Spring 2015 Manifestos
Here are the manifestos for the accepted candidates in the Spring Elections 2015.
If you’re unsatisfied with the promises and rhetoric contained in each candidates’ wonderful prose, you’ll luckily have the chance to grill them in person at one of the two Heckling/Hustings Meetings:
- Non Sabb Heckling – 6pm on the 2nd March in the Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
- Sabb Heckling – 6pm 3rd March in Room 201, John McIntyre Building
Choose a candidate below to see the manifesto:
Elliot Napier
I’m Elliot Napier and I’m a mature student studying Central and East European Studies and Russian language. Here’s why I’d like you to re-elect me as your SRC Age Equality Officer:
I have been serving as Age Equality Officer on the SRC since October 2014. In this short time I’ve worked closely with mature students and postgraduates, hosted regular welfare surgeries and spoken up for students’ needs both at the SRC and in the consultations for the new campus. I’ve also helped a large number of students with individual welfare issues and connected them with the help they need.
If you re-elect me as your Age Equality Officer I will:
- continue to provide regular welfare surgeries and drop-ins
- better publicise welfare, financial and advice services so everyone can access what they need to keep happy, healthy and safe at university
- work closely with the Mature Students’ Association, Gilchrist PG Club and other societies on all age-equality issues
- continue to press age-related needs in the new campus development including increased nursery provision and appropriate space and facilities for mature students and students with children
For experience, passion and a voice for all, vote Elliot Napier #1 for Age Equality Officer.
Mhairi Harris
I am Mhairi Harris and I will be running for the position of Charities, Club’s and Societies!
You may remember me from last year when I held a General Representative position and thanks to last year, I now feel ready to take up a more challenging role. I have wanted this position since I first found the SRC, and feel I can bring a lot to the role as I am very involved in this aspect of student life. Therefore, I am ready to GO!
I believe that the council has done an amazing job, so I would like to continue that as well as build on some issues.
My aims:
- Be the most energetic person on council, I will not be afraid to speak up and represent.
- Raise awareness of how the SRC can help clubs and societies, rather than just purely for affiliation.
- Look into securing funding from other sources. Rather than just pressing the usual areas, I want to expand, ask anyone and everyone until someone gives in and says YES!
- Be someone people feel they can approach and work with.
VOTE: MHAIRI HARRIS #1 for Charities, Clubs and Societies officer!
Vicky Leigh
I’m Vicky, a 2nd year psychology student, and I believe that getting involved in activities outside our studies is an incredibly important part of the university experience. As the current Campaigns Officer for GULGBTQ+, one of the largest student societies at our university, I have learned to communicate issues surrounding the LGBTQ+ community and fundraise for related charities, which are skills I believe I could apply in this SRC role. I am also a committee member of oSTEM society and an active member of Amnesty International. My work in these societies has shown me how different societies work and how they can greatly benefit from support by the SRC. Throughout the year I have also been encouraging communication between related societies by planning collaborative events, this includes recently joining the International Women’s Week planning committee.
If I elected I will:
- Continue to support teamwork between societies, especially during SRC events such as Welfare Week;
- Encourage more involvement of societies in charity based SRC events;
- Support student media and encourage societies to use this media to publicise their events;
- Ensure all students find societies they are interested in, through the promotion of the Freshers’
and Refreshers’ fairs.
Lauren “Shoogle” McDougall
Hi, I’m Lauren “Shoogle” McDougall and I’m a mature student studying Scottish Literature.
I’m currently a student representative on the University’s Disability Equality Group which has given me crucial experience in representing disabled students and highlighting their needs at the highest levels, experience I will bring to the role of DEO. In my previous role as GULGBTQ+ President I was responsible for the welfare of a large membership giving me essential skills in sensitively handling individual issues and lobbying for a diverse range of needs. My experience makes me the ideal choice to represent you.
Elect me your Disability Equality Officer and I will:
- Push to implement a university-wide academic extension policy to ensure that all students with disabilities are treated fairly across all the schools and colleges.
- Promote the new Disabled Students’ Network.
- Press for wider staff training in supporting students with disabilities.
- Ensure that the needs of disabled students are considered at every stage of the new campus development.
- Continue the campaign for awareness of what the umbrella term “disability” means to ensure that every student gets the support they need.
For a hard-working and experienced voice vote Lauren Shoogle McDougall #1 for Disability Equality Officer.
Luke Evens
Hi my name is Luke, I am a second year Community Development student and I am running to be your environmental officer again.
Over the past two years, I have worked for Glasgow University Environmental Sustainability Team, Glasgow University Climate Action Society, the SRC Environmental Campaign, and People and Planet, a UK-wide network of environmental and social justice activists.
I have campaigned successfully for GU to divest from Fossil Fuels, ran several disco litter pick-ups, worked alongside GUEST for Go Green Week, organised many events for GUCA and supported environmental groups across Scotland with their Fossil Free campaign.
If elected:
My main goal will be to ensure that environmental sustainability becomes a priority for GU.
- I will continue to advocate for more carbon reductions, more biodiversity and green spaces on campus and especially in the new Western Infirmary, and more ethical procurement.
- I will campaign for GU to take part in the People and Planet University League 2016, the only UK league table to measure ethics and sustainability.
- I will establish a Green Action Fund, with the proceeds from carrier bag charges on campus and the local community. Anyone can apply to fund an environmentally focused project.
Vote for me!
Morag Deans
I’m Morag, a third year Theoretical Physics student, and I want you to re-elect me as your Gender Equality Officer. Most of you will know me as the present serving Gender Equality Officer or through discourse on both FemSoc and IEFS Facebook pages.
This year has seen great progress towards gender equality on campus. In my role I have been able to review the current staff Equality and Diversity training, draw attention to the University of Glasgow’s above national level of gender wage inequality, and assist in International Women’s Week organisation.
Being on the council has been great but it is only now that I have the momentum required to develop my goals further. This year’s aims are;
- i) Add trigger warnings and mental health issues to the E&D training completed by staff and students.
- ii) Review the Freshers’ helpers training and add it to the application process. This is to increase awareness of potentially vulnerable students during Freshers’ Week.
- iii) Pressure the Senate and HR to help enforce the E&D training. It is vital that staff- from tutors to management- is aware of student issues.
For these reasons, I urge you to elect me as your Gender Equality Officer.
Kerrie Morton
I’m currently a third year politics and economics on a year abroad in Canada. While I have loved my year abroad I cannot wait to get back to Glasgow and get back into campus life! In my second year at university I was president of the Politics Society and arranged many high profile events, some which focused on gender equality promotion and I would love to do the same again in my fourth year.
What I want to accomplish as Gender Equality Officer are:
- The continued introduction of gender neutral spaces on campus
- I would love to work more closely with the feminist societies on campus as well as those from GUSA, QMU and GUU as well as the other Equality Officers
- Promote gender equality in all societies and sports teams to promote gender equality and intersectionality throughout university
- Have a clearer message given to those living in residence in first year about consent and safe sex. This is something I felt lacked in my first year but something that is so, so important
Thanks for reading and if you would like to ask any more questions then please feel free to email me at kerriejmorton@gmail.com
Thais Ramdani
Hello, my name is Thais Ramdani and I’m a second year Psychology student running for Gender Equality officer.
I want to fight for gender equality as it is something that I am passionate about, and seeing discrimination makes me want to take a stand. We live in a society that believes doing something “like a girl” means not doing it right, and there is something fundamentally wrong with that.
I have had experience with the SRC during Freshers’ Week and with the PR team, and if elected, I will:
- Make myself available to any student wishing to talk about issues they might face and direct them towards help.
- Work closely with other officers, such as the sexual orientation officer to tackle transgender issues.
- Help the unions create an environment free of sexual discrimination and harassment.
- Ensure that members of staff are not discriminating students based on their gender, whatever it may be.
- Engage with male students, who may also suffer from negative feminine stereotypes.
- Tackle the “like a girl” stereotype, because gender should not define someone’s abilities.
Gender is non-binary; it’s a spectrum. And it should be seen as such. Thank you for reading.
Milia Hau
Hi! I’m Milia Hau and I’m a second year Politics and History student. I grew up in Hong Kong with a bit of Nordic ties. I believe every student should make the best out of their time in UofG regardless of their background and this is something I will endeavour to achieve.
Why vote for me?
- Understanding of the role of the SRC, through experience as Publicity Officer of GU Amnesty, co-organiser of Support Democracy in Hong Kong demonstrations, and History class-rep.
- Direct experience with international students through working as a Student Ambassador at the International Office, understanding of problems international students may encounter.
- Being active in various clubs and societies on campus, including International Society.
Aims and objectives:
- Direct communication with international students to help with any issues, including the use of dictionary in exams.
- Encourage multiculturalism in UofG by aiming to extend the present clubs and societies publicity; especially GIC students who continue to complete their degree in UofG.
- Effective communication with clubs and societies to help advertise their events to international students.
- Liaise with the SRC to improve the international students’ experience.
Elliot Porter
Im Elliot and Im a fourth year Philosophy student.
If elected, I hope to work closely with the Disabilities Officer and VPSS to represent the mental health and wellbeing interests of all students, the particular interests of students with mental health issues, and to raise awareness on campus both of mental wellbeing issues, and the support available.
I intend to:
- Raise awareness on the nature of mental ill-health, and tackle stigma.
- Work with the GUSA welfare officer to advise all students of good self-care and lifestyle practice.
- raise awareness of what support is available through CAPS, GUSA, GUMW and other bodies.
- work with Philip Quinn to ensure CAPS is being run as effectively as possible
- provide direct representation of students registered with CAPS on university committees, with a view to the creation of a Mental Health/Wellbeing committee.
- encourage colleges to find pastoral care solutions that are effective to their specific needs, and provide mental health first aid and awareness training to chief advisors.
- work with GUSA and GUMW to support Starfish and the creation of similar peer support programs.
- through the SRC, facilitate Mental Health First Aid and Awareness training to board members of both unions and student societies.
Salim Al-Wasity
My name is Salim Al-Wasity, I have an MSc degree in Computer Engineering and now I am a PhD student in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I worked as a university lecturer for six years in Iraq before I came to Glasgow. I have communication and team-working skills. Also I have experience in academic quality enhancement and aware of students needs since I worked as a Quality Assurance manager for two years in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/ Iraq.
Regarding the postgraduate convenor position, I will try my best to solve all the problems which the students might face. I am very friendly, approachable and easy to talk to. I am easy to get hold of and can listen to students via various ways such as E-mails, Facebook, meetings and interviews. I am reliable and understand the importance of confidentiality and really enjoy helping people. I am sure that I will be able to meet and go beyond your expectations.
Georgia Charalambous
My name is Georgia and I am a fourth year student in English Language and, if elected as the President I want to raise awareness of the SRC’s activities so that students may get the full benefits of the organisation. These include help offered in different areas of student life and job opportunities that can enhance students’ employability. The SRC offers several paid and volunteer opportunities that I believe could benefit from an anonymised selection process, in order to remove placement bias. In addition I plan to hold the SRC accountable to the students it represents through tracking its funds.
Initiatives to raise awareness of the SRC
- Organise workshops informing students about the SRC’s activities.
- Raising the profiles of VP Education, VP Student Support & VP Student Activities; many students don’t know about their existence within the council but yet they, along with the President, hold both a crucial and paid position.
Initiatives to enhance student and SRC communication
It is important to give students alternative ways to express their views of the council and their student experience. I propose the implementation of anonymised complaints/suggestions forum or a box at the SRC that would allow students to express their concerns without having to reveal their identity. This would help students who feel intimidated talking to someone in person or submit a formal complaint. I would further appoint all the sabbatical officers to go through the complaints, identify common issues and deal with them appropriately.
Initiatives regarding the transparency of SRC practises
- I’d like to implement the anonymisation of job applications within the SRC for paid and voluntary positions to ensure that recruiters are not subconsciously biased by factors such as gender, ethnicity and any potential relationship with the applicant. Such an approach could be implemented initially within the Student Representative Council and later in GUSA, GUU, and QMU. As the founder of Don’t Let Your Name Decide for You! campaign, me and my colleagues have researched and presented biases in recruitment and the benefits of anonymisation to all the Student bodies.
- I’d like to make a report of the SRC’s incomes/expenditures as this hasn’t been produced for the last 3 years. This would ensure a more effective use of the resources available to enhance the student experience.
My Past Leadership Experiences
- I am the Founder of Don’t Let Your Name Decide for You! Campaign and made a presentation towards the SRC, QMU, GUU, and GUSA about the importance of the anonymisation of applications.
- I have been a Class Representative for 3 years.
- Worked as one of the 100 students taking part in the Global Leadership Experience Programme hosted by the UofG.
