SRC Spring Elections – #councilwins
Find out what our Council members have done to improve your experience at UofG to inspire you to stand in our Spring Elections 2018

If you’re thinking about nominating yourself for a Council position in our Spring Elections but are not sure what you can achieve in your year in office, here’s a list of some of the achievements our Academic and Welfare & Equal Opportunities Officers have made so far – positions YOU can stand for!
Academic Officers
- Gaining a satisfactory resolution with inadequate notice given to students on ASEP computing course
- Increasing the number of teaching staff opting into lecture recording to almost double in Semester 1 2017/18
- Working on peer support being rolled out in SPSS
- Leading and organising the first Aspirational Advice event for Psychology students
- Achieving a trial of a veterinary section at the main uni library
- Improving the opening times for tutorial rooms and the second year locker area at Garscube campus
- Encouraging teaching staff to provide sample papers for courses which were going to follow a new pattern in the December diet for students
- Organised Exam De-stress week events at Crichton Campus, Dumfries
- Establishing a working group of students on the new degree proposals in Earth Science whose recommendations were then actioned by the school
Welfare and Equal Opportunities Officers
- Organising the successful Black History Month panel “Glasgow’s Colonial Past” in October 2017 with 200+ attendance
- Establishing the Disabled Students Network with good attendance at events
- Increasing engagement with our international students with a successful International Pub Quiz with around 70 attendees
- Raising £162.27 during the MacMillan Coffee Morning
- Encouraging the creation of the Family Friendly Study Zone now in the library
- Attended a consultation at Scottish Parliament to discuss issues of disabled students in Scotland – the only student to be invited to the consultation
- Creating the Meet and Greet Team during Freshers’ Week so that all students would feel welcome despite their background
- Spreading the awareness of the “Pronoun Pledge” established by GULGBTQ+ and its’ importance to this community of students
- Organising litter picking in and around campus to help the environment and benefit the university’s local community
To find out what our full time sabbatical officers have done for you, check out our Sabb Blogs
Nominations for our Council and Sabbatical Officer positions close Friday 16th February at 4pm – visit our Elections page for nomination packs and all the information you need. Any other questions please email