Please meet the new SRC Executive for 2017/18!
Today is an exciting day for us as we welcome our new SRC Executive for 2017/18!

We, the four elected Sabbatical Officers – President, VP Education, VP Student Support and VP Student Activities – represent your views across the University on a number of high-level committees.
We’re really excited for what we want to achieve in the year ahead and all have different ideas about how we can better the student experience here at Glasgow.
Some of our main priorities for the year ahead are to:
- Lobby the University to provide more early-intervention mental health support.
- Actively engage with underrepresented groups to create a more inclusive SRC.
- Push for mandatory lecture recording.
- Develop and sustain ‘train the trainer’ initiatives, such as Sexual Violence Prevention Training and Suicide Prevention Training.
- Address overpriced West End accommodation.
We will continue to support you and look forward to working with you, with University staff and Senior Management to improve the experience of the University’s current and future students.
If you would like to contact us individually please email us at:
Kate Powell (President) –
Hannah-May Todd (VP Education) –
Lauren McDougall (VP Student Support) –
Pritasha Kariappa (VP Student Activities) –
Our office door is always open, so please do drop by the McIntyre Building!