- Senior Resident: such a position allowed me to better understand the issues students face.
- Assistant Venue Transport Manager in the Commonwealth Games.
Any questions or suggestions? Feel free to contact me at 1104198C@student.gla.ac.uk
Cal Davies
I am Cal (Caelum) Davies and I want to be your next SRC President.
I am incredibly proud of the way I’ve helped the SRC to grow over the past three years. As your Vice President (Education), I’ve met my manifesto promises: tackling engagement with class reps, working to improve feedback and increasing student interest in education policy.
My Experience:
- Three years experience sitting on SRC Council, including currently sitting on the executive, working full-time as your Vice President (Education).
- Playing an integral part in student consultations for the university’s campus expansion, which I’ll continue if elected as your President.
- Successfully pushed for the creation of both the School of Interdisciplinary Studies (Dumfries) and Mental Health Equality representative positions.
- Elected this year to sit alongside staff across Scotland on the Scottish Enhancement Leadership group.
- Strong involvement with campus societies, founding and leading two.
If elected, I will:
- Engage more with underrepresented groups. I’m already working hard with postgraduates and I’ll continue this whilst also expanding links with students living at home and mature students, by using social media and events, to ensure they all get the support they need.
- Continue the work started by the SRC this year to improve undergraduate research In organising the first Education and Technology Conference, I took a significant step towards encouraging undergraduates to engage with research outside of their dissertation.
- Cater to the needs of all students, including those outside of the West End. The University of Glasgow is not just Gilmorehill campus; it’s also Sauchiehall Street, Garscube, Singapore… to name a few! I’ve a great track record working with these campuses, and have spoken to them about what more the SRC can be doing to support their needs. I’ll fight for additional resources and expertise to help the SRC to represent Glasgow students wherever they may be.
- Fulfil the SRC’s pledge to reduce mental health stigma on campus. I’ll work with the Counselling & Psychological Service to aid with this goal, and also to help improve their service.
- Consult with all student bodies throughout the year, to continue the successes we saw in (re)freshers’ week. The same idea can be applied to student media, by communicating more with them we can encourage more cross-organisation collaboration, and help better inform the stories that keep us all in the know.
Next year is a crucial one: the Scottish Parliament elections and the Counter-Terrorism & Security Bill could have big implications on higher education in Scotland. We will also see a visible start to work on the University redevelopment and expansion. I am the best candidate to ensure student voices are all heard nice and loud, and to lead the SRC during this important time.
I know I have proven myself as an effective member of the SRC executive, I have always fulfilled my promises and most importantly I have proven my love and commitment to this organisation, and to fighting for us: the students.
Vote Cal Davies for SRC President.
Liam King

Hello, I’m Liam King the current SRC Vice-President (Student Support). For the past year I have been passionately representing the interests of Glasgow University students.
However this past year I have also come to see first-hand the extent to which the university operates as a business. Too often senior managers pay lip service to student views – side-lining them to make money.
The vision for the campus redevelopment has basically been decided. Where it hasn’t the University’s ‘consultations’ are hollow. Halls are a private company that refuses to listen to the SRC. Disability Service, Counselling Service, and Sport and Recreation are facing cuts whilst student numbers increase. There has been no real investment in these services and when there has been (Stevenson extension) the investment won’t keep up with demand.
The SRC in the past few years has failed to meaningfully challenge them. Instead we focus on ‘improving ‘around the edges. On the national stage the governments are squeezing students and ignoring their voice and we need to do more to make our voice heard nationally.
It is not all doom and gloom. This year we have started to recapture a more activist approach. If I am elected SRC President I will build on that and actually challenge the university.
It suits senior management for them to be unknown, I want to raise their profile so that students know who is runs the University.
If the University insists on operating as a business then we should know how fees are spent.
The SRC needs to review its governance and management so that council members are truly empowered and able to hold the Exec to account.
The SRC and the University should pay the living wage and anonymise recruitment.
The University is terrible at communicating with students. As they build the new campus it needs to change.
The SRC needs to change how it communicates with students. A full time communications officer: saving time, money and improving the openness of the SRC.
Cuts to Student Services threatens to undo all the progress Counselling and others are trying to make at a time of ever increasing use. I will challenge it.
The new Stevenson membership fee will be £120. Given how much sport contributes this is a terrible idea. I will campaign with GUSA to oppose this.
Challenge the ban on graduating with over £5 of debt.
Halls rents are ridiculous and flats are poor. The rents increase automatically each year. This needs to stop.
The council are indifferent to rogue landlords then blame students for the problems this causes.
The University needs to take seriously a commitment to sustainability beyond headline grabbing divestment.
Continue the national campaign we are developing with Scottish Government on consent
Challenge the University to commit to improve access for all.
For an SRC that stands up to the university please vote Liam King SRC President.
Lea Balint
My name is Lea Balint. I am a second year Sociology student, and I was born and raised in Hungary. Today, Hungary’s second largest party in parliament is openly racist, inciting hatred against the Roma, Jewish, LGBT, and several other communities. Over the last couple of years, I had to experience how my country turned to the far right, and how offensive discourse became the norm in a society which used to be a praised for its transition to democracy.
I understand what it feels like to be a target of discrimination, and how unfair it is to be valued even a tiny bit less for your ethnicity or religion (or anything else for that matter). I came to know what it’s like to have to fight for yourself.
I believe in the idea of multiculturalism. I know how important it is within the university setting, since it contributes greatly to the quality of our education and the type of people we become. I have a passion for equality, and I strongly believe that fighting to protect each other is our common duty. With your support, I want to make this university a safer haven for all.
Tracy Duah
Hello everyone!
I’m Tracy, a third year German student actively involved in promoting racial equality and cultural diversity, both on and off campus.
My experience:
- Having Ghanaian parents and spending my childhood in Holland and the UK, I have constantly been surrounded by cultural diversity. This has enabled me to have a better understanding of people from various backgrounds and helped me develop awareness of issues such as racial and cultural discrimination.
- As Intersectionality Officer for GU FemSoc, I was responsible for ensuring that those underrepresented in feminist spaces had the opportunity to express themselves. I also helped organise various events such as Hearing Voices; a series of talks where people shared their experiences as minorities in a privileged environment.
If elected, I will:
- Combat racism in all its forms on campus
- Have open surgeries for students to share their concerns about racial issues on campus
- Partner with all student bodies to ensure that racial discrimination is dealt with
- Promote events that celebrate diversity, such as Black History Month, international potlucks, etc.
- Work closely with other Welfare Officers to ensure that students are represented at all times
- Have workshops on issues concerning ethnic minorities, such as micro-aggressions, cultural appropriation, etc.
Aurora Piergiaromi
Hello everyone!
I’m Aurora, a 1st year Spanish & Public and Social policy student.
I’d be more than happy to be your Race Equality Officer, but to do so I need your help too!
I’m running for this position because I believe that race, cultural and religious discrimination is still a major issue in Britain. As a race equality officer, I’ll do my best to ensure that nobody is discriminated for his/her ethnic and cultural affiliation.
I attended school in Italy where I’ve always been active in student representation. I studied in the Netherlands as well, and volunteering in a youth exchange organisation helped me to develop an ethno-relative outlook and cultural awareness.
- Make sure that university and government’s policies for race equality are constantly applied and that discrimination is properly reported and monitored by the university;
- Raise consciousness about the officer’s role and current legislation in order to help students to denounce discrimination;
- Support and organise activities to promote cultural understanding and integration (also cooperating with clubs and societies);
- Help to create a friendly environment where everyone feels free to express their race, religion and ethnicity without being marginalised.
Mihaela Dimitrova
Hi all!
First of all, here’s a bit of info about me – my name is Mihaela and I am a 2nd year Business (obviously) student. You may know me as one of your, quite enthusiastic, Business and Management 2B reps.
Having been a class rep (and tasted the power!) I’ve seen how impactful this role can be. So I decided to level up and hopefully bring about greater change and improvement to our mutual pleasure, and a creative breath of fresh air to the program.
Here are my main objectives I would pursue if elected for the position:
- broadening our work opportunities internationally
- maintaining a smooth flow of information between students and staff
- ensuring marking transparency and feedback consistency
I hold the students’ best interest at heart and always strive to make every voice heard ! Having years of past experience as a class rep I hope to follow in Jan’s footsteps and make myself as approachable and helpful as possible. I believe my commitment to this role will enhance your experience at Glasgow Uni and turn it into more than a degree. Thank you!
Alex Pancheva
Hello everyone. I am Alex Pancheva, current 2nd year Computing Science student. I am a passionate, hardworking individual, and I would like to represent the School of Computing Science.
I have been a class representative for all Computing Science courses in first and second year, so I am familiar with the requirements of the role, and I am more than willing to work hard to achieve results. Furthermore, by being involved in different societies on campus, I have had the chance to get a better understanding of how much the SRC does for the students.
If elected, I will:
- Enhance the communication between the CS students, the staff, and the SRC.
- Make sure that the students know how to approach the SRC if they have any problems e.g academic appeals, deferred results, etc.
- Help first and second year students develop a better understanding of the university system.
- Aim to improve the way first, second, and third year curricula are structured, so the university furthers its academic excellence and students gain the most from their university career.
- Work together with the staff to ensure that both 1CT and 1P students are satisfied with the course outcomes.
Peter McCluskey
My name is Peter McCluskey and I am a first year BEd (Music) student, and I am running for the position of School of Education Representative. Prior to starting my current course I spent two years on the BMus.
If elected my main aims will be as follows:
- To address the discrepancies in school placements; from speaking to my course mates it’s clear that not everyone is afforded the same opportunities, with some having regular contact with a subject specialist, allowing for important professional feedback, while others receive little to no contact time.
- I will look to address the concerns that students have being placed in denominational schools against their wishes, and consult with staff about the possibility of establishing an opt-out choice.
- Increase dialogue between Education students and the SRC and main campus by establishing a noticeboard in the StAB where I will post updates and put contact details, as well as create a School of Education Facebook page for students of all years and courses to openly discuss concerns with each other, and allow me to collate them to bring to the attention of the SRC and course heads.
Thank you for your time!
Imran Hafeez
My name is Mohammed Imran Hafeez and I am a third year BEng Biomedical Engineering student. I have previously been a departmental representative during first year, which gave me a good understanding of how to deal with problems and situations that arise within class. This followed onto becoming the secretary for the Glasgow University Biomedical Engineering Society, which then led to being elected as President for this year.
Being an Engineer, with the deadline intensive life that we all live, I have noticed how limiting some of the resources may be for us. As a representative my goals will aim to solve the problems that we face as a result of this lifestyle. These include trying to represent the third year students and increase the stay time within engineering buildings for past 5pm. I also aim to represent the whole school by trying to provide heating facilities for food and drink within these building also, so those who stay away from the West End can have a diet of not just sandwiches. Finally, I will try to propose an increase in the availability of engineering software throughout the university, specifically within the main library.
Sarah Bacom
Hi there, I’m Sarah, a second year Geography and Sociology student and I would love to be your next Geographical and Earth Sciences School Rep!
Over the past two years, I have gained a multitude of experience that has prepared me for this role. During first and second year, I have held a Tutorial Class Representative position for Geography. In addition, I’m currently serving as the Treasurer of Oxfam, on the Committee of Amnesty International, and working with the SRC on a project to reduce sexual harassment on campus. I also work in the International Office as a Student Ambassador.
Through these roles I have learned how to ensure each voice of those I represent is heard, and effectively work with multi-body organisations, including the SRC.
As your representative, I would organise and foster peer to peer study groups to promote effective learning and greater student interaction. I would also seek better communication between class reps, myself, and the school’s staff to guarantee student satisfaction within their courses.
If elected, I will represent the opinions of each of you in the School by acting to the best of my abilities on the SRC Council. Thank you for your consideration!
Hannah Kay
I’m Hannah, a 2nd year Geography student, and it would be an honour to become your School Representative for Geographical and Earth Sciences. Born and bred in Glasgow, I’m passionate about education, representation and working together to achieve decisive change. We are fortunate to be part of an already fantastic school, but I believe there are improvements that can be made to further enhance the experience of GES students.
Over the past year, I’ve been lucky enough to be an SRC Fresher’s helper and a class representative. This has helped me gain better insight into our wonderful organisation and I would love to increase my involvement.
Serving on committees and public speaking has always been a big part of my life and I’m dedicated to listening to others and doing my upmost to see that any issues are tackled effectively.
If elected, I would aim to:
- Deal with the issue of inadequate lecture theatre space for specific year groups
- Tackle staff-student communication issues and hold regular drop in sessions for students to voice their concerns
- Work with academic staff to improve the level of exam feedback
- Establish cohesive support networks for students online
Thank you!
