Student Teaching Awards 2014/15

There are many great members of staff here at the University of Glasgow – this is our chance to recognise the outstanding work of those who have helped us.

Every year the Students’ Representative Council hosts the Student Teaching Awards – a chance for us to recognise the outstanding work of those members of staff who have gone above and beyond to make our learning experience, and student experience the best it possibly can be!


There are 15 categories we received nominations for and we are very pleased to announce the winners:

  1. Best Advisor of Studies: 
    • Linda Knox
    • Ann Gow
    • William Cushley
    • Suzanne McCallum (Winner)
  2. Best Support Staff:
    • Alison Bennett (Winner)
    • Tony Sweeten
    • Shazia Ahmed
    • MediaProduction Unit
  3. Best Teacher in MVLS:
    • Mary Tatner (Winner)
    • Matthew Walters
    • Helen Gadegaard
    • Stuart McDonald
  4. Best Research Supervisor:
    • Anne Bernassau
    • Victor Lally
    • Susan Waldron
    • Ashraf Ayoub (Winner)
  5. Focus on Employability & Entrepreneurship:
    • Gordon Curry (Winner)
    • Jacqueline Williamson
    • Dickon Copsey
  6. Best Teacher in Social Sciences:
    • Adam Tomkins
    • Konstantinos Angelopoulous
    • Matt Dawson (Winner)
    • Ioannis Thanos
  7. Best Postgraduate who Tutors:
    • Laura Eastlake
    • Thomas Betteridge
    • Gabriele Franchi De’Cavalieri (Winner)
  8. Outstanding Contribution to Teaching:
    • Dougal Campbell
    • Raymond McCluskey (Winner)
    • Scott Roy
    • Edward Tobias
  9. Best Teaching in Arts:
    • Stephen Burn (Winner)
    • Robert Cowan
    • Anselm Heinrich
    • Matthew Strickland
  10. Best Dissertation Supervisor:
    • Andrea Knue (Winner)
    • Michael Rapport
    • Dougal Campbell
    • Christoph Scheepers
  11. Focus on International Opportunities:
    • Seonaid Dodds
    • Ann Marie Rice (Winner)
    • Jane Cavani
    • Jim Murdoch
  12. Best Feedback:
    • Rosanne English
    • Rob Aitken
    • Susan Deeley
    • Victoria Price (Winner)
  13. Best Class Representative:
    • Kevin Stevenson
    • Conan Liang
    • Ayse Yaylali
    • Sophie Louise Ravenscroft (Winner)
  14. Best Teacher in Science & Engineering:
    • Jeremy Singer
    • Morag Casey (Winner)
    • Tim Dempster
    • Quintin Cutts
  15. Most Innovative Teaching:
    • Alen Owen
    • Adam Sylvester
    • Graeme Pate (Winner)
    • Stephen Sproules
STA 2015 Winners
STA 2015 Winners

We really did recognise the outstanding work that staff have done for us over this past year, and they were incredibly appreciative of it.

If you want to see the fun unfold, you are able to re-watch the ceremony here:

Once again a big well done not only to the winners, but also to all those nominated. Also, thank you to everyone who nominated, and helped out with the event.