Interested in the Campus Development?
Get involved in the future of the University campus!

The SRC are forming a new student-led committee to engage and be consulted on the University’s campus development project – this committee will be titled the SRC Campus Development Committee.
The University owns fourteen acres of land on the Western Infirmary Site at the south-west of our Gilmorehill Campus.
Across this site, and more broadly across the existing campus, during the next few years over £1 Billion of investment will be made on the development. With new infrastructure that will include – learning areas, research facilities, state of the art technology, new study spaces, open spaces, and more.
This is an opportunity for you to get involved, and put your voice directly across to the University. By engaging in face to face discussions with those who will make the major decisions around the development, put yourself forward for this new committee.
All current students are eligible to apply, from Undergraduate First Years to Postgraduates, to ensure the student voice is heard and acknowledged!
If you wish to apply, please complete the application form.
Applications must be submitted by – 5pm, Wednesday 26th October.
We hope that you will take this opportunity to engage with our campus development, in a historic project that will enhance the physical infrastructure, learning environment, and the wider student experience at the University of Glasgow.