Aaron Martin
My name is Aaron Martin. I am a twenty year old Glaswegian in my third year of studying BSc Environmental Stewardship at the Interdisciplinary school in Dumfries.
I am currently organising an environment fair with several other students at the university.
The management of this project requires diligence, critical thinking and devotion all of which I believe I bring to it. My main task is recruiting for volunteers, therefore I engage with people and try to get them interested and excited in the project.
I like the Dumfries campus because it is small with a distinct ambience and social context. I am pleased that a position for a school representative at the Interdisciplinary school is available however, I am perplexed to why a position has not been created before. There is a detachment between the campuses where the students here feel isolated.
I am going to attempt to connect the Dumfries campus with the main campus and bring all the benefits that main campus students receive to the students here. Although 77 miles separates the campuses the students at the Interdisciplinary school should have their opinions acknowledged and their concerns voiced.
I want to be the guy to do that.
Cameron Hill
Hello, my name is Cameron Hill, I am currently in second year studying Zoology, and I’m running to be the next School of Life Sciences Representative.
I am currently the Men’s welfare officer for GULGBTQ+. This position entails cooperation, communication skills and organisation skills, all of which will come in useful for the role of Life Sciences Representative. Due to my role in GULGBTQ+ I have been able to surround myself with many people from a variety of backgrounds and have learnt a lot over the past year, especially in LGBTQ+ issues. I am a confident public speaker and would be a great voice for pupils in the School of Life Sciences.
If elected I would strive to make Life Sciences a more inclusive space for non-binary and trans students, especially in level-1 lab classes. I would work closely with oSTEM, a society which offers a safe space for LGBTQ+ STEM students, to ensure that a wide range of voices are heard within Life Sciences. I would also run fortnightly drop in sessions so students can come and speak to me in person about any particular problems they may be facing.
Thank you for considering me,
Scott Dallas
I’m Scott Dallas, a third year mathematics students. I’m running to be your maths and stats rep for the 2015-2016 academic year. I’m the current representative. In my time, I have worked in partnership with the maths and stats society to set-up a student run help room for 2nd and 1st years, represented maths and stats students at school learning and teaching committees and also represented the wider student body at the university learning and teaching committee.
I’m standing again because there’s still so much more I want to do, one year just isn’t enough time to fully realise it. If elected, I will continue to represent you at school and university learning and teach committees. I will continue to work in conjunction with Mac Soc to deliver exciting events and much needed support for students. I will bring class reps together to discuss issues within the school and within the university. I will develop a greater sense of community within the school, bridging the gap between year groups and between students and lecturers. Our time in university is a very crucial point in our lives; let’s make it the best it can be.
Hannah Curley
I’m Hannah, a current fourth year and last year I intercalated in Critical Care and Peri-Operative Medicine. I understand the different challenges that each year of medical school offers and feel confident in accurately representing all students, regardless of their stage of education.
I have held numerous roles throughout University. In first and second year I was the Glasgow BMA representative, representing medical students both locally and nationally and was involved in successfully lobbying the medical school to reimburse Inverclyde travel expenses.
For the last year I have sat on the SRC Council as Sexual Orientation Equality Officer. As an active member of council I have ran my own campaigns as well as contributing to SRC projects. I have organised on-campus HIV testing, the first transgender flag raising in Scotland, and I’m in the process of conducting a review of LGBTQ+ students experiences at Glasgow.
My year on council has given me invaluable insight into the resources available to students and council members. I want to use this experience to represent the views of medics with the school, improve communication between the school and student, and campaign on key issues such as travel expenses and welfare support.
Erin Ross
Hello, I’m Erin and I’d love to represent you during my final year studying French and English Literature.
My diverse academic background means I’m familiar with many aspects of your SMLC experience, from Level 1 German to Honours options, dissertations and the all-important Year Abroad. I’ve experienced the unique challenges of a beginners language course in Russian, and studying across two schools lets me see how SMLC fits into our university as a whole.
As a class representative I’m comfortable voicing student concerns and working with your current SRC rep. I understand and promote the SRC’s vital role on campus through roles as a Freshers’ Helper and publicity team member, and I’m actively involved in societies like Amnesty. Hopefully these experiences show the engagement with university life, enthusiasm and commitment I’d bring to this position.
If elected, I will:
- Communicate effectively with class reps and students
- Explore opportunities to work with international student community
- Improve support for students seeking work placements abroad
- Request teaching support for outgoing language assistants
- Advocate post-year abroad language support for two-language students
- Increase students’ engagement with SRC
I’m passionate about languages and I’m really proud of our school. Let me make it even better!
James Richardson
Hi! I’m James Richardson, and hopefully your next SRC School Rep for Social & Political Sciences!
This year I’ve really enjoyed being the Events Organiser for Politics Society, and being one of your General Reps at the SRC, pushing through with my manifesto pledges. I’ve been challenging the uni about why all lectures are not yet recorded, even though this was agreed and promised last year, questioning the current overcharging of students for substandard Halls, and campaigning for our lecturers to not suffer a pension cut, whilst top management pay continues to soar.
As your School Rep I would continue to push on these areas, and start getting on with these.
- Improve contact between the Class Reps. The Business School Rep did brilliantly this year on doing this, and I would like to bring in the workshops and conferences they have been organising.
- Ensure the migration from using the Turnitin system is smooth, and works in the interest of students in our School.
- Work with the Mental Health Equality Officer to improve the way our School handles mental illness. Currently we are poor at this. We need to ensure we have support in place, and have it properly signposted.
Tsveta Tsankova
My name is Tsveta Tsankova, a second year Politics undergraduate, and I hope to become your School of Social and Political Sciences Representative.
Having liaised with staff to promote students’ opinions as a class representative for Business and Management during the current academic year, I feel confident that I have the right skills to improve your time at Glasgow.
My plan is to:
- hold drop-in sessions open for everyone affiliated with the School of Social and Political Sciences to discuss issues as well as suggestions and work closely with the class reps;
- encourage the further development of the Career Resources Moodle page – it can be used as a platform for the promotion of employer presentations and internships suitable for students from the School;
- ensure that the lectures for the courses with the highest number of students continue to be recorded;
- work towards improvement of the quality of feedback for essays and any other assignments;
- co-operate with other school reps to provide proper support for students on joint honour programmes taking courses in different schools.
