefit of ALL.
同舟共济 大同小異
Guochen Cui

Firstly please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Guochen Cui, Christian name Keith. I hail from the North Eastern region of China, and have been studying politics at Glasgow University for the past three years.
During this time, I have witnessed first hand how students from different cultural backgrounds and who speak different languages live and study together. My driving ambition is for a better understanding and friendship for all of us, thus eliminating any form of discrimination and exclusion.
As the currently elected President of the Chinese Association, I have the necessary experience to act as a spokesman who will stand up and fight for the rights and privileges of International Students should I be fortunate enough to be the International Students Officer. My personal feeling is that International Students are under-represented in the University, I aim to help their voices to be heard, loud and clear.
If elected, I will:
- Promote collaboration between international student bodies, to strengthen the international student community.
- Assist the needs of International Students, both social and academic, thus improving their overall experience.
- Assist in events and festivities that cater to the international student population to further promote integration and mutual understanding.
Ameer Ibrahim
Hello, my name’s Ameer and I’m a 3rd year Accountancy student. Being of a mixed background, I am a strong proponent of multiculturalism and ethnic diversity, which is what UofG should stand for.
Reasons to vote me for this role:
• Direct work experience with the SRC, and a broad understanding of their role within the university.
• Further work experience at Citizens Advice, which has educated me on various political and social policy issues.
• Being an active member of various clubs and societies within the university, including Language Cafe.
Aims and objectives:
• Liaise with the SRC to find effective measures to improve international student experience.
• Communicate directly with international students to help resolve a broad range of issues.
• Wider consultation with policy makers.
• Frequent communication with clubs and societies to help advertise their activities to international students.
This year, around a third of the estimated 25,000 student populous at Glasgow are international students. This raises high expectations for the university. Every student should have the opportunity to utilise their experience during their course of study. If I am elected, I will strive for a Better UofG!
Jirka Prazan
International Students Officer Manifesto by Jirka Prazan
Hi! My name is Jirka Prazan, and I’m a second year Economics and Psychology student from the Czech Republic. Last year, I tried to get involved in everything I could find, and now I help to organise the activities of the Economics, Athletics and Malt Whisky societies. I’m from Prague, a very cosmopolitan city that imprinted its rich multicultural heritage on me, especially its significance for learning environment. I also lived in the United States, an experience that taught me much about representing my country abroad and now I wish to represent the large minority of international students at our University. Having lived through the various troubles of international students, from founding a bank account to trying haggis for the first time, I believe I can be of great help with these and more.
If elected, I will:
• Raise awareness about services available to international students
• Support and promote activities of the international societies
• Help with any issues of both EU and non-EU international students at our University and present them to the SRC
VOTE JP #1 International Students Officer!
Romain Ricchi
Hello, I am Romain, a French Earth Science 3rd year student who moved from France two years ago to live the dream in Glasgow.
Since I moved here I have been involved in the university life through sports and societies including playing water-polo, whisky tasting (I replaced my wine habit…) as well as being a member of the GUU libraries committee, an Editor for the G-You magazine and a Freshers Helper.
As a libraries committee member, I participated in running events everyday in Freshers’ Week as well as promoting these events. I successfully integrated into a new culture and I would strive to help others achieve this through an enjoyable university life. My goal is for every student to feel at home in the UK.
If elected, I will:
- Create a buddy system throughout the university. New International students would pair with current students.
Create a SRC international students guide to help students set-up in the UK. It would include information about the university services, the unions, shops and banks. It would be accessible on the website and on paper.
Promote university services to international students such as ‘Ask a Student’
Vote Romain #1 International Students Officer!
Ilkka Sippel

Hello! I am Ilkka Sippel, a final-year Politics and French student.
Having attended international school in my native Finland, the multicultural profile of UK universities was one the main reasons I chose to come here four years ago, and, ever since, I have enjoyed everything about it. I therefore feel passionate about making sure other foreign students have as fantastic a time as I have had.
Last year, I served on the GU French Society board as its Vice-President, organizing various events for a membership that comprised many exchange students. I have also served as an SRC Fresher’s Helper for the past two years, most recently in the capacity of a Deputy Team Leader. Finally, I spent my third year in France at the university of Toulouse. As this was my second time at university in a new country, I feel that I have a genuine understanding of the kinds of problems international students may experience.
