SRC Council 2014/15 update
An update on SRC Council 2014/15 membership

The following Council members no longer sit on SRC Council and therefore their positions will now be vacant, either until July, when their successors will take up the role, or until the Autumn Elections:
- Sarah MacDonald: School of Humanities Rep
- Bethany Garry: School of Critical Studies Rep
- Sarah Long: School of Education Rep
- Catherine Vallis: UG College Convenor of Science and Engineering
- Alistair Craig: Mental Health Equality Officer
These members have demitted office for a variety of reasons. The SRC has processes in place to ensure we still represent unfilled positions. The work in cases of academic officers will firstly fall to the positions line manager, the Vice President (Education), and for welfare officers to the Vice President (Student Support). From here a sharing out of the workload can be discussed and decided upon. In the case of School of Education, it has been agreed that Peter McCluskey will take up responsibility immediately.
Any questions can be directed to