If you think I am the right candidate to represent and defend your interest, please show your support on 4th and 5th of March.
Iain French
I’m Iain, a third year Public Policy Student. During my time at university I have been heavily involved in the LGBTQ+ society. In my second year I held the post of Vice President, and this year I have had the honour of holding the position of President and I am passionate about LGBTQ+ rights, and feel this will more than equip me with the skills this role requires.
If elected I will:
- Continue my close relationship with the LGBTQ+ society – my role as Past President next year will give me a clear advantage to do this – and I will listen to the LGBTQ+ student population.
- Continue the work regarding Gender Neutral Toilets – focusing on the campus redevelopment and push for more GN facilities in the Gym.
- Build upon the work already done regarding Trans issues, and increase the focus on events like Asexual Awareness Week.
- Push for an LGBTQ+ space on campus.
I will be a visible and approachable representative of the LGBTQ+ community, and will endeavour to ensure that LGBTQ+ voices are heard loudly on campus and help us become a more inclusive and equal student community.
Viljami Yli-Hemminki
I’m Viljami Yli-Hemminki, a Finnish psychology first year student and I am running for the post of Sexual Orientation Equality Officer. I think I am the best candidate for this position because I have a long history of LGBT activism and personal experience after coming out in 2009. I completed the International Baccalaureate in Costa Rica where I was the founding member of our college’s LGBT society, which I lead for two years. I organized professionals to speak from HIV to transgender issues. I completed my military service as a combat communications private which has helped me develop my skills as a team player and a leader. Though I am from a religious background, I am myself an atheist, this has enabled me to understand and appreciate a conservative viewpoint without necessarily agreeing with it.
If I am elected I promise to:
- Promote safe sex and a more ready culture for getting tested.
- Work for a smoother integration into the LGBT community during Fresher’s week.
- To make sure that the T* doesn’t fade away when our rights progress at different speeds.
- To fight prejudice with in the LGBT community relating to ageism, racism and masculinity/femininity.
Kate Powell
I am the current Arts Convenor for the SRC and was elected in October 2014. In these five months I have had an opportunity to familiarise myself with the responsibilities of the role. I have met with members of the teaching staff, Senate members and elected student representatives and I have dealt with student issues regarding courses and credit issues.
As your Arts Convenor I have and promise to always:
- continue to attend all meetings and represent students at the highest level.
- work with school and class reps to help get the best course satisfaction.
- represent students in senate in order to get the student voice across especially in times of change.
- oversee the new Academic Advisory model and ensure its success.
- be an active part of the PR team and continue to promote the work of the SRC.
- deal with issues presented to me in an effective manner.
I am rerunning for Arts Convenor because I care passionately about this University and the Arts Faculty. My awareness of the issues and processes needed to implement change make me an ideal candidate for the position.
Vote for Kate
Fergus Taylor
My name’s Fergus Taylor, I’m a third year medical student, and I’d like to become your next MVLS Convenor.
This past year I’ve worked on council as your School of Medicine Representative – I’ve met with senior members of staff to help implement new welfare support, assisted charities organised by students, and represented the SofM in meetings across the university.
I’m applying as Convenor so I can assist the MVLS School Reps, support MVLS and its students, and further the benefits to welfare I’ve been working on in the SRC.
I’d like to;
- help increase the range of support, for students under stress.
- help organise the MVLS School reps to voice the concerns and views of students, and push the University to respond to them.
- be available for anyone, as a point of contact in the MVLS to approach, and listen to issues not focussed upon by the University, but affecting us all.
My time in the SRC this year has provided some of my most worthwhile moments at university. If voted for, I’d like to take the experiences I’ve gained on council, and apply them to this coming year, and I hope to better the MVLS for it.
Marc Vives Enrich
I am a 3rd year Molecular & Cellular Biology student who is looking to improve the students’ university life. My experience as a Class Representative both in 1st and 2nd year and being a Senior Resident in the University’s biggest Student Accommodation has given me vast experience in dealing with various problems, desk work and University’s Policies and infrastructure efficiently.
If I get elected I will use this experience to improve the state of the College by:
Firstly, work on finally getting a reading week as it has proven to give students time to relax and focus on their assessments, leading to higher grades.
Secondly, incorporate a box into Moodle where students can write down their concerns, problems, ideas and doubts for me to solve or to improve.
Lastly, reconfiguring the mail to split the Inbox into: Received for normal mail, Announcements for course work and Opportunities for public lectures, award contests and those extra events that fill in the student life and your CV.
If you choose to elect me I will work hard to meet your needs and represent you in both the SRC and the Senate to create a better academic environment.
Vote For Marc Vives Enrich!
Adi Childs

My name is Adi Childs. I am a third-year Mathematics student and I want to be Undergraduate Convener of the Science and Engineering College as I wish to take an active role in maintaining the university’s reputation for excellence and improving the College of Science and Engineering. I believe I am a good candidate for the role as:
- I am passionate about science and the SRC, having been a freshers’ helper and a member of the PR team.
- I am friendly, approachable and will listen to all students.
- I am used to responsibility and the running of societies as I have been PR Secretary for Glasgow Student Dance Society and involved in many other societies, including MacSoc.
- I am confident, good at putting points across in a clear, logical manner and making sure I’m heard, so will be good at speaking for students at faculty, council and senate meetings.
If elected I will:
- Strive to engage students in science and the SRC.
- Work with the societies that have science or engineering themes to help them thrive and grow.
- Run regular working groups to discuss issues students have within the college.
Oscar Schafer
We’re back for the second round,
And Muhammad Ali is nowhere to be found.
That’s probably good because I’m actually not that heavyweight,
But hopefully my SRC experience settles any debate.
Two years on the Council (it’s much thanks to you), has been rewarding and I’m still staying true.
So if you want to secure 24 hour access to labs as well as facilities,
Then casting your vote for me will hopefully secure those weekend tranquilities.
We shouldn’t forget that the university has a reputation for being flexible and open,
Well known from San Francisco to Copen(hagen)*.
Keeping this up should be a priority,
Ensuring flexible courses for a majority.
So if you agree with this,
Then please considering voting for me,
And we’ll together see how great our college can be.
*Closest place that rhymes with open
- Get the labs to be open 24/7
- Keep unique and flexible courses
Cathy Steeghs
Hello! I’m Cathy Steeghs, a third year History/Politics student hoping to be your SRC Social Sciences Convener.