If elected, I would
regularly liaise with relevant groups and societies
promote initiatives such as the Conversational English project
participate in organising events for international students
make sure their voices are heard in Council.
Caitlin Brennan

Mental health issues affect 1 in 10 people and, unfortunately, suicide is the second most common cause of death in young adults. Mental health issues must continue to be taken seriously.
I’m currently a final year medical student and during my University Career I have represented my peers in several areas; as a MedChir representative, in a leadership role in the GSUOTC and as VP of the Obstetrics & Gynaecology Society.
This is a role that I feel passionate about, and I will dedicate myself to improving awareness of, and support for, all mental health issues affecting GU students.
A separate specialised service – I would challenge inclusion of mental health services under the ‘Disability Service’ as I believe this limits engagement from the study body.
Reduce waiting times – The student counselling service is overwhelmed and requires additional staff, waiting times are currently unacceptable.
‘Yellow card system’ whereby students can summarise their support needs and present this to relevant staff. This will allow students to attend appointments without questioning or anxiety.
Information during fresher’s week – Include a short leaflet in the Freshers’ welcome pack to outline services available, alleviating the anxiety of those coming to university with existing problems.
Alistair Craig
I’m Alistair, a third year History student, and I’m running to be your Mental Health Equality Officer.
From my own experiences struggling with depression and anxiety, I know how difficult it is to get support and that the University can let down those who need help the most.
Our counselling system is underfunded and understaffed meaning that Glasgow has one of the longest waiting lists out of all UK universities.
With one in four students suffering from a mental health issue, I’m running to ensure that the SRC offers more support and campaigns to overhaul the way the University approaches mental health.
If elected I will:
– Campaign to increase funding to mental health services and reverse outsourcing.
– Hold more surgeries and events around tackling stress – especially near exams.
– Campaign for lecture recording in all subjects to help students catch up.
– Push for a standardised approach from all University departments.
– Raise awareness of eating disorders and campaign for more specialist services.
– Collaborate with other Officers to tackle mental health issues amongst postgraduates and raise awareness of gendered and sexual dynamics of mental health.
– Be approachable, easy to contact and handle issues with sensitivity.
Rowan Jackson-Stewart
Hello, I’m Rowan Jackson-Stewart; a 4th year veterinary student. I have a personal understanding of the impact that mental health issues can have on all aspects of life. As such I believe it is vital everyone knows support is available and where this can be found. I have supported friends through periods of difficulty and want to ensure every student knows where to turn to for help.
If elected I aim to:
• Reduce the stigma of mental health around campus to create a particularly strong, supportive university environment.
• Promote the importance of maintaining a general wellbeing.
• Hold drop in sessions, particularly at the more stressful times of year, where students can come to speak and/or get advice and information on what services are available for them.
• Improve support for family & friends of sufferers of mental health issues.
• Work with school reps; ensuring they have everything required to offer the best possible support and guidance to the students in their faculties.
I am enthusiastic and approachable and love to chat whatever it may be about! I am willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that every student feels truly supported and confident during their time at Glasgow University.
Elliot Porter

Im Elliot and I’m a fourth year Philosophy student.
If elected, I hope to work closely with the Disabilities Officer and VPSS to represent the mental health and wellbeing interests of all students, the particular interests of students with mental health issues, and to raise awareness on campus both of mental wellbeing issues, and the support available.
I intend to:
Raise awareness on the nature of mental ill-health, and tackle stigma.
- Work with the GUSA welfare officer to advise all students of good self-care and lifestyle practice.
- raise awareness of what support is available through CAPS, GUSA, GUMW and other bodies.
- work with Philip Quinn to ensure CAPS is being run as effectively as possible
- provide direct representation of students registered with CAPS on university committees, with a view to the creation of a Mental Health/Wellbeing committee.
- encourage colleges to find pastoral care solutions that are effective to their specific needs, and provide mental health first aid and awareness training to chief advisors.
- work with GUSA and GUMW to support Starfish and the creation of similar peer support programs.
- through the SRC, facilitate Mental Health First Aid and Awareness training to board members of both unions and student societies.
