School of Social and Political Sciences Representative
Spring Elections 2020

Sam Bunker
My name is Sam and I’m a first year Politics & Economics student with previous experience on school councils. I am running for School of Social and Political Sciences Representative to raise important issues that prevent students from getting the most out of their time at Glasgow:
- Campaign for digital submission of coursework. Physical submission of coursework is a burden for many students, and I will push for the School to abandon this, in favour of digital of submission. Many other courses already accept coursework digitally, saving students and the university time and reducing the stress associated with rushing to print out and hand in coursework by the deadline.
- Continue to work the SRC’s lecture recording campaign. The university has made great progress on increasing the availability of lecture recordings for students. Many lecture theatres, however, lack the equipment or ability to record and/or upload lectures in a timely manner.
- Seek improved exam revision resources. I will seek for the School to provide more materials and clarity upon how to revise for exams and further clarity on the marking criteria for students.
Thank you for looking over my manifesto, I hope you will consider voting for Sam Bunker.
Matilda Franz
Hi! My name is Matilda Franz and I am a second-year Politics and ESH student from Germany. I have done work as a representative at my previous schools and have built the communication and organization skills necessary for the role as School Representative. Currently, I am Class Rep for ESH and a Peer Wellbeing Supporter within the School of Social and Political Science.
I want to be your School Representative because I believe I can contribute to better communication and greater transparency: between the staff of the different subjects, between staff and students, and among the students in the school.
In the role, I will continue to advocate for lecture recordings and paperless assignment submissions. These issues have been long called for and I hope to see them finally implemented.
Furthermore, I want examinations to be handed back online with feedback, so students can learn from their past mistakes and have greater transparency about their grades.
Apart from these school specific intentions, I will promote more inclusivity and better mental health and wellbeing provisions at the university. I also promise to always have an open ear for any and all of your wishes and suggestions!
Thank you for your consideration!