LGBTQ+ Officer
Spring Elections 2020

Indigo Korres Nte Paoula
My name is Indigo Korres (she/her). I am an international second year Film and Television student running to remain as your LGBTQ+ Officer for another year.
For years, I have been helping our community through LGBTQ+ activism. I am the current LGBTQ+ Officer for the SRC, the LGBTQ+ Rep for GUBAME Society, and an active member of the GULGBTQ+ Society.
Organising projects this year has helped me improve my skills through representing marginalised individuals. The LGBTQ+ Officer position is an amazing platform to effect change within our university. I will work closely with the GULGBTQ+ Society and LGBTQ+ students. If elected, in addition to the duties expected of me, I will:
- Organise awareness events.
- Push for societies to have to go through a Pronoun Pledge in order to affiliate with the SRC.
- Push for the anti-transphobia campaign I have worked on this year to be seen around the whole university and not only the Unions.
- Organise LGBTQ+ job opportunity fairs.
- Continue the work on LGBTQ+ POC issues around the University.
I would be honoured to be re-elected and continue to be part of such an invaluable organisation as the SRC is. #ChooseIndigo