Rebecca Scott
I’m Rebecca and I’m studying Law. After my own struggles I have been determined to change the attitude towards mental health. At school I set up a support group and I’ve become a young ambassador for Eating Disorder Charity B-eat. I’ve given talks all over the country and I would speak out strongly against discrimination. Becoming the SRC Mental Health Equality Officer would be perfect for me because it’s dealing with issues I am so passionate about.
This role is about being a voice for everyone, we ALL have to look after our mental well-being. I would like to see more support for those who don’t feel ‘bad enough’ to seek help. Everyone deserves to have their mental well-being looked after. I would also like to see more ‘safe places’ around campus for anyone who feels they need a quieter space for lunchtime where they could go with friends if they wished. I would like to help with campaigns, educate students as well as staff so that there is a better understanding and introduce ‘support buddies.’
If you want to remove stigma, see real changes and have someone who really cares representing you, then please vote for me!
Henna Vartiainen
Hi! My name is Henna and I am a second year psychology student. I am running for this position because I want to raise awareness of mental health issues: As I have suffered from mental illness, I know how much it can decrease the quality of life and cause unwanted isolation and loneliness. As a Mental Health Equality Officer, I would like to make sure that everyone suffering from mental illness gets the support they need.
However, good mental health does not only mean a lack of clinically diagnosed mental illness. For example, some students might find it difficult to adjust to university life, and for foreign students adjusting to another culture might seem like too much to handle. Even though the university has plenty of psychological and mental health support systems available for students, often these services are not used because of the fear of being stigmatized. As a Mental Health Equality Officer, I would
• Aim to reduce stigma towards people with mental illness
• Raise awareness of student well-being and mental health problems
• Promote the mental health support systems available for students and try to make them more approachable
Give voice to students’ concerns regarding mental health issues
Hugh Roberts
I’m Hugh, an American Studies MLitt student, and I’m hoping to be able to fill the void in postgraduate representation that we’re currently stuck with at the University. Having done my Undergraduate degree here as well, I’ve got a wealth of experience which I believe makes me the ideal candidate for the role. I already work in the office and Welcome Point at the SRC and, on top of that, I sat on SRC Council last year as the School of Humanities Representative. Within this role, I sat on University Senate and worked to improve the provision of careers advice for students within the School of Humanities.
This year, I’d like to work towards ensuring that postgraduates in the College are properly provided for within the plans for the new campus; we’re already facing issues whereby research students are being relocated into inadequate offices, and I want to make sure that, going forward, all research students are able to study in a suitable environment. Postgraduates have been lacking in adequate representation here for a long time, and I’d like to help develop the support networks that already exist, and improve the links between the SRC and the postgraduate community.
Amelia Mordas
Hello! My name’s Amelia, I’m a PGR student within the College of MVLS and I’m hoping to be your No.1 MVLS Postgraduate Convenor.
My experience within the SRC is that of being an SRC PG ambassador, and recently participated in the development of the University’s next Strategic Plan. This is just the beginning of what I aim to be involved in. My goal this year is to build a strong relationship between PG MVLS students and the University Council, and build upon the fundamental existing interactions between PG students and MVLS staff.
I’ve been a student at the University for 5 years and I’ve helped in the running of many student societies, one of which is currently being set up, aimed at PG MVLS students. I believe these experiences will help me deliver exceptional PG student representation.
My voice will become your voice within the University and together our views will be heard and acted upon at the appropriate level. Every suggestion and opinion is valuable so never hesitate to express your ideas or concerns to me.
Let’s make this year one that truly can make a difference to the MVLS PG student experience. This is our university!
Ruth Brown
Hey everyone.
I’m Ruth, an Equality and Human Rights MRes student in my fifth year at Glasgow.
Previously, I have been involved in many social and academic aspects of student life here – for example, I was President of GU Amnesty International and I worked with teaching staff on faculty-student partnerships to improve students’ input to teaching methods.
Having used the SRC to take on campaigns started by myself and other students, I have seen how influential the Council can be in changing how the University meets students’ needs. Now I want to be the person who is responsible for doing exactly that.
If elected, I will:
• Establish regular PGT student forums at the Gilchrist Postgraduate Club so that students from all Colleges can share their views – whilst drinking the best coffee on campus.
• Actively seek recommendations from students for improvements to PG services and suggestions for new services.