I’ve been a council member for the past two years; first as International Students Officer and currently as the Social and Political Sciences School rep. During my time on council I’ve sat on university-wide bodies including Senate and Learning/Teaching Committee. At university I’ve engaged thoroughly with student life, through involvement with activities such as debating and IEFS I feel I can confidently communicate students’ interests.
As a School Rep, I’ve helped coordinate the organisation of feedback and develop course feedback mechanisms at all levels. I’ve taken the initiative to increase awareness of alternative study spaces outwith the library, I hope to expand this to Social Sciences focused ‘pop-up’ spaces.
- Promote good practice across the college of increasing availability of online resources
- Continue to actively oppose the threatened University ban on translation dictionaries in exams
- Advocate for more detail and transparency in marking criteria across the college
- Ensure the collaboration of class reps and school reps. Together they make the most direct feedback for representation
- Coordinate regular, college-wide drop-in sessions for any help and advice you need.
Vote Cathy #1 Social Sciences Convener!
Ruth Brown
I’m Ruth, an Equality and Human Rights student and the current SRC Postgraduate Taught Convenor. During my term on Council I have contributed a huge amount to supporting and representing students both at ground level through student engagement forums and at management level as an elected member of the Student Support and Development Committee (SSDC) and the Council of Senate. I have also taken over the responsibilities of the PG Convenor for the College of Social Sciences, as the position became vacant.
As well as fulfilling all my pledges as PGT Convenor, I have:
- Used my position on SSDC to oppose the proposed ban on the use of translation dictionaries in examinations, resulting in the postponement of any decision by the Council of Senate, and the establishment of a working group with student representation to look at the issue in more depth.
- Been an active member of the SRC working groups for assessment feedback and class representatives.
- Facilitated sessions at the SRC Education and Technology conference, using staff and student feedback to highlight priorities for SRC academic officers.
- Co-authored a paper on staff-student partnerships in teaching and learning, advocating the benefits to students of co-assessment, and co-designing parts of the curriculum. I have also presented on service-learning programmes and will be co-presenting at the 8th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference.
- Been chosen to attend the Universitas 21 Student Leaders’ Network meeting in Singapore, and will be supporting students at our Singapore campuses.
I am running for VP Education because I believe that, since students are experts in their learning, our voices need to be given a bigger platform to express our views on how the University delivers education. If elected, I will:
- Form a committee of elected SRC academic officers, dedicated to continuing the work of the current working groups for assessment feedback and class reps, and other ongoing academic issues such as lecture recording and expanding pop-up study space to tackle overcrowding. The collective action of a committee would significantly improve the outcomes for students.
- Put students’ interests at the heart of the ongoing consultation on the multi-million pound development of the Western Infirmary site including the Learning and Teaching and Research Hubs. I will ensure that these spaces improve the student experience by providing a top quality and accessible learning environment, as well as being available for other student uses, such as clubs and societies.
- Continue the development of an undergraduate research programme offering paid placements to students conducting supervised primary research.
- Organise more conferences and forums for students to share their expertise with staff and other students, and allow for staff-student dialogue to improve teaching practices across the University. Key areas of interest are work-based learning initiatives, staff-student partnerships in teaching and assessment, technology-enhanced assessment and learning, and undergraduate and postgraduate research conferences.
- Increase student mobility between Universitas 21 partner institutions, focusing on demanding more international paid internships.
Vote Ruth #1 to make it happen!
Questions: 1003406b@student.gla.ac.uk
Gemma Gratton
Hello! I’m Gemma Gratton, a final year student, and I want to be your next Vice President Education.
What unites us all is that we’re all here for our education. This role is vital to your academic experience and I believe I’m the best candidate to fulfil the position. I’m approachable, enthusiastic and relentlessly committed to the SRC and improving the student experience.
- I’m currently the School of Modern Languages & Cultures Representative and have been active and engaged during my term, working with the school on several policy implementations e.g. revising the honours marking criteria and reworking course documents to diversify assessment methods
- I’m the SRC NSS & Publicity Officer, managing the PR team and coordinating the university-wide National Student Survey publicity campaign
- I sit on multiple university education committees including the University Learning & Teaching Committee, the most important forum for making students’ voices on academic issues heard as well as the E-learning strategy committee
- I have worked closely with the current VP Education all year, giving me valuable insight into the responsibilities and demands of the job
- Two-time Freshers’ Helper, most recently as a Team Leader, where I supported the VP Student Activities in running Freshers’ Week smoothly and took an active role in welcoming students to the university and the SRC
- Encourage wider engagement between the student body and their academic experience and crucially between class reps and the SRC. Academic officers should be communicating more regularly with class reps to better support students through any issues. Being a class rep should be something desirable that people want to get involved in – student feedback is crucial
- Redraw the current list of alternative study spaces on campus and publicising these better, especially during busy periods such as the exam diets
- Work with colleges to improve the availability of online resources as people are forced to the library due to lack of alternatives
- Continue to oppose the proposed ban on translation dictionaries in exams
- Look into ways to bring more innovative teaching methods into the university – flipped teaching, for example, massively increases engagement and independent learning and I have experienced for myself how positively students have responded to this
- Support the move towards diversification of assessment. The university is beginning to realise that not everyone thrives under the typical exam/essay format, and a more representative result of your achievement could be achieved through diversifying assessment
- Having already attended consultations on the development of the Learning & Teaching Hub and Western Infirmary site, I would continue ensuring that students needs are safeguarded throughout the planning process
- Bring the university closer to you: students should be the ones leading change at this university, and I want to be the person to facilitate this
We need to get out of the office and talk to people. Students know what works and what doesn’t and we are the ones who should be the mechanisms for change.
There’s no dilemma, vote for Gemma!
Ameer Ibrahim
Hello, my name is Ameer and I’m a 3rd Year Accountancy student. I am running to become your SRC Vice President Student Activities.
My introduction to the SRC began through its student volunteering programmes and activities. Over time, I became aware of the role student council had on campus – this eventually led me to become an SRC fresher’s helper. Experience with the logistics of helping students during their enrolment, and assisting with organisation of events, gave me a great appreciation of the work of the SRC.
After this opportunity I was subsequently inspired to run for council – I was eventually elected to the position of International Students Officer. Over the past academic year I have directly been involved with a number of initiatives and campaigns to promote continuing diversity, equality, and multiculturalism at the university. Interaction directly with international students to provide support on a broad number of issues has given me an understanding of the importance pertaining to active representation. The formation of the new international society (GUISOC) during Refreshers’ week in January was a great success. The huge turnout of the launch and subsequent events since, I believe is testament to the ever-growing sense of community amongst the estimated 25,000 student population at UofG. Refreshers’ week was largely my inspiration to run for VPSA.
