School of Psychology Representative
Spring Elections 2020

Leonie Schorrlepp
Hi there, I’m Leonie and I’d love to be your school representative for 2020/21. As a class rep for the past two years I got to see that School of Psychology takes feedback very seriously, and psychology students give really useful feedback so that’s a good combination. But for the feedback system to work, we need good communication and strong advocates for students’ opinions. As a school rep, it’ll be my job to make sure your input is heard and used.
Moreover, the community withing the school, across the year groups has to become stronger. Because we don’t have that one building and that one common room like many other subjects, most first and second years don’t meet many of the staff or any people in the honours years. In addition to representing you and your study experience, my main goal for next year will be to increase the communication and community within the SoP. I’m a friendly, approachable person, a good communicator and I really care about your study experience, so I am positive that we will have a good next year together.