• Communicate with PGT students so that they know exactly what I am doing and how they can get involved.
• Provide support for all matters including academic, social, welfare, and the needs of international students.
• Meet with individuals and attend meetings with class representatives as well as other SRC PG representatives.
Liene Astica
Hi, my name is Liene and I am a second year Genetics and Chemistry student running for the position of School of Chemistry Representative. I have worked with the SRC as a Freshers’ Helper which has been an invaluable experience and provided me with the practical knowledge and insight into how the Council functions.
I hope to continue my involvement in bettering students’ experiences at Glasgow University through representing their views, concerns and ideas during Staff-Student Liaison Committee meetings. I also aim to work closely with the College Convenor to ensure successful dissemination at every level. Through working closely with academic staff, class representatives and the wider student body, I will do my best to ensure everyone’s opinions are recognised.
I strongly believe that I have the drive to succeed in this role and do a great job.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Bethany Garry
I’m Bethany, a second year Theology and History student and I hope you’ll vote for me as your Critical Studies representative for this year.
Clear communication between the SRC, staff and student body is the primary role of the rep and one I would be happy and passionate to assume. My experience in societies on campus, especially as a boardmember of the Dialectic Society and the Isabella Elder Feminist Society, has prepared me to be an active and enthusiastic rep. I’m excited for the opportunity to work with class representatives and staff to give students of Critical Studies the best possible time at university.
My priority as representative would be to help Critical Studies integrate its diverse student body and to provide support for everyone. I would work to extend the amount of information available to students, especially regarding employment opportunities and study abroad. Also, I am committed to campaigning for lecture recording across the school, a practice which has proved successful in numerous other schools at Glasgow. I hope to continue to theQ&A sessions for first and second years to ask questions about honours.
I hope I have your vote!
Fiona Ross
Hello! My name is Fiona and I’m a second year English Literature student. Having been a class representative last year, and attended departmental meetings on behalf of English Literature Level 1, I have already been actively involved in the feedback process.
As your school representative, I will be looking to conduct a review of the way English Literature lectures are accessed, and would conduct a survey to get a clear idea of student support for recorded lectures, before presenting my findings to both the English Literature department and the SRC. I will also be pushing for a fully-functioning Moodle app, with a synchronised timetable and full access to course pages when used on mobile devices. Further, I will seek to gain signatures from the head of every department in the School of Critical Studies to guarantee tablet-friendly Moodle resources to facilitate their use in lectures.
I have also completed a year of English Language, and one of my main concerns would be to conduct a survey of Level 1 in this subject, to ensure that the right balance is being struck between English Literature skills and those looking to complete a degree in English Language.
Emily Cottrell
Hi, I’m Emily Cottrell, a second year Geography and Earth Sciences student and I would love to be your next Geographical and Earth Sciences representative.
Over the past 2 years I have co-lead a youth group out-with the University and this year was a SRC Fresher’s Helper, in which my team was awarded ‘Team of the Week’.
Through my experience with the SRC during first year and after being a helper, I have come to understand who the SRC are and the many ways in which they help and support students throughout their University career.
As your representative I would aim to ensure that all assigned essay topics are relevant to the course and have been taught prior to their due date. I would also continue to encourage further communication between class and school reps. I am very friendly and will be happy to meet up with anyone (generally over coffee!), or answer any emails regarding problems with the school.
If I am elected I will try my best to represent every student within the school and to be their voice on the SRC council. All the very best with your studies and thank you for your consideration.
Kirstin Leslie
Hello! I’m Kirstin and I’m a fourth year Virology student.
Having worked with the SRC in two fresher’s weeks, my eyes have been opened to what an invaluable organisation it can be. From there I have also worked with the SRC publicity team to inform others on how they can benefit too.
As a board member for the GU Infection and Immunity Society for the past year, I know that many of our course-related societies need to grow and improve so that people want get involved earlier in their university careers. I believe I can help.
If elected, I will work closely with all of the school Class Rep’s to ensure that your voice is heard at the top level. The SRC are already working to improve Examination feedback and this is an area where I feel Life Sciences particularly needs enhanced. I will also work to keep you informed on what the SRC are doing and how you can get the most out of us, so that you can leave the university with more than a degree.