My objectives:
- Enhance online channels with students by improving accessibility through social media to connect with the SRC and other cross-campus initiatives.
- Work to improve collaboration amongst the four student bodies across campus to discourage overlapping of events. Further to this, improve communication between clubs and societies to encourage joint activities and initiatives.
- Conduct a highly engaging Fresher’s week through: utilising resources to improve events, liaising with GUU, QMU, and GUSA, and increase overall promotion of events primarily via internet channels as a response from last year’s feedback.
- Work directly to promote voluntary opportunities including Movember, RAG (Raising and Giving), and further advise students of the various charitable endeavours available for them to participate with. I will also provide active support and encouragement to enable students to run their own fundraising campaigns and events.
- Engage with external organisations on an on-going basis to attain sponsorship for on-campus events.
- Increase recognition of the vast number of attributes acquired by active student participation with extracurricular pursuits – these pertain to: opportunities to develop a broad range of new skills, engage in thought-provoking political and subject-specific intellectual discussion, and potentially achieve a role on a society committee. This further learning and practical experience will substantially enhance the curriculum vitae of any graduate.
- Continue the work of the SRC by working alongside the university’s four student media organisations GUM, Guardian, GUST, and Subcity, to enhance promotion of events that take place during student Media Week, and throughout the year.
- Request that Canine Scotland return next year – ‘We want more dogs on campus!’
- Continue to work alongside SRC council to ensure that students receive the representation they deserve, and that their voices continue to be heard!
Domi Bacanskaite
Hey everyone! I am Domi, a third year sociology student, and I would love to be your next VP Student Support!
My experience:
- For the past year I have been the SRC Charities, Clubs & Societies Officer. I have been managing society affiliations and grant provisions, promoting teamwork between societies, and organised charity events. I had an opportunity to participate in 3rd Party Reporting of Hate Crime and PIPS Suicide Prevention trainings.
- For the past two years I have been a part of the GU Amnesty International committee, initially as an ordinary board member and then the secretary. Last year I ran our events for the International Women’s Week, and this year was involved in organising our two biggest fundraising nights, Jamnesty and the Secret Policeman’s Ball. When running our campaigns, I had a chance to communicate with people from a variety of organisations, as well as university officials.
- Over the past year in the LGBTQ+ society, I have run a workshop, started a coffee evening, and volunteered at the Human Library event. My involvement has provided me with the understanding of how important and helpful it can be to meet people that are facing similar challenges in their lives and made me realise how lucky I am to be a student at this university.
My aims:
- To hold regular drop-in sessions as a way to guarantee that students have a chance to discuss any issues that come up in a safe environment.
- To work on increasing the visibility of the services available to students, so that everyone knows where they can turn for support. This is especially pertinent to those studying at our Dumfries campus.
- To ensure that the Freshers’ Week and other events run by the SRC are inclusive and accessible for all, with particular considerations for disabled students, those staying at home, and mature students.
- To run workshops on sexual harassment and consent for every new student. I strongly back the campaign that is currently being developed by the SRC together with other organisations, and support the idea of such workshops being compulsory.
- To liaise with the Counselling & Psychological Services and ensure that student feedback is taken into account when making changes to the service, as well as be generally proactive about tackling the mental health crisis.
- To promote stress-relief activities. I would like to keep up having dogs on campus with slots available for students during stressful times of deadlines and exams together with the future VP Student Activities, and also run more events aimed at reducing stress, such as meditation, yoga, and morning exercise sessions.
- To cooperate with the Disability Service in tackling the isolation that disabled students often face as well as any other issues that arise.
- To ensure continuity by carrying on the projects started by my predecessor, and teamwork by supporting the welfare officers in their campaigns and having regular meetings.
I am hardworking, dedicated and have the experience required to succeed in the role. #VoteDomi VP Student Support!
Una Marie Darragh
Hi! I’m Una Marie Darragh, an English Literature and Theatre Studies student, and I’m running to be your next VP Student Support.
My experience
I have served on the SRC Council for the last two years: as a First Year Representative and currently as Disability Equality Officer.
I have always been active on council: I have run regular welfare surgeries, aided campaigns raising money for charity, ran the #stressreleaf campaign during Welfare Week, publicised student-related activities with the PR team and have provided personal support to a large number of students with individual welfare issues.
As a member of the Disability Equality Group, I have brought the needs, views and concerns of students to senior management and held them to account to ensure real changes are made for students.
I am working closely with the current VPSS to create a Disabled Students Network: – a Moodle forum that gives students with disabilities increased representation and a chance to interact with other service users in a safe space.
I am also coordinating the final week of the STAs, preparing to host a Capability Scotland fundraising event and working on a campaign to raise awareness of the various support available to students with different disabilities.
As well as these successful achievements, I’ve gained invaluable experience in leadership and advocating key concerns of students; all whilst gaining insight into the work the SRC does to improve student experience.
If elected I will:
- Work with Counselling and Psychological Services. I’ll build on my current relationship with CAPS to improve services and push for peer support training for staff and students.
- Launch the first Staff and Student Welfare Conference to present and develop new ideas together to support everyone’s welfare on campus.
- Push for condoms and safe sex supplies to be provided free in halls of residence.
- Deliver an engaging Welfare Week as well as expanding stress-busting workshops and events across the whole year, not just during exams.
- Push for mandatory Equality and Diversity training for University Staff. Only 44% of staff have currently completed it and this number needs to be higher.
- Ensure welfare and accessibility is at the forefront of campus redevelopment. I’ll work closely with senior management to ensure students are catered for with facilities such as gender-neutral toilets, quiet and family-friendly study spaces, prayer and reflection zones and space for clubs and societies.
- Make Freshers’ Week more accessible. I will work with the other student bodies to ensure that there is more focus on worthwhile daytime events and there is more provision for home students.
- Support the SRC Welfare and Equal Opportunities Officers. Ensuring they have the training and support they need to achieve their aims, actively representing their constituencies and working with students and societies to meet welfare needs.
- Improve communications from the SRC to make sure that all students are able to get the help and support they need.
Choose a strong, approachable and experienced candidate to represent your views. Choose Una Marie Darragh #1 for VPSS.