Black Lives Matter – University of Glasgow
What GUSRC is doing to support students and the BLM movement.

To all University of Glasgow students,
We have all been watching the recent events unfold in America and seen the brutal killing of George Floyd coupled with centuries of systemic racism spark protests and demonstrations across the world, including here in Glasgow. More people are actively engaging with the Black Lives Matters movement and once again there have been reopened conversations about racism and anti-blackness. We want to reiterate that GUSRC stands in solidarity with those calling for equality and have actively voiced our support for those involved in the ongoing fight for equal rights both in America and globally, and will continue to do so
Many students have been rightfully asking what we as the students’ representative organisation having been doing to address the issue of racism on campus and in solidarity with the BLM movement.
For many years GUSRC has been working constructively with the University around the issue of racism, which has involved discussions around addressing the Universities history with slavery, including the historic agreement regarding slavery reparations between UofG and the University of the West Indies. Your Council reps have been using their voice within the University to push for decolonisation of the curriculum and the wider University Culture. The University is gradually showing their support for this through new teaching initiatives, and showing their solidarity with students in the campaign. Our officers continue to work on ensuring that racism is tackled at every level of the University and have worked in close partnership with the UofG Equality and Diversity Unit to find the problem areas and develop plans on how to proceed, from how we conduct surveys, to interviews, to re-evaluations of reporting and supporting mechanisms. We will continue to work on reducing the BAME attainment gap which is unacceptably high and push for more diversity within our academic staff.
We must recognise that as an Ancient University, one that profiteered from slavery and British Colonialism, and one which was literally built on the former estate of a slave owner, we must do more and continue to do more to tackle racial inequality in our community and on our campus. GUSRC will continue to push for change and for Black voices to be heard at this University, though we recognise that there will always be more work to be done.
In a trying time where things are uncertain, we want to ensure we can support you where possible, be it as a student facing direct discrimination or as an ally. We have collated some resources and contacts below, as well as a link to the UofG Equality and Diversity Unit survey tackling racial harassment, in order to help you approach it from whatever angle you have.
To those of you out there protesting in marches or demonstrations, members of our council included, we send you our thanks and wish you safety and strength in your activities. We recognise that it may not be possible or preferable for everyone to be out showing their solidarity in person at this time, but we would encourage all students to keep signing relevant petitions and donating to BLM causes where possible. Collectively we all have a part to play in educating ourselves and being active allies in addressing racism, anti-blackness and white supremacy.
If you need more support, or have any questions, concerns or thoughts, please reach out – we understand this is a particularly concerning time for our Black students. We are here to listen and help where we can.
In solidarity,
Scott Kirby – President
Thomas McFerran – VP Student Support
Moni Serneabat Ungar – former Race Equality Officer
Collection of Resources Including Petitions & More
UofG Student Racial Harassment Survey
Our Advice Centre Page on Reporting Harassment and Bullying (We are a 3rd Party Reporting Centre)
List of petitions to sign
- BLM list of petitions
- Justice for Belly Mujina
- Teach British children the realities of British Imperialism and Colonialism
- Justice for George Floyd
- Justice for Shukri Abdi
List of funds to donate to
- George Floyd Memorial fund
- BLM campaign
- Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust
- Damilola Taylor Trust
- Ahmaud Arbery memoriam fund
- Belly Mujinga memoriam fund
- The bail project
Letter from the class of 2019-2020 of the Masters degree in Human Rights and International Politics at the University of Glasgow
- In English:
- In Spanish: