Pop Up Study Spaces, Spring 2016
Struggling to find a seat in the Library? We’ve put together a list of alternative study spaces to help out.

Can’t get a seat in the Library? Round Reading Room full again? Exams! They happen every year, but it seems like there’s never enough space to study. Luckily for you we’ve managed to wrangle some free spaces on campus that you can sit down in the warmth and study in. They’re all open 9am-5pm, from Monday 18th April to Friday 20th May. A full listing of the available large spaces for individual study and small (bookable) rooms for group study are available below.
Booking: From Monday 4th April, you can get in touch with the SRC Welcome Point to book the small rooms for group study. You can email enquiries@src.gla.ac.uk, phone 0141 330 5360 or come visit us in the John McIntyre Building.
Spaces available everyday |
Adam Smith Building Room 1115 |
James Watt South Room 375 |
Queen Margaret Union TV Room & Committee Room 3 |
Mondays | Tuesdays | Wednesdays | Thursdays | Fridays |
Large spaces for individual study | ||||
Sir Alexander Stone Building Room 208 |
Sir Alexander Stone Building Room 208 |
James Watt South Room 354 |
Gregory Building Room 109 |
James Watt South Room 354 |
Small rooms for group study (for booking enquiries contact SRC Welcome Point, details above) | ||||
Adam Smith Building Room 1103 |
St Andrews Building Room 368 |
St Andrews Building Room 357 |
St Andrews Building Room 559B |
James Watt South Room 361 |
Gilmorehill Halls Room 217B |
James Watt South Room 355 |
James Watt South Room 355 |
James Watt South Room 355 |
James Watt South Room 355 |
4 University Gardens Room 101 |