So please vote Kirstin as your No#1 School of Life Sciences Representative!!
Nandor Nemes
Hi, I’m Nandor (not the restaurant) a 3rd year Physiology student looking to represent you!
I believe students need to be heard and would benefit from the fresh pair of eyes I would bring to the Council. I see great potential in engaging more 1st and 2nd year students in their subject related Societies and would also like to run advice surgeries to help them make the right course choices. Another idea is to work with our school in conjunction with the library to get more course textbooks electronically available.
Before my studies, I worked in a homeless shelter, a lab and a hospital for a year which gave me great life experience and allowed me to start Uni with a mature student’s perspective. Also, as a sportsman, last year I joined the GU Boat Club where I was in the winning Novice Men’s Eight at the 2014 Scottish Championship. But now I’d like to engage in another passion of mine: representing our school.
Let me represent you because I’d love to take our voices forward in Council and School meetings. Don’t hesitate to contact me on and I look forward to hearing your ideas!
Fergus Taylor
My name is Fergus Taylor, I’m a third year medical student, and I’m hoping to become your School of Medicine Representative this year.
I’ve worked with Friends of MSF, a new charity this year (Aid for Rwandan Medics), as well as GUSA’s Mountaineering Club for the past two years. Now I’d like to work with the SRC to best support the School of Medicine and its students.
I’d like to;
• help increase the range of support, and promote its use, for students under stress both from exams and placements.
• help voice the concerns and views of students, and push the University to respond to them.
• be available for anyone, as a point of contact in the Medical and Dental Schools to approach, and listen to issues not focussed upon by the University, but affecting us all.
I understand some of the difficulties faced by many, if not all students, during the course of their degree – having struggled with the stresses of exams myself last year. And amongst other issues, I’m keen to promote a stronger support network within the University for anyone that needs it.
Kate Powell
Hello, I’m Kate, a second year Theology & Religious Studies/Philosophy student. Glasgow is a great city and the University is a fantastic place in which to study. Like all good institutions, however, the University always needs to embrace change and take on new ideas simply to improve its offer to the people who study here. One way it can do this is to listen to the views of students and to try to meet their concerns. Being an SRC Fresher’s Helper this year gave me a great insight into how effective the council can be in getting the views of students and promoting them to the University. My aim is to bring something fresh to the existing values of the SRC for all students concerned in the Arts faculty.
I promise to:
• Ensure that any opinion presented to me by students are heard by the student council and auctioned upon.
• Encourage more social interaction between students in their lectures and seminars.
• Ensure more study spaces are more readily available during times of high demand especially the exam periods.
• Work with the departments to ensure students get consistent and constructive exam and essay feedback.
Vote for me!
Lawrence Stewart
I’m in first year studying geography, French and German. I am hoping to be your new College of Arts Convenor.
Being new to the university I feel as though I can bring fresh opinions and views to the SRC this year. I am very keen to work with the students and staff to make the university an even better place than it is now. Last year at school I led the charities committee which involved a great deal of organisation and team work in particular with the co-ordination of Charities Week. I also helped with the organisation of all the leavers’ events which required good time management and patience.
If elected I intend to:
• Work closely with class reps within the College of Arts to ensure all issues that arise are listened to and dealt with as quickly as possible.
• Improve the current situation with lecture recording and encourage staff to allow students to record lectures to improve learning.
• Look at the potential for increasing the availability of study space on campus away from the library.
I am very approachable and a good listener and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.
Rachel Kerr
I am a returning student to Glasgow and currently in the first year of my course (medicine), having already completed a degree in life sciences. During my time at Glasgow I have experienced both the school of life science and medicine, which I believe to be an advantage for this position. I understand how the schools operate, and having been a class representative for four years I realise that problems can occur. I am highly motivated to bring about changes based on these issues arising, and believe I can do so efficiently. I have witnessed previous positive changes, such as the prevention of cutting the medical school library’ opening hours, and understand the importance of such decisions. If elected I plan to regularly liaise with all school representatives, get feedback from class representatives, and ensure that I am readily available should any student encounter an issue. I am passionate and enthusiastic, and believe this is a useful asset when delivering any issues to both staff and the council. I would like to see that students’ academic wishes are fulfilled and that their experience at Glasgow is maximised.